does anyone think demyx will move like dancer nobodies?
I wouldn't count on it. It's more like a funny joke.
does anyone think demyx will move like dancer nobodies?
I wouldn't count on it. It's more like a funny joke.
And Kairi and Aqua look alike, so her looking like one by definition means she looks like the other :laugh:
In my opinion:
Aqua and Kairi do not look the same.
Aqua and Xion do not look the same.
Kairi and Xion do look the same.
I think Xion is likely not connected to Aqua.
In my opinion:
Aqua and Kairi do not look the same.
Aqua and Xion do not look the same.
Kairi and Xion do look the same.
I think Xion is likely not connected to Aqua.
FixedDespite those pictures I still don't see a resemblance.
However I agree that it is possible that there is a
resemblance and I might be simply unable to see it.
As for Xion theories:
There have been theories connecting her to solely Kairi,
There have been theories connecting her to solely Aqua,
There have been theories connecting her to both Kairi and Aqua.
I am willing to agree that all scenarios are a possibility as long
as the theories are well explained and don't contradict themselves.
Though it is my personally belief that Xion is not connected to Aqua,
I understand that such a connection is not impossible. In fact it is
somewhat likely that Xion is connected to Aqua. Despite this that
though, I still think the two are unconnected.
One theory I recall was one I had great interest in where it
suggested that Xion was Aqua's Nobody whose form was
influenced by Sora/Kairi's memories. This theory allowed me to
say that Xion primarily looks like Kairi but if she was connected
to Aqua we wouldn't see it. Though this theory is not my
primary belief, it was especially appealing to one as myself
who does not recognize a Xion/Aqua resemblance.