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Fanfiction ► Fatal Memory (a KH fanfic) WARNING: Includes spoilers for KH:Days!

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Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
@TwilightRiku13- The identity of who attacked Xehanort won't be revealed until the penultimate chapter. It's definately one of the biggest mysteries in this story.
@Lanydx reborn- I really can't reveal much atthe moment. But your first question should be answered soon. :p

Chapter 6: Tower of the Master
Roxas, Axel and Namine walked onto the ghost train, which was about to go to Yen Sid's tower.
"You really think that this 'Yen Sid' person can help?" Roxas asked.
"Yen Sid? Sure, he knows everything." Axel replied.
"Axel? You know Master Yen Sid?" Namine asked. She had never met him, but had heard about him from Ansem the Wise.
"I knew him when I was a person. Can't say we got on very well though..."
"Why? What happened?"
"Let's just say we had our differences..." They soon arrived, and got off, Axel reluctantly, Roxas eagerly, and Namine nervously. They stepped into the tower, but found that it was overrun by heartless, of all different kinds- soldiers, shadows, bit snipers, bandits, fortune tellers, powerwilds, grand ghosts, grey caprices... The list goes on.
"What the hell's happening?!" Axel asked, as he was forced to throw a fireball at a soldier.
"I don't know!" Namine replied, trying to protect herself by huddling down.
"What do we do?!" She asked.
"We fight to the top!" Roxas replied, summoning his keyblades. Axel summoned his chakrams, and destroyed a bandit, then handing it's sword to Namine.
"Take this, you need something to defend yourself with!"
They all fought there way up to the moon chamber, where they found a Destroyed Behemoth.
"How are we suppoesd to beat that thing?" Namine asked.
"Leave it to me!" Axel said.
"Everyone, run to the next room, I'll meet you there!" Axel commanded.
"Just do it!!" Roxas and Namine ran out, under the behemoths legs. The behemoth charged at Axel, but he dodged it. The behemoth hit the wall, creating huge cracks.
"Thanks!" Axel said, then created a massive fireball and aimed it at the ceiling. He fired. the ceiling started to collapse, and Axel ran out of the room just in time. The ceiling collapsed down on the Destroyed Behemoth, seeling it inside.
"Axel! Over here!" Namine called. They were standing just outside the Star Chamber, waiting for him.
"Nice one, Axel!" Roxas applauded.
"No time for celebrations. Into the next room!"
Inside the star chamber, was... Nothing. That's because the star chamber happened to be directly above the moon chamber, so when Axel had collapsed the ceiling... He had also collapsed the star chambers floor.
"Oops... Well, I guess we'll just have to teleport there..." Axel created a dark portal, which they teleported through to the next staircase, which was overrun by dustfliers!
"How the hell are we supposed to deal with them?!" Axel asked, in rage.
"I had trouble defeating just one..." Roxas said. Suddenly, the door to Yen Sid's office slammed open. Yen Sid walked out, holding his wand.
"THUNDERJA!" Yen Sid shouted, and dark storm clouds appeared over their heads, and a shower of lightning rained over the dustfliers, each one knocking them out in one hit.
"Why have you come here?" He asked.
"Now is not the best time!" He continued.
"We need to ask you something!" Roxas said.
"And why should I help you?"
"Well, for one thing, we defeated the heartless on our way up. There's none left." Roxas answered.
"... Come into my office. We can talk there."
They walked into the office, and that's when Yen Sid noticed.
"LEA?!" He thundered.
"Uhh,good to see you!" He replied.
"The last time I saw you, you nearly destroyed this tower!It took me years to rebuild."
"To be fair, I was trying to protect you from the heartless! And I did! Another reason to help us!" Axel replied.
"Fine... What do you want to ask?"
"We want to bring someone back." Roxas replied.
"From the dead? That's impossible, unless they created a heartless and a nobody. Lea, you should know this."
"Uhh, it's Axel now- I became a nobody. In fact, everyone here is a nobody! Except you." Axel replied.
"And... The person who we want to bring back... Well, she isn't really a person..." Roxas said.
"A nobody, like you?" Yen Sid asked.
"No... A replica of someones memorys."
"You want to bring back a mere replica of memorys?!"
"Thats it! I'm tired of people looking down on Nobodys and Replicas like we're inferior! Just tell me if there's a way!" Roxas shouted.
"You... What's your name?" Yen Sid asked in wonder.
"Roxas. Why is it important?"
"You remind me of an old friend. You look just like him... And what's more, you seem to experience emotion, despite being a nobody..."
"Don't change the subject! Just tell me how to bring her back!"
"Well, if she was a replica of someones memorys, then you have to find a way of getting those memories and transforming them into a human form." Yen Sid was calm now.
"Alas, I don't know how to do that. You would have to find an empty body to host the personality and looks. That body would completely transform into the person your trying to bring back." Yen Sid waved his wand, and Roxas' outfit started glowing, and when it stopped, Yen Sid said:
"That should help along the way. I enchanted your suit, so now you can peform a 'drive' with Lea- his body temporarily merges with your own, and you gain new powers."
"It's Axel." Axel said.
"Thanks" Roxas replied, and created a dark portal into which the trio walked into. When they got out, they were back in Twilight Town.
"Axel... What do you think will happen when he finds out that you wrecked his tower again?" Roxas teased. They all laughed, although only Roxas and Namine could feel it.


Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
Chapter 7: Inferior
Roxas, Axel, and Namine were once again sitting on the clock tower in Twilight Town.
"Namine- Do you think you can put the memorys into a body if we can find one" Roxas asked.
"What is it?" Axel asked.
"I could... But if I did..." Namine paused. She was clearly distressed.
"If I did, then Sora would have to forget Kairi"
"But it's worth it, isn't it? A life is more important than a memory!" Roxas pointed out.
"But his memorys of Kairi allowed him to wake. Who knows what effect forgetting her would have on him..." Namine replied.
"When I forgot Xion... It was the saddest day of my life. But when I remembered her, it only made thing's worse. Now that I remember her, I can't just let her go away like this! And I won't. Either you help me get her back, or I get her back myself!"
"Roxas..." Roxas teleported away.
"Are you sure you don't want to help bring Xion back?" Axel asked, sadly.
"Axel, Xion is just a replica of peoples memorys, just like Yen Sid said. It's not worth it."
"Wha-what's wrong with you?" Axel demanded, angrily.
"Sora is a real person, Axel. And taking away those memorys could destroy him!"
"I can't believe you... Your acting like we're inferior to everyone else!"
"We are inferior, Axel. It's a fact." Namine was, for the first time ever, getting angry.
"What are you saying? Your not acting like yourself at all!"
"What did you say?"
"I said Lea. That's your name, isn't it?"
"Not anymore!"
"But it was before! When you existed, you did terrible things. I can see, Axel. I can see everything you've ever done! I can alter memorys of people related to Sora. Your related to Sora."
"That was the past! I've changed!"
"People never change, Lea. You should know that." She then created a portal, and teleported away.Axel was left alone on the clock tower, with his ice cream melting.
"I-I've changed... I know I have!" A dark portal appeared, ad Roxas walked out.
"Roxas! Where did you just go?"
"I went to Destiny Islands. I saw Sora and Riku talking. Sora knows about Xion, Axel. And it doesn't seem like he's to crazy on bringing her back either. He see's us as inferior beings"
"Why did you come back so quickly?"
"I saw Namine arrive. I wondered what happened"
"Nothing happened. I disagreed with her, and that's all"
"So, your still with me?"
"Of course"
"Good, 'cause I think I've found a body to use"

Deleted member

Man, you really post fast; you must have a lot ot time on your hands. But, whatever, back to the story, those were some really good chapters. I really liked the chapter with Yen Sid and Axel; Yen Sid is going to be so mad when he finds out what Axel did. I can't wait to read more about their history, as well as Axel's history as a somebody. What kind of bad things did he do when he was whole? Also, what does Roxas have planned for bring Xion back? Whose body will he use? I have a feeling that it's Xehanort's corpse, since they just left it lying on the beach. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
Chapter 8: Device

Sora, Riku, Kairi and Mickey had decided to check out Xehanort's body again. They huddled round it, checking it for any details that they did not yet know about. After about 10 minutes of searching, they decided to stop examining the body and check out the device that he had thrown at Roxas. There were several of them, 5 to be exact. they were strapped around Xehanort's waist with a belt. The devices themselveswere silver, round and shiny. Looking closer, there were tiny scratch marks and small stains of blood on each one, probably from the battle in the secret place. But, what was even more interesting was that there was a tiny symbol ingrained on the tip of each one. That symbol was:

"Oh no..." Mickey said.
"What is it? What's this symbol for?" Kairi asked.
"It's the symbol of the unversed..." He replied.
"What are unversed?" Sora asked.
"They are evil creatures, like heartless or nobodies. I thought they were gone, but this symbol says otherwise..."
"What exactly is an unversed though?" Riku asked.
"Unversed come out of the darkness in peoples hearts caused by negative emotion. They reflect this memory and ones inner demons, and the darkness pours out creating an unversed. When an unversed is created, eventually the original falls into a state of sleep. When this happens, the unversed absorbs all the memorys of that person, until there is nothing left but the negative memory that created the unversed. The unversed soon becomes a complete replica of the person" Mickey explained.
"Wait... But that means that Xion is Sora's unversed!" Riku said, shocked.
"And... That replica of me was my unversed..."
"Who is Xion?" Mickey asked. Riku explained what had happened again, and Mickey nodded.
"Yes, this 'Xion' was an unversed..."
"Wait a minute... Why is this symbol on here, though?" Sora asked.
"Perhaps... Perhaps this device can allow an unversed to be created..." Mickey said.
"But Roxas doesn't have a heart, he's a nobody!" Sora said.
"No... He can't be simply a nobody. He's shown emotion several times in the past." Riku answered.
"So soon... Roxas will fall asleep, and lose his memorys?" Kairi asked.
"No... He's already fallen asleep... But he woke up, and the only thing he couldn't remember was Axel." Riku said.
"Something must have interupted the sleep..." Mickey said.
"I'm going to check the shack... That's where he woke up, wasn't it?" Mickey said.
"I'll come too" Kairi said. They left Sora and Riku alone. Roxas watched them talk from above.
"Roxas wants to bring Xion back, doesn't he..." Sora said.
"But if she is what we think she is, arent they bad?"
"I guess so..."
"So we can't let Xion come back." Sora concluded. A dark portal appeared in front of them, Namine stepped out. Roxas slipped away quietly, creating a dark portal and going back to the clock tower. Axel was startled.
"Roxas! Where did you just go?"
"I went to Destiny Islands. I saw Sora and Riku talking. Sora knows about Xion, Axel. And it doesn't seem like he's to crazy on bringing her back either. He see's us as inferior beings"
"Why did you come back so quickly?"
"I saw Namine arrive. I wondered what happened"
"Nothing happened. I disagreed with her, and that's all"
"So, your still with me?"
"Of course"
"Good, 'cause I think I've found a body to use"

