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Fanfiction ► Fate of A Hero: The Prequel to "The Road to Dawn"

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is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

continued from previous chapter:


"I see we are progressing. Has the king notified any response?" DiZ asked, looking over Namine's random sketches.

"Yes. He'll be here tomorrow." Namine replied lightly, interested in her sketch. DiZ nodded, then stopped.

"....What are you drawing?" He inquired. A small grin grew on Namine's face.

"It's a suprise," She responded. DiZ stared at the sketch longer. It had a shape, yes...but...of...a human? A female's body, that's what it was...

"You're interested, aren't you?" Namine pryed. DiZ coughed.

"Er, no." He lied. Namine smiled.

"She's a secret." She added. He showed her what she had so far. DiZ blinked.

"Who is that?" He asked, suddenly interested. Namine smiled once more.

"Secret. Remember?" She whispered, stroking the female's(?) silver hair and ice blue eyes, the only colored piece.


"Ok. From the beginning." Roxas drilled. He looked at Xemnas, signalling him to pay attention. Xemnas turned to Akira, confused. Akira sighed.

"Three days ago, I was on a mission at Twilight Town, alone. I ran into an Aerial Walker, and a big one at that, and I tried to fight him off. After I defeated it, two more appeared. They kept coming and coming, and I couldn't take them. One got me from behind, and the rest is blank." She repeated uniformily. She looked down.

Xemnas stared, mouth open. Roxas nodded.

"Yup. She's been acting as if nothing happened. As if her memory was...replaced." Roxas said, signalling to her. She looked up, confused.

"I'm fine, really," Akira insisted, gesturing to herself.

"I can see she is fine, physically," Xemnas remarked thoughtfully, "But we need to know what's going on mentally." He tapped Akira's head. She grimaced.

"Like I said. I. Am. Fine." She repeated. Xemnas ignored her and turned to Roxas.

"We need to talk. And Akira," He turned to her once more, "Tomorrow. Vexen's lab."

Akira pouted, and as if on cue, left the room in a dark portal. Xemnas looked down at Roxas.

"I think I know what's going on." Xemnas whispered. Roxas's eyebrows furrowed.

"You do?" He asked. Xemnas paced away from him. He turned his head to Roxas.

"I have reason to believe that Namine has something to do with this."


Bronze Member
Sep 10, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Now I get a better understanding. Nice job, Traskix!


braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Very subtle Krista xD The banner looks awesome! The chapter was awesome too :)


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 40

Akira sat on Vexen's lab table, aware of Vexen and Xemnas screaming at eachother, Zexion looking at pages in a science book, Axel turning away from the small gash on Akira's lip, and Roxas staring at her in concern. Yet...she didn't feel like she was actually-there


Why is everyone so concerned? What did I do? Why is Axel so...ashamed? Why aren't Roxas and Axel getting along?

Most importantly....why do I feel like I'm missing something?


"I can't rearrange what that witch has done!" Vexen shouted angrily, throwing his fists in the air. Xemnas gritted his teeth.

"Well you better find out soon mogrel, or I will personally see to it that you become a dusk." Xemnas threatened. Roxas looked at Axel angrily.

"This is all your fault. You hurt her beyond repair!" He whispered angrily. Axel narrowed his eyes.

"It's not my fault the girl ran away! You could have easily altered her opinion!" He retaliated.

After seconds of bickering, they turned to Akira, her eyes blank. She stared at nothing in particular, her mouth slightly open. She sat straight and still, with no intention, no fear.

"I think this is repetition of Sora's case, only instead of regaining memories," Zexion spoke up, shutting his book, "She is losing them." He walked over to Akira, then bent down to her eye level.

"Akira, how old are you?" He asked.

"Thirteen," She replied with no emotion.

"What color are your eyes?"


"What's your last name?"

Akira didn't answer. She shut her mouth.

"Where are you from?"

Akira opened her mouth, then shut it. Zexion nodded, then straightened his back, gesturing to her.

