So im wondering, who we will fight last in kh2? my guess is the EM or Diz, but we really do not know their intentions (if they are good or bad guys), so do u guys think there will be a "main" bad guy we fight at the end of the game?
keyblade wielder said:So im wondering, who we will fight last in kh2? my guess is the EM or Diz, but we really do not know their intentions (if they are good or bad guys), so do u guys think there will be a "main" bad guy we fight at the end of the game?
David Bartlett said:A wild, possibly foolish idea but perhaps it might be Mickey. I mean, it would be an unexpected twist. Kairi would be too easy in a fight, no matter who possesed her, for her to be the final boss. Riku is to obvious a choice so it wouldn't be him.
damn i was gonna say somethin like that. my theory was that at the very end u go to thier headquarters and then at the first level u have a member then u would keep on going up different levels and there would be another org member waiting to fight and so-on. and i dont think riku would be a final boss but possibly a boss a little before that like in KH1 when he had sorahs kebladeHybrid Keyblade said:<.<... You go to the end and its a huge layered map..with stairs..and you fight one member from The Org. at the end of each level..and that allows you to pass onto the next section