I finished Final Fantasy 3! What are my thoughts? I had quite the experience. Like I said before this was my first turn based Final Fantasy game and it was a lot of fun. Different from the ATB system, and a bit more random with the strategy but still lots of fun. I heard in the original the four main characters are just blank slates. It kinda shows in the DS remake too because the four Warriors of Light didn't have much personality. They weren't blank slates but were limited to one trait. A shame since the opening showed all four with lots of potential. However, that doesn't mean I disliked them or didn't have fun with them. Quite the opposite. I gave them personalities of my own and it made these four among my fave FF characters.
Luneth: The silver haired leader. I gave him the personality of a young man obsessed with Gil. Every fight he would count the gil the team would make and would hate to spend any of it. The other members would have to force him to stay at the overpriced town Inn's and have to fight him over buying new equipment. Luneth was a gil horder, and admired Goldor's mansion for how how much investment the villain went for gold. He was a Dragoon because it looked goldish. He stayed a Dragoon once the class became available and was unstoppable.
Arc: The shy coward. I would have Arc always try to run away at the start of every battle early on in the adventure because he was a coward. The other members would randomly attack him during grinding sessions for his coward acts. Even in boss fights, Arc would take a turn to flee and fail. Over time he gained confidence and would never run from a fight, even when times called for it. He became a honorable and valued member of the team that everyone respected. Healing anyone with potions and defending teammates. He had great growth from a coward to a hero. Fitting that he became the Knight of the group.
Refia: Best girl. The personalty I gave Refia was amusing. If you talk to her dad he'll ask her if the team is feeding her. I decided to base her personalty on it. She was a hungry big eater of the group. Those Chocobos in the opening movie, where are they? Refia ate them. The Fat Chocobo you store items in? Refia ate it that too which is why the team never used it in my playthrough. Doga's summoning his Moogles to attack the group? Refia threatened to eat them. Any monster she gets the killing blow on she eats. That included Bahamut and Leviathan. I had to make her the summoner after eating them. Don't ask how she summons eaten beast. And lore wise she invented the devour ability in FFVIII.
Ingus: The fallen hero. Ingus was probably the most fun to make a story for. After leaving Princess Sara and his castle behind, Ingus goes to the dark side. He becomes a thief and steals from everyone, including other kingdoms. He raids everyone of their hidden treasures, unlocking doors, stealing and leaving nothing behind. Such a dishonorable person he's become. He was once so noble and just, but now he's a no good thief that evolves into a Dark Knight. Everyone is shocked at his change. However near the end he sees the light and returns to being a good person and Devout.
So yeah I had more fun with this Final Fantasy then I probably should have. It was hard at times but fun. The final dungeon was probably the most intense dungeon I ever played. Lots of bosses, no save points and only recovery after boss fights. It was quite the experience and even at level 61 I was having trouble with certain enemies. The final boss was probably one of the hardest final bosses I've ever done in Final Fantasy. Way tougher then the likes of Neo Exdeath, Kuja, Kefka, and Sephiroth. I was sweating bullets the whole Dark World segment. I love games that can make me do that.
My favorite aspect of the game is without a doubt the Job Class system. Final Fantasy V is my favorite in the series and it's mainly for the Job Class and how great it was. And while FFIII's Job system wasn't nearly as robust as FFV's It was so cool to see how the system first came to be. I actually saw lots of ideas in FFIII that FFV would take, polish and make better. So to me this game was important to the history of Final Fantasy and a worthy addition to the series. This is the first FF game I truly used Dragoon (Haven't played FFIV)
Sadly I couldn't do the Mognet sidequest because I had the DS version and you need Wifi. No Onion Knight, legendary smith, and superboss for me this playthrough
And that's my review of FFIII. Maybe it wasn't the best FF game but I would certainly play it again. Now I want to go back and play FFI and FFII Dawn of Soul remakes. Bring on the old school Final Fantasy's!
Edit: Also I'm team Xande! Why did Doga and Unei get the good gifts but Xande got mortality? Magus Noah is a jerk! He and Kuja should start a team.