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Final Fantasy VII Tips/Tricks

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Lady Aino

New member
Feb 12, 2007
For the last few weeks I've decided to replay FFVII but since I'm trying to get everything possible I've run into a few problems. So I was wondering if someone on here could offer me some help (afterall that is what I created this thread for)

Anywho...what I need to know is if there is an easier way to gain a decent amount of GP. Yes I know about the man who sometimes hides out by the entrance of the Gold Saucer and I know about the guy who will give you 30 GP the first time you successfully play Mog House. Well lets just say I've spent almost a half an hour running back and fourth for the GP man and have had no luck. And I've already gotten the 30 GP. I've also tried playing the games but I've yet to get GP from them. There's gotta be an easier way!!



New member
Mar 29, 2007
United Kingdom
from the start of the game u should buy lots of hypers, and use them on your team from the menu...there limit bars will rise quicker allowin u to get better limits early on in the game.


skipped leg day
Jan 11, 2005
from the start of the game u should buy lots of hypers, and use them on your team from the menu...there limit bars will rise quicker allowin u to get better limits early on in the game.

Hypers decrease your accuracy for normal physical attacks, they aren't worth using unless you spam limit breaks.

Sophia Esteed

m e l o d y . e x e
Jan 8, 2006
I see Mary Sues...they're everywhere. They don't e
I need help on trying to get Yuffie or Barret on the Gold Saucer date, as well as:
- Gold Chocobos. 'Nuff said.
- An effecient (sp?) way to get the Underwater materia so as to nullify the time limit against the Emerald Weapon.
- Ruby Weapon tips.
- What's this I hear about "strength overflow"? See gamefaqs.com for more info.
- Get all lvl 4 limits (I forgot....except for Aerith's one, but I need a surefire way to get that old guy to fork over Mithril!!)
- All ultimate weapons, except for Cloud's and Aerith's, those are no-brainers
- The safe #'s needed to get Vincent. (I forget...X____X)
That'll do fer now.


O_o a dancing Gaara
May 18, 2005
Rotterdam in the netherlands and in my house and i
- An effecient (sp?) way to get the Underwater materia so as to nullify the time limit against the Emerald Weapon
morph those ship things in the place before you get the sub at juno i think (your in a water tube ) and bring that thing you get to sameone in calm i think <<, not sure at all


skipped leg day
Jan 11, 2005
I need help on trying to get Yuffie or Barret on the Gold Saucer date, as well as:

Many of the choices you have in dialogue affect the "appreciation values" Cloud has with the other characters in Final Fantasy VII. Raise one high enough, and Cloud will go out on a "date" with that individual in the party's first trip to Gold Saucer. Only Aerith, Tifa, Yuffie, or Barret can go with Cloud.

To see all the different affection triggers, look here for Final Fantasy VII's Gold Saucer Date Mechanics.

- Gold Chocobos. 'Nuff said.

A guide to raising a gold chocobo can be found here.

- An effecient (sp?) way to get the Underwater materia so as to nullify the time limit against the Emerald Weapon.

In Junon's Underwater Reactor, morph the Ghost Ship enemy to receive the Guide Book. Give that item to the Kalm Traveler ( in Kalm ) to receive the Underwater Materia.

- Ruby Weapon tips.

There are many strategies, don't go without Final Attack - Phoenix.

- What's this I hear about "strength overflow"? See gamefaqs.com for more info.

I haven't heard of that term.

- Get all lvl 4 limits (I forgot....except for Aerith's one, but I need a surefire way to get that old guy to fork over Mithril!!)

Make sure your battle escape count has the two right most digits matching. Ex.: 688, 344, 199.

- All ultimate weapons, except for Cloud's and Aerith's, those are no-brainers

Barret's ultimate weapon: Missing Score appear in the area before the Hojo fight. Barret must be in your party for it to appear.

The more AP the Materia equipped on this weapon has, the more damage it will do.

Tifa's ultimate weapon: Premium Heart will become available should you return to the Wall Market's Item Shop after WEAPON attacks Midgar. You need the Key to Sector 7, which can be found in Bone Village.

The damage of this weapon is calculated by taking Tifa's Limit Gauge level times her Limit Level.

