Here we go, with Act V! It's not awesome, but chill, I'll compensate, I'll make the most epic Act VI for you people who actually bother reading this bullshit XD
Do note that "boomz" is a pun. If you look it up on the internet, you'll see it's related to something where I live in, Singapore XD
Opening Phase: Insurrection
Act II: Priority
Act III: Conflict
Act IV: Circle
Act V: Shattered(You are here)
Act V - Shattered
Castle Oblivion
His dual barrelled shotguns spining on his index fingers, 331 slowly walked to the center of the hallway, in complete control, standing between Xion and the exit. With a snap of his fingers the door to the exit closed.
"Why aren't you dead?" asked Xion. Her second stage armour should have been able to defeat nearly anyone.
Then again, 331 was the only one who had managed to defeat it so far.
331 laughed.
"You know what? I really don't know. I'm made from your memories in this Castle, so I suppose that's how your memories view me as: strong."
Halting the spinning weapons with his thumbs, he fired two volleys straight at Xion, who ducked quickly, avoiding the hail of bullets. Instinctively, she held out her right arm to summon the keyblade, forgetting that it hadn't come to her all day, and was pleasantly surprised when the glow of light materialised into metal. Swinging the heavy weapon, she deflected the next wave of bullets.
"Why are you doing this? Why can't you let me go?"
"You know, I really don't know. Why don't you ask your memories? According to them, you left me to die, so I bear a grudge against you. So I'm here because your memories wanted me to."
"But we had a promise, right?"
"Oh yes, your memories also gave me that. Also, what you fear about that promise."
Throwing one shotgun high into the air, he used his free hand, removing a snow crystal from his back pocket. Flinging it up, he lifted his right hand, and fired.
"Boomz!" he cried.
The volley of bullets tore straight through the crystal, splintering it into dozens of fragments, just like the promise behind it, falling out of the sky, still refracting the light shining through it into weird light displays, ever so dignified even in its death. And so the shattered fragments fell out of the sky, laying on the ground.
Running forward, Xion swung her keyblade out, which 331 dodged by ducking. Quickly, she kicked out, knocking the last gun out of 331's hand. Jumping up, she grabbed the shotgun with her left hand, shooting at him.
But he was already in the air too, going after the first shotgun he threw up. Folding her body backwards, Xion threw the keyblade at him, trying to stop him from reaching his weapon. He swerved to avoid it, and then swung outwards, grabbing the gun in his hand. He threw another round of explosive pellets at Xion.
"Now you're the only one that's alive, Xion. Even 357 is dead. Can you feel it? He's gone."
Indeed, the castle felt much more empty now. Riku Replica seemed to have disappeared into thin air. He must have died somehow.
A swirl of dark mass, then the gun dissolved from Xion's hand. She turned around.
"The thirst of the dead triggers the fear in the living. Do not shirk, Xion. We shall claim you for one of our own."
Dodging a hail of energy pulses, Xion spun around loosing a spray of ice crystals from her keyblade at the target swerving behind her, to no avail. 331 spun behind her, smashing her neck with his massive rifle, throwing Xion away into the distance.
"Ugh!" Spinning, Xion spread out her legs as she landed, absorbing the force, barely managing to regain her footing.
Jumping high into the sky, 331 hefted his rifle, taking careful aim at her.
"Take this!"
A massive solid projectile erupted from the cannon, flying at her. Pushing off with her leg, she leapt to the left, trying to evade it. Too slow. It struck her in the chest like a sledgehammer, the impact crashing her into the wall behind her.
A blue light disappeared from his rifle.
"Distort. Beam!"
A blue laser burst forth from his gun, warping the air that it passed through, aiming straight at the girl still unable to get out of the way. It struck Xion in her left arm, and the arm hung limply by her side. She was unable to put any feeling into it. She prayed that it was not really dead.
The beam moved, trying to get at her head, but she moved out of the way, and charged. Range only worked if the enemy was close.
Leaping into the distance, 331 took full advantage of his range, staying away, firing pulses at her. But two could play at that game. Dragging herself, she ran behind to the next corridor, using the wall as cover, shots echoing off the wall as it bounced off. But she was safe here. She hoped.
Silence. Ominous silence.
"Distort. Cannon."
In the distance, the voice rang out, and Xion knew she was in deep trouble. She leapt forward, ducking.
A massive burst of energy tore through the area where her head last was, carving a massive hole into the wall behind her, and even further on. It would have taken her head off if she had not been careful.
"Come out, Xion. I'm not in the mood for hide and seek today."
Suddenly, Xion dived out of the corridor, taking advantage of that slight opening. Sliding beneath the gun, she kicked upwards while pushing off with her arms, causing the gun to fly out of his hands. Moving over 331, she grasped his head with both her arms and spun forward, her desperation granting her strength, and 331 was sent flying forward, straight into the wall. She winced, her left arm overbalancing, as it could not provide enough strength to match the right arm. It was already a miracle it could even move anyway.
