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New member
Mar 7, 2009
I live in Castle Oblivion like any other nobody bu
Ok guys so I just finished kingdom hearts 358/2 days and I actually loved it, not my favorite kh game but I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to know ur feedback and opinions about the facts in the game that I hated!

1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

Thx guys I would love for you to actually gimme ur feedback about it, since ive seen in other threads such a bad feedback about I wanted to know why ;D


sans 911
Oct 8, 2008
1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

1) I think that was a great idea. Roxas wouldn't of wanted to go to Sora, and never did. Xion knew that so she had to absorb him and then absorb both of them back into Sora so Sora could wake.

2) True. It sucked.

3) Didn't mind much. We got 19 Characters to play as, Org. XIII, Xion, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy & Sora in Mission Mode. That was Enough to make it cool, except no WiFi.

4) Agreed

5) DS Capabilities for Cutscenes. Not enough memory. But it has the BEST Graphics ever seen on DS. But if we got a FM, and it was made on the card that is twice the size of the card used for Days, then we could get more Cutscenes.

No Drama? Yeah, the story moved really slow but when you hit around day 300 and it becomes all story, it's very dramatic for what we've seen in KH.

6) I liked the Weapons. The Panel System was really nice, imo. The lack of Optional Bosses is suckish, but what you gonna do?

Axel's girl1312

New member
Oct 29, 2009
Cafe Sangra
I love the game. But making you fight Xion I thought that was wrong becaouse people like her and who wants to fight her? I don't that's for sure. and the fact that they don't have really any talking other then when you have to read it all on your own was just Crazy.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Repetive missions and the pace the story had were my biggest complaints to Days. I didn't expect too many cutscenes, so I wasn't very disappointed.


Keep Holding On
Nov 6, 2008
Ok guys so I just finished kingdom hearts 358/2 days and I actually loved it, not my favorite kh game but I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to know ur feedback and opinions about the facts in the game that I hated!

1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

Thx guys I would love for you to actually gimme ur feedback about it, since ive seen in other threads such a bad feedback about I wanted to know why ;D

1. I liked battling Xion, especially the music playing with it.
2. Hate those missions!
3. That wasn`t so bad, but I kind of wish we could have played as Xion in story mode once.
4. They did get repetitive, but I liked it. Just could have used a bit more variety.
5. I imagine thats pretty hard to do on a DS, but I really wish they had used more voice acting.
6. I enjoyed all the weapons, the panel system, and enemies.

Overall I`d have to say I enjoyed 358/2 Days.


New member
Mar 7, 2009
I live in Castle Oblivion like any other nobody bu
I agree with you guys, but the cut-scenes and bad graphics are the reasons why I think this game would be insanely good if it was remade into wii or ps3, also i dont think xion was a good idea at all, i mean it gives the story meaning but u could easily skip days or just say there was a false keyblade wielder that roxas as an organization member had to defeat and there goes xion!


"Together... always."
May 25, 2009
1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

....that's like, half the game. XD

1. That made sense. She had to be destroyed, she knew it, so I don't see the problem. Besides, who did YOU expect to be the final boss?
2. Agreed there. x.x Pointless and annoying.
3. I only wish we could have played as Xion. But it was, pretty much, Roxas' story, so I didn't really expect to play anyone else.
4. They weren't so bad. Though they could use a cutscene or two, and less limitations on where you could go.
5. Oh, there was plenty of drama. XD But I agree on the lack of voices. There weren't as many cutscenes as I would have hoped.
6. I thought that made it more interesting. c: Cause you had to apply strategy. My only beef with the enemies were all of the heartless that looked like recolors of other heartless. The powers they had were challenging, but they could have looked better.

I loved Days. Xion has become one of my favorite KH characters; the voice acting was wonderful, even if it was few and far between; the weapons were very nice; the graphics were amazing, especially considering the platform; and boring places like Olympus Colliseum were actually challenging! Although, true, it's not the best one out there and doesn't have the quality that the main games have, I still consider it one of the best. A very fun and entertaining side story.


Oct 9, 2009
i was mostly disappointed,
the story seemed to just drag on, and on
to many repetive missions and enemies
and teh panel system was just idk meh.... i had more fun using cards in CoM.

the worest thing was the damn hp though :mad:


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
I hated the plot. So repetitive (Xion runs away! look for xion! xion is sad! comfort xion! xion faints! catch xion! over and over) and badly paced.

Liked the gameplay a lot more after I learned glide XD;

Key of Valor

The Professor
Oct 14, 2008
XIV-Lawliettre said:
1.- Final Boss, Xion

Not technically the last boss. The Xion battle was good though. It was interesting because it involved different forms and familiar locations. Xion was of an appropriate difficulty, though some of her moves were annoying. I was a bit disappointed though that there wasn't a battle against Xion is her normal form. The story surrounding the boss battle seemed a bit lazy though. She approaches Roxas all ambitious to absorb him, then she collapses saying that she is deciding to disappear... Xion's main problem in the story is that she was always so inconsistent, which the story surrounding her boss battle reflects. I got this feeling that the only reason Roxas really fights Xion is because KH'Days needed a strong boss battle near the end of the game, and because KH'Days needed an excuse to get rid of Xion to explain why she isn't in KH2.