Credit to Grace Assasin for the unverse theory. If you haven't seen it yet, it can be found here: http://forums.khinsider.com/future-...ost-controversial-theory-thread-khi-ever.html
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Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
Unknown Report 9

Well that was certantly an unexpected turn of events... I'll be fighting Malificent tommorow. My keyblade will show her a thing or two! Never mess with Nobodies- haha! Maybe if I beat her, then I'll have control over the heartless, too. That would end this war for good. Meanwhile, our ransom worked perfectly. We have it back in our possesion, now. The only person I really like around here is Proditor... The rest are boring! I never expected Xion to be an unverse... And Sora's one too! I'm not sure if she should be here anymore. If it wasn't for Roxas, then I'm sure she would have left already... Anyway, I can't wait to battle malificent tommorow, it's gonna be EPIC!


Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
Starting from next chapter, we will see some new characters, so here are some profiles:

Age: 22
Weapon: Shurikens
Personality: Laid-back, optomistic and impulsive. He is quick to judge people, and can't stand to sit back and do the boring bits while other people do things more exciting.
Likes: Excitement, adrenaline, fights, Mexican food.
Dislikes: Boredom, unversed, fruit.
Bio: A nobody, no-one knows when he became one, but he has definately been one for a long time. The organisation failed to find him, so he was one of the only living intelligent nobodys to not join the organisation. Although no-one knows when he became a Nobody, it is known that he became one by hands of the unversed, and therefore has a hatred of them. He only carries one shuriken, but it can clone itself to up to fifty equally powerful shurikens.

Weapon: Two-handed Sword
Personality: Enigmatic and quiet, he has an incredible sence of justice.
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Bio: Nothing is known about his past. No-one even knows if he's human, nobody, unversed or heartless. The only thing known about him aside from the information already given is that he has a heavy Russian accent.

More coming soon.

EDIT: oops... Sorry for the double post, I forgot about my other post...

Deleted member

Oh man, Sora doesn't want to have Xion come back. Well, it is probably for the best, seeing as bringing her back will affect him negatively. I expect a major battle between him and Roxas over this situation. So, Xehanort was trying to turn Roxas into an Unversed? That's kind of what I gathered from what you wrote, but I'm not sure as to why Roxas. Is it because he is a special Nobody? I hope you explain it some more; I am quite confused. Also, are you going to say who wrote the Unknown Reports? The three you have written so far were all written by different people. I hope you do. Anyway, enough of my rambling, great job, and I look forward to more.


Nov 1, 2009
Behind the truck in the world that never was.
Sora doesn't want to bring Xion back because of the way Mickey portrayed the Unversed. Sora thinks that they are evil like the heartless and (debatebly) Nobodies. I'm getting writers block... I just don't know how to introduce the new characters... Maybe I'll hold off their into for a bit...

Weapon: Whip-keyblade
Description: A teenage girl Nobody who has long, black hair which goes down to her waist. She has vibrant blue eyes and wears a martial arts outfit with a black belt. She is quite tall, and never seen without several lesser Nobodies surrounding her.
Personality: She is cocky and arrogant. She never runs from a fight and tries her best to fight where-ever possible. She likes to hang around with strong and tough people so she can test herself.
Likes: Battles, fights, war, winning.
Dislikes: Losing, weak people.
Bio: She has had her whip-keyblade as long as she can remember. It works just like a keyblade, but it can bend and change lengths, making it ideal for a whip. No-one knows if her black belt is real or not, as she only uses her keyblade and lesser Nobodies to fight.

I'm no good at drawing, but I'm going to try to sketch out some Manga versions of the new characters, so you may not see a new chapter for a couple of days.
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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
I really like ur fanfic so far bro, also is Lider's keyblade like how Terra's being able to stretch out like that or in a different way? Real nice mystery surrounding the unversed, I think ur the first fanfic to actually have it. also how many people can/could use the keyblade in this story.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Itz okay just take ur time hypertech, this story iz good don't try to rush it like I do. Can't wait for the next chapter, itz getting epic
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