Template for Brotherhood of Steel
Name: Logan
Codename: Knight of Shadows
Role: Logan has full command of a company of knights and paladins under their command, taking orders only from a Sentinel or Elder. As leader, a Knight Captain is free to take part in major operations or a large field of leadership.
Age: 40
Rank: Knight Captain
Appearance: Logan although middle aged, has the body of a younger man, and is known to fight like one to. His body is muscular and toned from years of battles, and constant training. While not having a body of an old world body builder, Logan is known to have a physical appearance that would intimidate the more lanky soldiers in the brotherhood. Standing at 6 foot 3m Logan has begun to notice grays appearing in his once coal black hair, though he feels nothing but pride making it to the age of bring able to have gray hair.
Logan also has his body covers in scars, a thing scar going from above his right eyebrow, down to his eyelid, going even further past his right cheek, and stopping right by his jaw line, a Deathclaw slash on his chest, plasma burn on his left shoulder, and many other old wounds that never became physical scars, yet still left a scar on his mind.
Personality: A man who has served the Brotherhood since birth, Logan is known as a man who in his life has become world wry of everything he sees, the man is jaded, cynical and worst of all he knows he's too old to be an idealist anymore. After watching friend, after friend be killed in faction wars, watching the Brotherhood be taken over by the politics of gathering technologically, rather than save the Empire Wasteland, and watching humanity probe over, and over again why the world is how it is......Logan has run out of reasons to continue to believe in anything.
Inside the Brotherhood of steel, Logan is known as a trouble maker, and if you asked anyone it would be because of his integrity and own code of honor. The man refuses to agree with the higher ups, and the elders couldn't even count how many times he's had to face them in meetings over why he put saving some wastelanders who'd probably die anyway, over recovering old world technologically before the Enclave had gotten to it, or as to why he lets other factions live and retreat once they surrender, even though the Brotherhood has a no survivor policy. Logan has a common respect for any soldier, in any faction that he feels is not a monster, many say it's because of his time in the wasteland when he had been stranded with a Enclave soldier for a year, though he'll never speak of the events that transpired.
Biography: Born and raised into the Brotherhood of Steel, Logan has spent his entire life in service to their beliefs, mission, and their well being. Both of his parents had died when he was still at a young age, before even reaching his teens no less. Though many would agree, they had died as heroes, Saving a group of Wastelanders that had gotten lost in the wasteland, even giving them supplies, and weapons to make it back on. A noble choice, and Logan would take his parent's sacrifice to heart as to what he would have to do in the Brotherhood.
When he had become an adult, he would rise through the ranks, doing any, and all missions offered to him. Though it would be one mission that would change his views on life forever. When he had been twenty, Logan had been sent on a mission far into the Empire wasteland, a ,mission where he was one of the many Brotherhood soldiers who had been chosen to retrieve a rare amount of old world technologically, technologically that if found would change the face of the wasteland forever. The Enclave had heard of the same news as well. They had followed them as well, and the battle that followed would be remembered as one of the bloodied, and violent battles between the two factions. The small war had lasted for hours, but it had come to a horrific end when a large family of Deathclaws had been thrown into the mix. Both factions faced the horrors of these beast, and in the end only Logan, and a remember from the Enclave had made it out alive.
The two had been forced to work together though, to make it back to their own factions alive, and with only the enemy to look after him, Logan spent a year, trying to find his way back to the Brotherhood, to his home. When he finally did make it back to the Brotherhood, many would note the change in the man, having an old calm about him, yet still tormented. He never spoke about his year away, nor did anyone ask after it became a sore subject.
Two decades later, Logan still serves the Brotherhood, yet time has only man the man very lost as to the way of Steel that he once praised. Logan has now be left in charge of finding some old world technologically that could change the wasteland, and put the Brotherhood of Steel as the top faction. Logan has accepted this mission, and if asked, this will be his last mission.
Family: Logan comes from a large family, yet like in family most of his family has been torn apart by life in a after the world wasteland. His parents have both passed, and his two brothers have both died as well. All Logan has left from his family is his sister, who has two children of her own.
Quest: To find a rare old world technologically that secures the Brotherhood of Steel as the main faction in the wasteland.
Karma: Neutral-Good.
Plasma Rifle
Laser Rifle.
Enclave laser Pistol – This Weapon was given to Logan out of respect from the Enclave soldier he had spent time with while out in the wasteland. Logan keeps this as a keep sake and a lucky charm when on missions.
