Sword and the stone and Lion King I understand, Maybe Robin hood....Tron? Not so sure, and Incredibles, I think its too new.
Jesus_Rocz said:I remember something being said that they are going to have a lilo and stich world in the game.
Alright who do you think you are enstien! If i said i read them im telling the truth, i hardly ever lie so dont gloat!Non-Existant One said:1. Since you didn't state the mag. issue you got this info from I wont consider it true in terms of actually being in the magazine.
2. Because you and the mag. lack the proof this list is bogas.
3. If this was in a mag. then just because they said that those list of worlds would be a good possibility of being in KH2 doesn't mean that they will be.
4. The only world on that list that would be close to being accurate would be the lion king only because of the U.S. distributors of the game Buena Vista had previously released some info on worlds to appear in KH2. What makes there list even more accurate is the fact that the list had only been online for a day and then it got taken down the next day. Probably because they released the info to early. There is also the possibility that there list was wrong aswell, but its highly unlikely that Buena Vista's list of worlds would be wrong.
5. Other than that don't take this list of worlds so literally. In other words don't consider it fact, only speculation.
Shutup n00b! like you know jack.Light_Kingdom said:my point exactly...
Whatever! But they sound like good possibility's!Cygulus said:That wasn't listed in Gameinformer, it was listed in Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue #193, and they said they were worlds that the magazine staff would like to see in Kingdom Hearts 2, not worlds that are actually going to be in the game.