Leaping forward, Xion swung her keyblade out, straight at the target right before her.
Then she sloped sideways in her jump. Confused, she looked down, and saw that 331 had managed to kick her legs with enough force to spin her sideways. Getting to his feet quickly, he caught both her feet, then turned one full circle, releasing her to the opposite wall.
Taking the impact on her arms, she pushed off, landing a kick straight in 331's stomach, followed by a thunderbolt to the face. 331 dodged the lightning, leaping cleanly away.
"Is this it?" 331 taunted.
"Not yet!"
The device she had planted as a backup plan would soon pay off. Now Xion drew upon all the data it has collected thus far, forming the dark armour upon herself using what it provided.
From his hiding place by the side, the boy looked onto this massive battle. It has been awhile, she was dominating and all, but why can't she just win?
But really, she was not half bad. As the flames faded away, the girl tossed another card into the air, which faded away into the darkness, engulfing her in another wave. A huge black scythe swung out from somewhere in all that darkness, throwing the other doll into the wall, the oversized sickle stuck in his arm.
Really, that was a magnificent thing that emerged. She was like some ethereal spirit now, if it was Halloween she would definitely win the best costume prize. Anyway, she looked like some Grim Reaper substitute, floating in the air with a massive black torn coat covering everything, a massive scythe in her right hand. But now that couldn't really be called a 'she' now, it was more an 'it'. Even that left arm looked like some grotesque arm plucked off a chimera or something.
Raising that left arm, or rather, a claw thing, 12 blue will o' the wisps burst into the air, exploding into a circle of small flames. Two long ghostly hands shone through that light, the short hand at the 11 position on the clock, the longer on the 12. The longer hand moved forward towards the first flame in the cycle, and it faded away.
This was already her third form. Somehow, she had the ability to change forms in her armour here. It seems the other doll knows he can't win from the start, especially since the first thing she did in her form was to turn his huge gun into a card. Now he was running around, holding that card like it was a precious souvenir. The girl must have absorbed the changing ability of Castle Oblivion that alters with memories, each time she threw a card into the air she changed into a new form, which lasts about 5 minutes per form. For the first, she turned into some four-armed freak armed with blades that popped out in obscene angles all over those arms, with a shield even included on each arm. The second was apparently some demon of fire, at least her whole body was engulfed in flames anyway, with one huge large blade in one hand and a ridiculously long katana in the other, both seemingly striking with darkness, and spent all its time throwing flames of swinging those crazy swords at the other doll.
And now she was like some black reaper with a clock ticking above her head? Ok, that was cute, but what was that clock for anyway?
Running, no, soaring forward, the girl swiped down with her clawed arm, leaving deep claw marks deep in the ground as the other just managed to get out of the way.
Above her, the long hand moved forward again, another flame extinguishing.
Leaping to a safe distance, the other doll fled into a corner. She raised her arm, holding it facing the air, just as the long hand made yet another move, extinguishing another flame. From her arm, a red and blue double helix shaped monstrosity spun out, the projectile coiling high into the air, then turned downwards, seemingly knowing where the target was. The other doll swore as it struck, then yelled as the pain set in, the hit singing pretty much anywhere that was exposed.
And by this time half the clock's flames had been extinguished. The clock, if it really was one, read 11:30. He wondered what would happen if it reached midnight. Or noon. Whichever it was.
After that, the awesome battle sadly turned into a staredown. He could see why. The darkness surrounding the girl was slowly flaking away, as though she could not hold on to her form much longer, while the other had no weapons to capitalise on this advantage anyway. This was becoming stupid. Above, the clock kept moving, flames extinguishing slowly as the arm moved along.
Then all the flames burnt out. Midnight. Or noon. Whatever. In a gruesome spectacle, a hole opened up in the air, while a pool of darkness spawned below the other doll, a hand reaching out from below holding him in place, while another massive hand grabbed at him from the sky, slowly disintegrating him. It was as though it was trying to pluck out its heart, and seeing that he had no heart, it just decided to quite literally pull him apart.
Now it was really a race against time. The girl's physical body can already be seen through the darkness peeling back, she really cannot hold on to it much longer. On the other hand, the other guy was also desperately trying to hold on.
Then it was over. The other doll collapsed onto the ground, badly winded but still alive, while the girl collapsed, falling to her knees, then her body sloped forward, falling head first onto the ground, cards falling out of her hands, the very cards she used to change herself, fading into darkness. The other doll's card exploded in a burst of darkness, then the massive rifle was back in his hands.
What was this? Muscle fatigue? Trying to move her limbs, Xion was wracked with spasms of pain. She couldn't move at all, she couldn't even move her head to look up. Had she won? Had she won?
"Ugh!" A voice rang out from the surroundings, followed by the same voice continuing.