Red XIII's ultimate weapon: Limited Moon will be given to you by Bugenhagen, if you visit him in Disc Three with Red XIII in your party.

The more MP Red XIII has, the more damage it will do.

Cait Sith's ultimate weapon: HP Shout is obtained by checking the lockers ( 65F ) in the ShinRa building when you return in Disc Two.

The more HP Cait Sith has, the more damage it will do.

Yuffie's ultimate weapon: Conformer can be found in the sunken Gelnika.

The higher an enemy's level is, the more damage it will do.

Vincent's ultimate weapom: Dealth Penalty is obtained if you visit Lucrecia's cave with Vincent during your party at least once during Disc Two. Returning in Disc Three will grant you the weapon.

The damage is calculated by: ( [Power * [Vincent's Kills / 128] / 16] + 10 ) without factoring defense and elements.

- The safe #'s needed to get Vincent. (I forget...X____X)

36, 10, 59, 97.

Lady Aino

New member
Feb 12, 2007
About the safe thing make sure you do:

Right 36
Left 10
Right 59
Right 97

If you go over any of the numbers then the safe won't open. Not to mention you only have something like 30 seconds to open it ^__^ enjoy! It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. Sure it may take a few trys but like I said you'll eventually get it. By opening the safe and defeating Loss Number you will recieve the Basement Key (use this to get Vincent), Cosmo Memory (Red XII's final limit) and the Odin Materia.


I'm glad this thread has gotten some attention. To be honest I didn't think anyone would pay it any mind :]

Cid Highwind

The Captain
Jul 13, 2005
Aboard the Highwind
Anywho...what I need to know is if there is an easier way to gain a decent amount of GP. Yes I know about the man who sometimes hides out by the entrance of the Gold Saucer and I know about the guy who will give you 30 GP the first time you successfully play Mog House. Well lets just say I've spent almost a half an hour running back and fourth for the GP man and have had no luck. And I've already gotten the 30 GP. I've also tried playing the games but I've yet to get GP from them. There's gotta be an easier way!!

the very best way to get a lot of GP is to raise a chocobo and have it be really good run, and preferably S-ranked. When you win the races with your chocobo, you will receive a prize OR you will receive GP that is proportional to the prize you get. this means if you get a really good prize, you get the option of getting a good about of GP.


Bronze Member
Aug 8, 2004
It depends on the number of battle syou hvae. I believe you want the last two digits to be an even number, but the same number

Like 644, 722, 12,566 etc.

Lady Aino

New member
Feb 12, 2007
Before you go into the cave and talk to the sleeping man save your game. That's what I did. The first time I went he gave me the Bolt Ring so what I did was restarted my game, fought a few more battles, went back when the last two digits matched and TA-DA!! Mythril!! You just gotta do trial and error

Cid Highwind

The Captain
Jul 13, 2005
Aboard the Highwind
there's also an item glitch in the game. if you get the w-item materia the second time you go back to midgar at the end of disk 2, you will be to get an unlimited amount of any item if you have at least 2 of them to start off with.

first, you choose an item, then for the second choice, you choose it, but DON'T choose who to give the item to, then back out, then choose it, then back out. this will give you one more of the item each time you do this.

this is great glitch if you want unlimited megalixers.

Deleted member 35867

Hmm....how about getting everyone's limits except Aeris's (already mentioned) and Cloud's (win several battles in arena to get points to obtain Omnislash.....er...how many points again?)
32,000 for Omnislash.........64,000 for W-summon


Heh heh just registered today specially for replying in this thread, gonna try rememberign some tricks for the game in general

1- a way for you to gain loads of money can take some time at first but if you have triple growth weapons equipped and fight enemies that give you enough ap can be made faster and that is to master "all" materia seeling a mastered all materia gives you 1 million gills, i had about 5 mastered throughout the game that i sold and had the rest thrown in the inventory so didnt have a problem with money at all

2- a thing I've never seen discussed before in any walk throughs or forums is that if you morph any enemy on the sunken shinra plane you get a source power source, speed source, luck source, spirit source, and vitality source(if i remember correctly) and in case you dont know how to morph and enemy you have to finish him off with the move morph which is equipped via the morph materia, i maxed out clouds speed, luck, strength and vitality, the time attack bar was always full when hasted, most attacks were either miss or zero damage and all attakcs were 9999 damage wether critical or not

