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Fanfiction ► Fate of A Hero: The Prequel to "The Road to Dawn"

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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Re: Fate of A Hero

Intense, man those 2 need to chill b4 something bad happens 2 Akira. And if something bad does happen well I'll I'll!!
*clenshes fist at computer screen*
good chapter Bell

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: Fate of A Hero

Sorry to criticise, but no memory doesn't mean you die and before you bring up what marluxia said I'm going to say this. Sora after using HO was considered "a walking heart" because Roxas was his body and soul so if Namine erased Sora's memories his heart would be destroyen leaving him empty shell how Marluxia knew this is because he obviously put two and two together and realized who Sora. Heart + soul + body = completion. Heartless = hearts consumed in darkness. Nobody = Soul and body (feel free to shoot me). But besides that fact well done. DiZ's plan Akira's memoryies = ?. (Akria + destroyed heart = Nobody: Kiarax (Kia-ray) (Gives a sadistic smile)


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

DR, its ok, but I didn't mean it by that.

The memory thing was seperate. By that diz means that namine shouldnt have pulled so much memories because she was knocked out for a few days, and any more memory drainage couldve killed her etc etc...

this story isnt very tied to the game and I don't pay close attention to details like that, so sorry if i sound off or wierd (your cnc helps me make it accurate, thank chu)

and if you read the road to dawn

Akira already has a nobody dum dum DUM!

and thanks for the comments, guys. Max, dont do anything rash....
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Bronze Member
Sep 10, 2009
Re: Fate of A Hero

The two chapters are short, but pretty good anyways. I'm looking forward to more.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Re: Fate of A Hero

damnit diz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody likes you! go away and leave akira alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's only because, he was too ignorant to actually think about Namine and Roxas's feelings. However he was sorry for how he had treated them.

DiZ: Ha ha ha
Mickey: Ansem?
DiZ: I am a fool, I spent years studying the workings of the heart, but it seems I haven't learned a thing the beings in my Twighlight town were made from data of real people's hearts, I thought they would act siimply as I imagened, but I couldn't have been more wrong, a heart is beyound any mechanism, I knew that when Roxas and Kairi crossed paths, but Iwas to proud and ignorant to admit it. The same thing happened with Sora I had so many for when he woke up, but when he became an acting force they fell apart, all my research amounted to nothing to that one boys heart.
DiZ: All the more reason to prove that hearts cannot be contained, RUN MY FRIEND IT IS GOING TO SELF-DESTRUCT! AND ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN!
Xemnas: (appears) I was wondering who would dare interfere with me and my Kingdom Heart? And look here you all are, how conveinent for me, Ansem the Wise ... you look pethetic.
DiZ: Have your laugh, I deserve as much to fail to see the fool that you are.
Xemnas: Students do take after their teachers, after all if it wasn't for you none of this would have ever happened, it was your research that encouraged me to go farther than you ever dared, you are the source of all heartless.
DiZ: I regret, my reguards brought choas to more worlds then one, BUT WHAT WERE YOU SEEKING?! You erased me from the world only take my name and countinue reserch best left forgotten! Is this the answer you've been searching for?
Xemnas: All that and more, I'm creating a brand new world one heart at a time. I thought you'd praise me, but all you ever do is hold me back, I understand though, unlike me you have a heart, and you're powerless to control, consumed by the rage towards the student who surpassed.
DiZ: Xehanort ... foolish apprentice ... of a foolish man ... you have surpassed nothing ... only proven how little both know ... we're ignorant ... we may profest to know the heart but it's essence is out of our reach ... I believe any domain of yours, any worlds or your's would be an empire of ignorance, We've said enough! Riku you know what to do, King mickey my friend farwell and Roxas I doubt you can hear me but ... I am sorry.
Too little, too late I guess.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

*long sigh*

Ok....I finally wrote a new chapter. Hope its to you guys' liking.

Day 29

"She...she woke up?" Xemnas said in suprise as he carefully examined the girl in Roxas's arms. They were all in Vexen's labratory.

Roxas set Akira down on a lab table gently, and she looked around, dazed.

"Whats...wrong with her?" Xemnas asked hesitantly. Akira lookeed at him, eyes wide and mouth open like a child in a toy store. She played with something hanging from his coat. He smacked her hand away.

"Er...well..you see-"

"Well she-"

Axel and Roxas breathed in and out deeply. Axel stepped forward.

"She...she can't remember anything." Axel slowly replied. Xemnas froze. His face went red, hue by hue...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE CAN'T REMEMBER!?" Xemnas shouted angrily.


"Ok, do you remember your name?" Axel asked. Akira thought for a while.


"A-ki-ra." Roxas explained, feeling as if it were trying to teach a child how to tie its shoes.

"A-kee-raw," Akira mimicked. Roxas sighed.

"It'll have to do." Axel said, putting his hand on Roxas's shoulder as they stood at the foot of Xemnas's study.


