358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+3]-SO FAR-[/size]
Hello, My name is Riku-Keyblade. I am making this thread because, quite frankly, it annoys me how so many people are clueless about this game. So, I'm making this thread in a hopes of increasing everyone's intelligence on the title, so there won't be such a need of having to correct people on the forums. And as much as I know a lot of you like to do that, possibly for the post count, it would be a lot better on the forums if we didn't need to. If people find this thread useful, and a great tool that increased their knowledge on the title, I may even make threads for Coded and Birth By Sleep. So, I hope you enjoy. ^______^358/2 DAYS[/size]
[size=+3]-SO FAR-[/size]
DISCLAIMER: Please note, the content and writing of this thread technically belongs to me. I put in a lot of work on these pages and they are not allowed to be copied, distributed or posted, in part or of its entirety, on any site other than KHInsider. Thank you, and I hope you can understand why.
[size=+2]-GENERAL INFORMATION-[/size]
Director: Tetsuya Nomura Co-director: Tomohiro Hasegawa
Producer: Patrick Chen
Executive Producer: Shinji Hashimoto
Official Website: KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days
Platform: Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS)
[size=+2]-THE TITLE-[/size]
One of the mysteries of the game is the title. Nomura has described the title of a sort of "code" that many won't be able to fully understand until they have finished the game, but also added that the word "Days" in the title was to symbolize the daily life of the Organization. He has also expressed that the title is pronounced "358 Days Over Two" (358 Days/2), which opens up many possibilities as to what the title could mean.[size=+2]-PRESS RELEASE-[/size]
The untold story of another hero. Organization XIII, Number 13, Roxas-Twilight Town-
Roxas and Axel were watching the sunset from their usual spot on the station's clock tower after a long day of collecting "hearts" from the Heartless, as ordered by their organization. When their daily work ended, they often spent their evenings there. They talked about the day's work and other things over ice cream.
"Do you know why the sun looks red as it sinks below the horizon? It's because among the countless colors comprising light, red travels the greatest distance."
"You're just trying to show off, Axel!"
It was idle chatter between two boys without hearts.
This is the untold story of Organization XIII's Roxas.
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days focuses on Roxas' time in Organization XIII. The game will begin briefly from Roxas' birth near the end of the first Kingdom Hearts game, until he is put into Ansem the Wise's Data Twilight Town before Kingdom Hearts II begins. Nomura has said that while the game will focus briefly on Roxas' birth and his joining of the Organization, the central story will take place during the time Sora will be sleeping. He has also added that when Roxas first joins the Organization, he does not understand a lot about them and as the story progresses he starts questioning them and will eventually leave them, resulting in what we see in Kingdom Hearts II and that the reason for his falling out is one of the main topics of the story.The game starts with the prologue of Roxas being born in Twilight Town and being found by Xemnas. Xemnas tells him he feels nothing, that he can feel nothing, and asks if he wants to have meaning. Roxas nods and Xemnas gives Roxas his new name, telling him it's the "new" him.
The game really starts when Roxas joins the Organization and becomes their Number 13. The game will primarily focus on the time that Sora was asleep after Chain of Memories concluded and we will see the daily life of the Organization.The game also introduces a brand new Organization Member currently known only as the XIVth Member.
The game will most likely conclude with Roxas' battle with Riku in The World That Never Was which results in Roxas being sent into Ansem the Wise's Data Twilight Town. Nomura has commented that the game will be very much like Crisis Core, where you may know how the game will end, but you don't know what happened to get to that point.
King Mickey, Riku, DiZ and Naminé are also confirmed to make appearances in the title, though the extent of their importance on the plot is yet to be revealed. They have also commented that it would be hard for Sora to appear in the game since he was sleeping to restore his memories but they are thinking about considering a system that would show every important point of his memory. They expressed that this idea is still in an idea phase but they want a system to emphasize the surface connection of Roxas and Sora.
[size=+2]-THE XIVTH MEMBER-[/size]
At some point during the story of the game, Xemnas announces to the Organization that they have a new member - a fourteenth member. Not much is known about the XIVth Member at this point, other than that she is a female character and that she isn't Naminé. When asked if the XIVth member was a character we have seen before, Nomura answered, smiling, that it was a secret and that, while the XIVth Member does appear in this game, she is not the reason for the game, but that her "point" was that she was a key character.
Nomura has also expressively stated that the Organization was still called Organization XIII even when the XIVth member was a part of it and that the reason for this would be explained during the course of the game. He also went onto to say that the reason why she has no pillar and why she didn't appear in Kingdom Hearts II will all be explained. It has also been stated that the XIVth Member has had great influence on Roxas' future actions.
Worlds make a return in 358/2 Days, though the system with the worlds has been changed a bit. Appearing worlds will be one of the things said to remain, but not all of these worlds will be available to be played for fun and may only be visited at certain times, or during the missions. Not only that, but the relationships between people in the worlds will be different this time around as you go through the worlds, but many Disney characters are set to make a return. The story is also said not to progress by going to Disney worlds, but that stories will be progressing. It has also been said that Roxas will have different forms, like Sora, when he enters certain Disney Worlds.The developers have said that, with the circumstance with Roxas, if he were to associate with too many people than it would become inconsistent with KH2 which is why they are thinking of putting in a different play dynamic into each world. They have also said that the appearing worlds will be primarily from previous games, but they will be choosing ones that are best suited for the game.