Plasma grenades.
Power Armor - The armor is fitted with a back-mounted TX-28 Micro Fusion Pack which generates an output power of 60,000 Watts to power the HiFlo hydraulic systems built into the frame of the suit. Made of a poly-laminate composite, the outer shell of the T-51b is lightweight and capable of absorbing over 2500 Joules of kinetic impact. The 10-micron-thick silver ablative coating can reflect laser and other radiation emissions without damage to the composite subsurface and the eye slit for the helmet is made of bullet proof glass to protect the wearer from any projectiles. The armor usually carries enough fuel to last for one hundred years.
Plasma Mini Gun – Unlike what the name would suggest, the plasma mini gun is a large gun, almost like a giant machine gun, built to fire 3000 plasma shoots in under six minutes, A heavy weapon to carry, dangerous to control, and almost impossible to repair once broken, but this machine is one of the best killing means in the wasteland.
Sneak – Logan is the Knight of shadows, a soldier in the brotherhood who is known to use the darkness as a key factor in many of his battles.
Energy Weapons – From plasma rifles, to stranded laser pistols, Logan is an expert in all forms of energy weapons and it is his preferred weapon of choice in any battle.
Speech – A man born with a silver tongue, Logan can be very convincing when he wants to be, and he is known by many to be a charismatic person, if it wasn't for his views and somewhat antagonistic feelings towards the elders, Logan would be on his way to the top in the Brotherhood.
Death Letter:
To whoever it concerns...
A man lives, a man fights, and finally a man will die, if you're reading this, than I'm no different. I've fought my entire life, I've fought for the Brotherhood, I've fought for the wasteland, and I'd like to think in my later years in life, I've fought for the wastelanders, and a better world. If that's true or not, I'm not sure though......
If you are looking for answers to what had happened in the wasteland in my youth....well I'm sorry that I can't give you any, what happened had happened, and I may feel certain ways about it...I can't change it....I can't change her. I just hope that in my short life time, I've made a difference, even if I know I couldn't do much.
This letter's getting longer than I'd like....I've made peace a long time ago that I'd die, So I hold no regrets, because this is war, and war never changes.
Logan is an Atheist.
Scotch being his drink of choice.
Logan has an almost unnatural hatred for drugs.
Logan sister is a Scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel.
As to date Logan has completed 99 missions.
Template for The Enclave
Name: Julie Autumn
Role: As a General in the Enclave, Julie is in charge of making many of the missions inside the Enclave, yet even with this high ranking title, Julie still prefers to be with her soldiers on sight.
Age: 39
Rank: General
Appearance: A height of 5 foot 8, a athletic, yet slim body, Julie is a woman who has been lucky in her ever aging body, showing not many signs of a woman reaching into her 40's Still having hair as brown as chestnuts, still have skin that has yet to gain wrinkles of an elder. Yet Julie's face is still a mature looking woman, and eyes as cold and deadly as they can get. Her eyes are a ice light blue, that always seem to be placed in a cold glare, in less speaking with her mother.
Since she is known to go on missions with her team, Julie is no stranger to scars, and has large Deathclaw scar running from her left shoulder, all the way to her lower back, it looks as if her spleen had almost been torn out, and if the claw had gone three inches deeper, it would of. Julie also has many light scars on her torso, face, and legs, but they are very minor and hard to spot. Julie also had a very toned body, years of training, and being in many battles has given her a body of a field soldier.
Julie is known to be a cold, firm woman, showing little to no mercy on enemies of the Enclave, and she has a bitter, and deep seeded hatred of raiders, feeling them to be the scum of the earth, and will never thing twice to kill any number of raiders she runs into, in fact if you have been left with her as your commander, it is a good chance that will be your mission sooner or later.
The Enclave is Julie's home, and she has a strong belief into what they're doing, in her heart and soul, Julie knows that the Enclave can restore America to it's glory once more, and she'll stop at nothing to make that a reality. When it comes to the politics of the Enclave, she is a one of the best, rising through the ranks at top speed, and even highly respected by the Leader of the Enclave itself. While not a fan of kids, it is a known fact that once a long time ago, Julie had a child, though whatever happened to this child is not known by many, it is wildly believed that it had either died very young, or Julie had just given it the the waste to die, while that being a cold fate, you can never be too sure what some will do in the wasteland.