3-emerald weapon was way harder for me to beat than ruby weapon, not cause i didnt have underwater materia rather because of his attacks, in fact there was never a time when i lost to him that it was due to time, it was always due to him killing me, so make sure you dont go up against him with more than 8 materia equipped otherwise ur dead from one air tam tam storm as it does 1111+1111 times number of materia equipped damage for each character so equip each character with necessities only, i had two mime materias and knights of round with two stars, full cure, phoenix magic ups for yuffie and barret(to increase summon damage), speed up materias, and wall and haste(dont remember the name of the materias) all these materias were distributed to have 5 materia per charcter roughly, in addition to level 4 limit breaks for cloud, and barret, and level 3 limit break for yuffie cause one of them attacks many times so more effective than the limit 4 one when i fought him ready before the battle (that plus i had almost all of clouds status maxed out using the method i described above) i went in battle and cast wall and haste on all party members(there was all materia too), then used limit breaks to cause it to activate its shoulders, when it activates it shoulders you have to destroy them quickly before it can use air tam tam storm, so i used knights of round and kept miming it until i had to full cure one of the members, after doing that i kept improvising(either recasting wall and haste on any memeber that dies and doing normal attacks or limit breaks when they activate) till the shoulders where activated again then i used knights of round again and kept miming till i had to use phoenix to revive those that died and had to use two more omnislashes to finish him off, it took me if i remember correctly about 8 to 9 knights of round and 3 omnislahses along with normal attacks, and barret's and yuffie's limit breaks, once defeated you get an item which allows you to get maste materias from the town that was east of midgar

4- ruby weapon was a snooze in the park in comparison to emerald with me, as i had master magic, master summon and master command with me, so basically what i did was equip cloud with master magic, and master summon along with the w- summon, and 4x attack materia(dont remember its name its 2x first level and 4x once mastered) and i linked master summon with mp absorb, and i went in with the other two party members killed so ruby weapon wouldnt use the move which kicks out party members and id end up with someone either than cloud, so first thing i did was cast shield then haste, all attacks done against me were zero damage or miss during the time shield was on, if i got hit it reached about 4000 to 6000 damage tops which i full cured and had no problem with afterwards by using shield due to time attack bar being pretty much constantly full due to maxed out speed and haste, you can only hit ruby weapon when his claws are in the ground if im not mistaken, there i kept using knights of round from master materia(you can cast any summon infinite times with it assuming you have enough mp) beauty of casting knights of round was it recovered my mp by 1000 since i had it paired with mp absorb materia =D, so whenever i felt like recovering mp i just cast knights of round, now thing is i found the fight way too boring so i tried something different which was frankly a neighbours suggestion as he was getting bored too, he said why not cast something different anything like hades for instant im tired of knights of round, so i said why not cast hades and i did that with w summon twice consecutively, and the funny thing which i never noticed before and i have no idea if anyone else did or not is that if you see the description of hades is "always causes status changes", the aftermath of its use was that ruby weapon (and guys im not joking you try it for yourselves though it involves a high amount of luck too) was frozen, stopped, slowed, poisoned and asleep, so in short he was probably the funniest boss fight in the game for me

5-the numbers required for the safe were scattered one of them had two numbers if i remember correctly you had to scroll down an extra time on empty space to find it

Can't really remember anything much frankly but ill post whatever i remember here whenever i remember i guess, and those who dont believe what i say, can verify all this by trying that's all im gonna say in case someone calls me a liar or anything

Cid Highwind

The Captain
Jul 13, 2005
Aboard the Highwind
2- a thing I've never seen discussed before in any walk throughs or forums is that if you morph any enemy on the sunken shinra plane you get a source power source, speed source, luck source, spirit source, and vitality source(if i remember correctly) and in case you dont know how to morph and enemy you have to finish him off with the move morph which is equipped via the morph materia, i maxed out clouds speed, luck, strength and vitality, the time attack bar was always full when hasted, most attacks were either miss or zero damage and all attakcs were 9999 damage wether critical or not

is that right? i didn't know that. i guess i should try that out next time i play. good info.
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