"Yeah...er...I guess her rest cleared up a bit more than her stress-" Axel chuckled nervously. Xemnas looked like he was going to murder someone. He grabbed Axel by the collar, holding him up.

"This ruins everything!" He angrily flared, shaking Axel. "Do you realize we can't do anything about her? You, YOU-"

"We can fix it!" Roxas suddenly burst. Xemnas and Axel both turned to look at Roxas in unison, making a swoosh sound as their heads spun.

"We can?"

"You can?"

"Well...I think," Roxas stuttered. Xemnas let Axel go, dropping him. Axel scurried up, dusting himself off.

"Remember when I first joined? I was blank. But Axel...he taught me how to be-normal. We just need to...make her new. Like," Roxas looked at Akira, "She can start over. We can train her again...we can explain simple stuff-like talking and walking and such- and the rest she'll pick up on her own."

Akira giggled, and all three males turned to her, wondering what was so laugh-worthy.

"Ha ha, you have wierd hair," Akira said childishly, standing up from the table and walking over to Xemnas, poking his hair.

"Uh...well she got the walking down," Axel nervously remarked. Xemnas was still furious, but calmed down a bit as Akira walked around the room, looking and playing around with Vexen's things.

Xemnas sighed, and scratched his head.

"It's worth a shot." Xemnas replied solemnly, watching Akira with his icy eyes.

"She's human, Superior," Roxas assured, "She has a heart and a mind of her own. She'll be back to normal in no time."

"Hmph," Xemnas replied, walking away. Before leaving the room, he stopped.

"Keep her under close watch," He warned ominously, "We don't want the truth to be revealed." He looked back directly to Axel. Axel nodded.

He left the room.

"So....what now?" Akira asked, her voice high. Axel and Roxas sighed in unison.
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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Re: Fate of A Hero

wow.....dang now Akira can't remember squat, seems like they drained a lot of memories out of her.


is now a legit Black Belt in XMA.
Dec 30, 2008
Panem, District 1
Re: Fate of A Hero

Day 30

"Alright Akira," Axel said slowly, "Roxas is going on a mission with you today, ok? Do you understand?"

Akira nodded. Axel smiled lightly and walked away. Roxas came to stand beside her.

"Are you ready to go?" Roxas asked, pulling a strand of Akira's black hair from her face. Akira blushed and nodded.

"Well, let's go get our assignment." Roxas concluded, walking off. He stopped and turned to see Akira standing still.

"Are you coming?" Roxas asked, chuckling. Akira nodded again and caught up with him.


"Hmph," Saix grunted as Akira and Roxas stood expectantly before them. Akira kept staring at his scar...

"What are you looking at, child?" He asked harshly. Akira flinched and met eyes with him.

"What happened to your forehead?" She asked. Saix frowned and ignored her altogether, turning to Roxas.

"I heard." Saix grumbled. Roxas smiled sheepishly.

"Akira and Roxas, your mission today is to collect hearts in Twilight Town." Saix uniformily announced, a bored tone in his voice. Akira's furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's Twi-light Town?" She asked. Saix sighed and summoned a dark portal, Roxas leading Akira into it.

Saix suddenly looked up to see Akira's red eyes on him, a worried look plastered on her face.

Then she was gone.


Alright Roxas, Roxas thought, You've done this before. Just don't overwhelm her and you'll be fine.

They stepped out onto the warm and illusion Twilight Town, seemingly at Sunset Hill.

"Akira?" Roxas asked, looking around. How could he lose a thirteen year old girl in a black coat?

He quickly turned to look at the edge, and their she was. Then for a split second, Roxas lost his sanity.

Akira was...beautiful. Beyond that. Her skin was porcelain, her eyes so mysterious, her smile so enticing. She was different. She was...indescribable.

She stood still at the edge of the hill, and as if on cue, the wind gently tickled her face, and she closed her eyes, her all to perfect eyelashes over her light skin.

Then she quickly opened them, sensing Roxas's stare.

"Is something...wrong?" Akira asked, cocking her head to the side. Roxas blinked fast and blushed.

"Er...no, sorry-just- lost my train of...thought..." Roxas shook his head a bit, then stopped.

How can I be like this? He asked himself, How can I pretend to feel this, if I have no heart? Is it really all pretend?

"Erm, Akira?" Roxas tried to get her attention. She turned.

"Let's start by...summoning your blade."

Akira nodded, then looked at Roxas, a warm smile on her face. Roxas couldn't help but smile back. Quickly, he snapped out of it..

"Ok, now first, close your eyes and tell me the first thing that comes to your mind."

(lol i just need to put this.

Inspiration (well, kinda):YouTube - The Princess & the Frog - Ne-Yo "Never Knew I Needed" )


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Re: Fate of A Hero

Dang Roxas just......man I wouldn't say he lost his sanity more like he's definetly in love. I know he is especially after that.
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