Julie is the daughter of Colonel Augustus Autumn, and a scientist in charge of many of the experiments in the Enclave. Her father had left her family when she was still a child, saying words of bringing America to the Washington.....she would never hear from her father again. It was common knowledge that he'd either been killed. The Enclave had been destroyed in Washington. The years following her mother did everything in her power to make sure Julie would have the happiest life she could...at least by wasteland standards.
She had enlisted to be a soldier at the age of 17, and by the age of 22, she had already had an entire squad under her command. Many of the faction wars that had gone on through at the years, if any had involved the Enclave, Julie had been the one responsible for victory among the faction. As the years went on, Julie would lead her squad in many different battles, from technologically finds, to just faction wars, Julie is known as a more than powerful soldier in her own right, and has a vision of America returning the wasteland, to the world! Now at the age of 39, Julie has gathered information of old world technologically that can secure the Empire Wasteland in their favor. Now matter the cost.
Family: Julie never knew her father, he had left for the War in Washington when she was young, yet as long as she can remember her mother has been in her life, and Julie has a deep love of the woman, and looks to her for advice on many things in her life. She had also had a son, but the fate of that is only known by herself and mother, but if asked, Julie will just reply that the child is dead, a statement many have accepted as truth at this point. The father of this child is also not known.
Quest: Bring America back to the world. Destroy all the other factions.
Karma: Neutral, but at times she has done Evil things.
Plasma Pistol – A common issued weapon, Julie is known to always have this weapon on her person, from sleep, till shower, or even in meetings, Julie keeps this weapon around her all the time.
Plasma Rifle – It shoots plasma, its a rifle, ask another question and you shall be shot on sight.
Sniper rifle – If you need to really ask, The Raiders need another moron in their league.
Enclave Officer Uniform – A uniform composed of two garments, a jet-black uniform and tan jacket and pants that are worn over it. The outer layer is made of a sturdy material designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the wasteland. The uniform comes with a pair of knee-length boots, black gloves, a utility belt and an integrated communications device, located over the wearer's right breast, and a small knife sheath on the right leg. All in all, it provides adequate protection from the elements. Julie wears a black over coat over the uniform with four stars on each shoulder.
Science – As a child of a scientist, Julie has a great mind for science, and is known to help out on her time with the science division of the Enclave.
Big guns – From a Fat-man mini nuke to a flamethrower, Julie is a known user of the larger weapons of the wasteland.
Unarmed Combat – An expert in hand to hand combat, this young woman can go against the most trained men in the Enclave, and draw or even best them in a fight,
Death Letter:
To the Enclave.
Do not mourn my passing, let my death fuel you to make this country proud again, bring back America, bring back what this proud nation once stood for. Even if I cannot lead you anymore, I won't none of you to go on any fools mission to avenge me, I am gone, that is it.
I would like my body, if still intact and within possession of the Enclave, to be buried in the Capital Wasteland, I know a hard task to do, but I wish for my body to lay in the soils that are country had once be at its strongest.
Words had never been my strong suit in the Enclave, so to all my fellow soldiers, god bless you, god bless the Enclave, and god bless America. Good luck and Goodbye.
Sincerely General Julie Autumn.
(Second Letter.)
To my mother.
I hope this reaches you, I hope this doesn't fall into some pathetic raider hands, or a fool in the lower ranks of Talon Company. If you are reading this, than I'm dead. I'm sorry mother, you were right, I should of gone into science, instead of this war for power...but I wanted to make America great again! I hope I at least paved the way in my life, but I just had to make sure you knew how your daughter felt about you, just in case I was never able to say it with words.
You had always been the greatest person I've ever known, from my childhood you helped my achieve everything and anything I wanted too, and I was lucky to have a mother like you in my life....I wish I could have been half the mother you had been to my own child.....I'm sorry I couldn't keep your grandchild....I'm sorry I couldn't be the child you wanted. I know you always loved me, I just wish I was the child that deserved that love you always gave to me.
I have to stop writing now, I'm crying too much to keep a steady hand. I love you mom, I want you to know that. I'll keep room for you while I'm with father on the other side. Goodbye, I love you.
Love your daughter, Julie.
Julie is a Christian ,and will go to the Enclave church when she can.
Julie has completed 87 missions to date.
Sorry for the lateness, I've been kinda busy with moving, anyway the RP will be up later tonight, also look out for a AVATAR rp I'm putting up.