Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Personally, I liked the Lion Heart Keyblade since I like Final Fantasy VII and I liked the sound that it made when it attacked something XD
The Oathkeeper was my second favourite, cause I liked the design. Oblivion was to me just one of those "powerful" weapons that you get and makes you strong and takes the challenge out of stuff. xD So I mostly used the Lion Heart Keyblade XD
idk, when i think of a keyblade, KK comes to mind
and i like Oathkeeper alot...but i think my fave was Lady Luck. It was so cool looking, and gave you lotsa magic, and it shot hearts and clubs and aces into the air when you hit stuff >_<
I'll say Oathkeeper also, but I really liked Lionheart. Because you had to beat two of my favorite characters in the game to get it! Cloud, and Leon.. but Yeah, Oathkeeper made it easier for combo attacks.
dude ultima woulda ben so much cooler if it ditn have like the stuff flowing down the blade and ditn have a hand guard so it woudla looked like a normal blade
The Lionheart was pretty cool, and The Rumbling Rose was actually more powerful than it looks. But I love The Ultima Weapon. Killing enemies with one swing seems so natural.
I love the original. I also loved Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Lionheart and Pumkinhead ^-^
I would've said Ultima Weapon...but it looked bulky to me...it IS powerful but it was overdone i thought.