"What? Who are you?"
Then there was silence.
Suddenly, Xion was jerked upwards by someone pulling from the back of her coat. Before her stood a boy, slightly taller than her, brown hair fanning out from his head in spikes, blue eyes staring at her. Blue, such a deep blue. In his hands, a huge metal weapon, almost a series of interlocking tiers of steel. Was that...
"A keyblade? Who are you?"
She could feel the lactic acid in her arms slowly wearing off, but she still couldn't move. She prayed that she could move faster. Something told her that the fight was not over yet.
"My name is of no importance."
Hitting the back of her head playfully, he continued.
"What about you? Do you remember your true name?"
"My true... name?"
She didn't understand. Perhaps he was trying to psych her out.
"My name is Xion."
Ok, this is getting irritating. The other boy laughed.
"Was that supposed to be a joke? Cause I'm not laughing!"
Summoning her keyblade, she swung forward at the head, now that at least she had some feeling back into her arms once more, even if it was really swung about ten times slower than she would have wished. Her arms still weren't nimble enough.
Raising his right hand, he stopped the key by holding the shaft between two fingers, the force keeping the keyblade in position.
"Too slow. Now you know, you lost last time because of the exact same reason."
Last time? What was he talking about? Xion was even more confused. Now she was sure he was trying to psych her out.
"Ok, fine, no more jokes. I am Number II. You know, N-O-TWO! Call me Nitrogen Dioxide for the hell of it." He laughed at a joke that only he understood. Um, ok?
"Number... II?"
"Yes, number II. Is there something wrong with your ears? I heard that others complained about the same thing too."
Xion drew in a deep breath. Now she was sure that there really was going to be a fight.
"Oh, now she gets it! you know, you were always a bit slow."
Pushing his left arm off the back of her coat with her own left arm, she leapt backwards, then was jerked to a halt because he was still holding on to the keyblade.
"Oops, sorry, no idea that you were in a hurry," He let go.
Racing forward, Xion sliced with a sideways hit with her keyblade, but Number II evaded it by pushing back with his feet, throwing himself so he was lying on the ground.
"Shut up!"
Cutting down at the person lying on the ground before her, she threw in every last ounce of strength she could in what would be a finisher blow.
Quickly reacting, Number II brought up his keyblade, blocking the blow, reflecting the force. The impact sent Xion flying backwards into the wall, crashing straight against the hard stone for the umpteenth time today.
This was it. She couldn't win. She quickly brought up her arm, summoning a corridor of darkness, then jumping through it.
"Aww, don't go!" Number II shouted, before Castle Oblivion disappeared behind her.
A huge door. Massive. It stood as a proud watcher of this circular area, around which water rose up in the inverse of a waterfall, literally, shrouding the place with a thin white mist.
As the corridor disappeared behind her, Xion turned back, walking down the stairs, her heels clacking against the steps. Her body hurt all over. She hadn't fought like this for really long. She didn't even think she fought like this before.
This couldn't do. She was weak. Too weak. She couldn't even protect herself. How could she fret over dying when she couldn't even stop herself from succumbing to that fate?
Thus she chose to return to this place. She needed to become stronger. Much stronger. By disobeying orders and leaving the Castle unsecured, she had pretty much made herself an enemy of the Organization. There was also Number II out there after her head. She needed to win. She needed to survive. With enemies knocking at the door, she needed to defeat them all.
Before her, in the center of the room, the ground spiralled upwards as she approached, lifting itself up, revealing a computer with multiple screens, data flying across each individual blue screen glowing faintly in the mist.
Pressing her palm into the screen glowing green, the system beeped once, verifying her presence.
On the circular platform above her, columns of white stone pillars slowly began to rise, carved with a symbol within each, glowing brightly in contrast to the deep blue liquid flowing within each pillar. One by one they rose up. A lance on one. A scythe on another. A shield on the next. A book on yet another. Slowly, the entire circle was filled up, thirteen stones rising in nearly a complete circle around the platform, ready to accept their challenger.
Then right beside the door, two keyblades shone out from the liquid, two crossed keyblades. The stones rose entirely, then ground to a halt.
She needed to become stronger.
"Are you sure?"
Xigbar was confused. Xemnas wanted poppet hunted down for a reason? Didn't he send her for a mission personally?
The person with white hair turned around, walking back down the corridor.
"Bring Xaldin with you. Find her, but bring her back alive. If you want, cripple her. I care not."
Then he halted, as though remembering something.
"Bring the Dreadnought fleet along. Crush the world that she is hiding in. I want no trace of it."
Yeah, it's not great.
You could see how I stuffed in renditions of scenes all along the game into it ("shut up!" and the "was that supposed to be a joke?").
They don't bear much significance, but I was bored.
And I hope people know where Xion ended up. Also hope that I explained No.II to the extent that you can guess who he is (hint hint).
Act VI will be awesome. Promise.