Re: Fate of A Hero
*GASP* Dang that DiZ
*GASP* Dang that DiZ
(ahem) Excuse me, for not reading RD. (yet)Akira already has a nobody dum dum DUM!
That's only because, he was too ignorant to actually think about Namine and Roxas's feelings. However he was sorry for how he had treated them.damnit diz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody likes you! go away and leave akira alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too little, too late I guess.DiZ: Ha ha ha
Mickey: Ansem?
DiZ: I am a fool, I spent years studying the workings of the heart, but it seems I haven't learned a thing the beings in my Twighlight town were made from data of real people's hearts, I thought they would act siimply as I imagened, but I couldn't have been more wrong, a heart is beyound any mechanism, I knew that when Roxas and Kairi crossed paths, but Iwas to proud and ignorant to admit it. The same thing happened with Sora I had so many for when he woke up, but when he became an acting force they fell apart, all my research amounted to nothing to that one boys heart.
DiZ: All the more reason to prove that hearts cannot be contained, RUN MY FRIEND IT IS GOING TO SELF-DESTRUCT! AND ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN!
Xemnas: (appears) I was wondering who would dare interfere with me and my Kingdom Heart? And look here you all are, how conveinent for me, Ansem the Wise ... you look pethetic.
DiZ: Have your laugh, I deserve as much to fail to see the fool that you are.
Xemnas: Students do take after their teachers, after all if it wasn't for you none of this would have ever happened, it was your research that encouraged me to go farther than you ever dared, you are the source of all heartless.
DiZ: I regret, my reguards brought choas to more worlds then one, BUT WHAT WERE YOU SEEKING?! You erased me from the world only take my name and countinue reserch best left forgotten! Is this the answer you've been searching for?
Xemnas: All that and more, I'm creating a brand new world one heart at a time. I thought you'd praise me, but all you ever do is hold me back, I understand though, unlike me you have a heart, and you're powerless to control, consumed by the rage towards the student who surpassed.
DiZ: Xehanort ... foolish apprentice ... of a foolish man ... you have surpassed nothing ... only proven how little both know ... we're ignorant ... we may profest to know the heart but it's essence is out of our reach ... I believe any domain of yours, any worlds or your's would be an empire of ignorance, We've said enough! Riku you know what to do, King mickey my friend farwell and Roxas I doubt you can hear me but ... I am sorry.