Besides the ones that have already been confirmed, what final fantasy cameo would u love to see in kh2
Themuffinman said:OMG guyz i wuld love a da Leon and da cloud in dis gaem, oo and wat if dee Aeris persun was in it... or mayB dat yuffie persun! oo, i gots da best0rz idea, wat if dat auron guyz was in da gaem!?!?!?! Dat wuld be da c00li0rz evaaaaaa!!!
the 4th Islander said:vivi and Zidane would be awsome! but they wouldn't have vivi in the game cause he looks too much like a heartless....pitty.
i totally agreeKnightflare said:Personally, I would like to see Tifa and Vincent. Tifa, because she seems like a very good fighter and it owuld make the story more interesting. And Vincent, because he seems like a very interesting person to have in the story.