I might have not looked hard enough, but I don't think there's ever been a thread on this. We talked about favorite Heartless, Nobodies, Disney Boss, OG boss, but have we EVER took the time to just...get enamored in the very place you fight the bosses in? There're alot of memorable arenas where we fought our favorite Disney & OG bosses. You can hate a boss, but like the arena you fight them in, and vice versa. So let's start.
To start out, let's put them under 2 categories - Your favorite Disney Arena (The place you fight a boss or miniboss in a DISNEY world), and your favorite OG arena (The place you fight a boss or miniboss in an original world)
Let me start out with an OG arena. idk if this place has a name, but ima call it...The Castle Ruins lol. The battle arena in KH1 where you fight Dragon Maleficent & Xemnas.

There's just...something SO fitting and so...beautiful about fighting Dragon Maleficent in this place. The thorn and pipes in the background, and how they disappate with Maleficent after you kill her, and when the Deep End plays in the background? There's...REALLY no fitting place than the Castle Ruins, to kill what supposedly is the big bad of KH1.
Now for a Disney arena? The Ballroom, the place you fight Shadow Stalker/Dark Thorn in Beast's Castle.

I think Regular Pat emphasized my feelings about this place. I just love the concept of taking such an iconic location in a Disney film and then warped it into a twisted battlefield, and a playground for a Heartless that can manipulate the entire battlefield.

To start out, let's put them under 2 categories - Your favorite Disney Arena (The place you fight a boss or miniboss in a DISNEY world), and your favorite OG arena (The place you fight a boss or miniboss in an original world)
Let me start out with an OG arena. idk if this place has a name, but ima call it...The Castle Ruins lol. The battle arena in KH1 where you fight Dragon Maleficent & Xemnas.

There's just...something SO fitting and so...beautiful about fighting Dragon Maleficent in this place. The thorn and pipes in the background, and how they disappate with Maleficent after you kill her, and when the Deep End plays in the background? There's...REALLY no fitting place than the Castle Ruins, to kill what supposedly is the big bad of KH1.
Now for a Disney arena? The Ballroom, the place you fight Shadow Stalker/Dark Thorn in Beast's Castle.

I think Regular Pat emphasized my feelings about this place. I just love the concept of taking such an iconic location in a Disney film and then warped it into a twisted battlefield, and a playground for a Heartless that can manipulate the entire battlefield.