"She's being drained her memories, one by one." He replied. Then he turned back to Akira.

"Akira, who brought you here?" He asked again.

"Roxas." She replied blanky. Roxas looked down.

"And Akira, why are you here?" He asked.

Akira stayed silent for a few moments. Then she looked up at Zexion, as if she regained conciousness.

"I...I don't remember."'

Zexion looked back at the men. "My point is proven. She's only been here for forty days, and all of a sudden, she can't remember? Not a coinsidence."

"But how do we know it is Namine who is doing this?" Axel questioned. Vexen stepped up.

"I can find that. But I must borrow Akira." He looked over at the girl. Xemnas sighed.

"Go on." He replied. Roxas tensed.

"She'll be fine,'' Axel assured, putting his hand on Roxas's shoulder.


Dear Namine,

I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I cannot come to see you.

Why you may ask? I know exactly what's going on. And I have instructions for you seperatly.

Akira is losing her light. Namine, you are right. Now all you need to know is why.

I will find out myself.


Last edited:


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 41

"You might feel a small sting, but it's only the electricity entering your mind to show us you brain's intellectual and emotional readings, letting us..."

Akira breathed in deeply as his voice seemed to fade away. The sound of her breathing and heartbeat filled her mind, and she closed her eyes.

Zap. A little nudge in her temple. Akira flinched, crinckling her nose. Then she regained composition, finding her mind quiet.


"...know what's going on in your mind." Vexen finished. He hooked Akira up to a computer the size of a normal flat screen with thin wires. He connected those to a scanner, that connected to the screen.

Akira flinched. Roxas took a step forward, when Axel caught his arm.

"No," He whispered. Roxas frowned.

"Maybe we should leave," Roxas replied. Axel considered that for a moment, then nodded. The two left the room without a word.


Darkness. Nothing. First thoughts....

How I came to be....my parents...


Images of Akira's small memory of her parents flashed in the screen. Her mother's black hair...her father's warm smile...


What happened to them?


Almost like a photo, Akira's mind stopped on an image for more than three seconds. Her mother, her father, and Akira in her mother's arms, smiling. Akira's eyes were wide in wonder.

But...what color?

The picture burned through the middle.


My friends...they seem so..familiar...but...their names...gone?


Faint flashes of two teens passes through the screen. A girl with seemingly pink curly hair and a wicked smile and a boy with silver hair and piercing eyes.


Where I'm from....I'm from Hollow Bastion...aren't I?


Akira's mind went blank. Vexen, Xemnas, and Zexion all raised their brows. Vexen went over to a floating screen, then grunted.

"She's trying to remember certain things." He replied. Zexion nodded slowly. Xemnas did not move.



The Organization....


Akira's first day. Roxas holding her hand. How she burned Roxas's hand. Roxas, Akira, and Axel sitting on the clocktower for the first time. Roxas and Akira on their first mission.

Xane. Xane holding her up by the neck. Xane's green eyes flaring at her. Xane leaving her alone on a mission.

"Notice how her strongest memories are of Roxas and Xane..." Zexion mumbled.

"Namine could not replace or erase." Vexen replied.


A few days ag-



Akira turns around as she stands by the gates at the old Haunted Mansion in Twilight Town, fear in her eyes. Then, the image freezes.

"What's wrong with it?" Xemnas asked. The three stay still, waiting.




Flashes of fire and flaming chakrams go by in two seconds time. Akira summons her keyblade. Then...the picture fuzzes out.

It rewinds, from where Akira turns around. Two Aerial Walkers appear, and the fight Akira describes appears.

"Was that-?" Xemnas asked. Vexen nodded.

"Namine replaced it quickly. Couldn't erase because it caused her physical pain." Vexen explains.

Zexion looked over at Akira, his hand on his lips thoughtfully.


Blank. Why am I blank? I can't remember...


Akira opened her eyes.


braver by the minute
Jun 9, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

Really nice chapter! I wonder if Akira will ever remember...
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