XIV-Lawliettre said:
2.- Mobility-Luck missions

The collect the emblems missions? Those probably were my favorite missions since I love mapping things out to develop the quickest routes and most efficient results. I didn't much for the luck missions, but they weren't bad either in my opinion.

XIV-Lawliettre said:
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode

Playing as only Roxas isn't necessarily a bad thing on its own. However, since Xion is more involved with the story, it might been better if she was the main playable character instead of Roxas.

XIV-Lawliettre said:
4.- Repetitive missions

If you ask me, the missions weren't repetitive enough. The repetitiveness of the missions allows the player to experience the constant repetition Roxas had to endure while in the Organization. Repetitiveness is part of the feel of the story.

XIV-Lawliettre said:
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama

The lack of voice scenes wasn't so bad. However, I wish pieces of all the PS2 graphics scenes weren't released before the game was out. Seeing all those scenes gave me expectations to see more, but I was disappointed to find that the game didn't have any more PS2 graphics scenes than the ones already seen.

XIV-Lawliettre said:
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

I liked the battle system and gameplay a lot. The only thing I didn't like is that groups of foes were generally too similar to each other.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Trying to reach the Second Star to the Right.
Ok guys so I just finished kingdom hearts 358/2 days and I actually loved it, not my favorite kh game but I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to know ur feedback and opinions about the facts in the game that I hated!

1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

Thx guys I would love for you to actually gimme ur feedback about it, since ive seen in other threads such a bad feedback about I wanted to know why ;D

1. I only hate her third form. Her fourth form was just cool with the awesome music.
2. I just broke the jars then kept dying. My progress was still the same, anyway.
3. I was fine with that. I'd reather play as Roxas than play as Xion in story mode. And besides, we have mission mode.
4. Ugh! Tell bout it!! In hated heart collection and emblems! But I hate recon more. and I hate fighting the Emerald Serenade the most.
5. Lack of drama? I think it had too much drama with Xion around. As for the voice scenes, I had no problem with that. I just hate that the theater didn't contain the scenes with no voices.
6. I just hate the Dustflier. It's so strong. And I didn't really like the Keyblades.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Florida,USA, North America,Earth, Solar System, Mi
Ok guys so I just finished kingdom hearts 358/2 days and I actually loved it, not my favorite kh game but I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to know ur feedback and opinions about the facts in the game that I hated!

1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

Thx guys I would love for you to actually gimme ur feedback about it, since ive seen in other threads such a bad feedback about I wanted to know why ;D

1. I liked that. Because of how she looked it gave me a feeling of proof that Roxas can beat Sora.

2. The ones with the jars? I always got the correct ones so I liked them.

3. Obviously you were going to play only as Roxas since it is supposed to be Roxas' life in the organization.

4. Only hated recon, and I liked how after a couple of mssions I didnt have to learn anything new to take another one on.

5. Bull. There were a whole bunch of voice scenes for it being a DS game. Hell I was so pissed off by the drama I didnt give a shit about the Drama Queen/King.

6. I preffered them over choose which keyblade you use and try your luck as in the other games. Heartless and nobodies, no different from KHII


1.- Final Boss, Xion

It was good but Xion sucked for me as a character. Sue.

2.- Mobility-Luck missions

I have no personal issue with those.

3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode

A lot of story missions could have been cut down or condensed together into something along the lines of thirty to fifty missions. It was a waste of potential to not being able to play as all thirteen members of the Organization XIII during Days.

4.- Repetitive missions

I hated the missions. It could had been a lot better.
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama

What do you expect? It was for DS.

6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

One of the only good things about Days.


Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
I welcomed the decision to be on the DS - take it on the go and such.

I never thought the story was slow - I liked it, the whole day-by-day job deal.

The lack of cutscenes let me down, but there's always BbS and III.

Roxas was fine and dandy for me - we could always play the missions as whoever in multiplayer.

The missions were somewhat repetitive, but I didn't object.

The new mechanics and such were pretty unique - not as good as KHII, but better than Re:CoM.


Oct 25, 2006
Ok guys so I just finished kingdom hearts 358/2 days and I actually loved it, not my favorite kh game but I thought it was pretty good, I wanted to know ur feedback and opinions about the facts in the game that I hated!

1.- Final Boss, Xion
2.- Mobility-Luck missions
3.- Only playing Roxas in the story mode
4.- Repetitive missions
5.- Lack of voice scenes and drama
6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses.

Thx guys I would love for you to actually gimme ur feedback about it, since ive seen in other threads such a bad feedback about I wanted to know why ;D

1. I liked it, I was preety impressed overall.

2. No comment.

3. Not please at all about this but on the other hand I wasn't impressed with the lack of time that I got to see Marluxia.

4. I didn't mind, I guess it was to be expected.

5. Concidering the game took it's time to come out and would have took longer with the input of these scenes, i'm not so bothered.

6. Annoyed the hell out of me the panels did.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
i basically hated all of it except for 6.- Weapons, panel system, foes and alternative bosses. the pannel system was pretty cool.

overall, i'd give the game a 4/10 (it gets big points for multiplayer)

Yeah, I agree with you here. I liked... panel, pretty cutscenes... um... the weapons.... that's all I can think of right now.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I hated how Roxas didn't have that much combos!
and how you had to switch weapons to get like what 1 or 2 extra hits.
but yaah i love that game either way, very sad story.
I love the part wherew Xion dies and Roxas tears.
Sentimental and Cool [:
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