In October 2007, Nomura had an interview with Gemanga Magazine where he elaborated a bit more on the Disney worlds in 358/2 Days saying that since Roxas' personality is such that he doesn't actively attempt to contact other characters, and that's why the relation with Disney characters will be different from before.
In the latest Shonen Jump scans, there is a screenshot of Roxas and an Organization Member in a world that resembles Beast's Castle, you can see the screen shot Here, but note that further confirmation will be needed before adding Beast's Castle to the list of confirmed worlds.
Confirmed worlds so far include:
-The World That Never Was
-Twilight Town
-Olympus Coliseum
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jo9-AbP1IAg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jo9-AbP1IAg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
The gameplay of 358/2 Days is based on a system of "Go to mission, Clear Mission, Return to HQ, Prepare for next mission, go to next mission", though there will be small mini events that you can do such as joining Axel for ice-cream. The game focuses mainly on the life of an organization which is why the title includes the word "Days" as it focuses on a day of the Organization.<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jo9-AbP1IAg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Jo9-AbP1IAg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
So far, the missions seem to be Roxas being sent to various worlds and being ordered to kill the Heartless that reside there, though they are set to include some variety (See Multiplayer for more information).
During the single-story mode, you play as Roxas and it is believed you play the majority of the game alone, except for special missions when you may be joined by another member. The top screen of the DS is used for the core gameplay and holds the command menu and the Character status icon which showcase your HP, MP and the new Limit Gauge. The bottom screen showcases information such as the mission you are on, the world you are in, and a map.
A new feature to the gameplay is a Limit Gauge which hasn't been seen in the series so far. This gauge (which is a yellow colour in-game), is used for co-op attacks as well as powerful limit abilities in single player. The stylus will not be used during actual gameplay.
However, in the latest Shonen Jump Scans there is a screenshot of Roxas and Xaldin in a new world to 358/2 Days (See Here), and the Limit Gauge and MP bars have mysteriously vanished. There is also a new "Chains!" counter in the top left of the screen but whether or not these changes are only mission-specific additions/changes has yet to be seen.
One of 358/2 Days most appealing features is the new Multiplayer mode. The Multiplayer mode in 358/2 Days promises all of the members of Organization XIII available as playable characters, and may even include the new XIVth member. Although, it should be noted that all players will have to play as a unique character, meaning there can't be two Axels or two Xigbars playing at one time.The Multiplayer mode takes place in a separate universe from the Single Player mode and isn't considered to be part of the games story and is only there for fun. Up to four people can play together as any Organization Member they choose as they work together to complete various missions, with some asking you to kill heartless, fight each-other, or even search for items.
The missions in Multiplayer are unlocked by beating the missions in Single Mode. Every time you complete a mission in Single Mode it is unlocked for playing in Multiplayer mode. These missions include things such as defeating Heartless, and escaping from Areas via teamwork. They are also set to include a lot of gimmicks and puzzles and that the map will be used to keep track of things as well. Many of the missions are designed for short play throughs in Multiplayer and they can be played multiple times. They also mentioned that Scores will be kept on various things during Multiplayer, such as "attack". But they also stress that working together is not the only thing you can do and that there is great potential for waging a competition or contest.
Also, when you complete missions in Multiplayer, the experience you gain from completing those tasks are given to Roxas in Single Mode. For example, if you were to play as Axel and do a few missions in Multiplayer mode, the experience you gained from doing that would affect your Single Mode file. They have also said that they are thinking of an item system that works in a similar fashion.
Also in Multiplayer Mode, the bottom screen is being revamped from Single Mode to offer the ability to chat to other players by use of the Nintendo DS Stylus. This chatting system will differ from PictoChat in that all of the players will write on the same screen. Nomura and co are also considering adding a few action buttons to the screen, but noted that these would be for actions that didn't affect gameplay. Nomura has also added that they are thinking of missions that will implement this chat feature.
Also, the Limit Gauge from Single Mode will make a reappearance, allowing for co-op techniques to be used. Originally the chairs of the Organization Members would move up or down based on succeeding or failing a mission, but they may change that feature for the final product release.
However, in the latest Shonen Jump Scans there is a screenshot of Roxas and Xaldin in a new world to 358/2 Days (See Here), and the Limit Gauge and MP bars have mysteriously vanished. There is also a new "Chains!" counter in the top left of the screen but whether or not these changes are only mission-specific additions/changes has yet to be seen.
The Graphics in 358/2 Days had a fine-tuning from the first time we saw them. In the scans from TGS, the characters seemed to look every pixelly and the character icons were also very pixelly. This changed by Jump Festa where the graphics had a smoother look and feel and held impressive detail compared to the last time we saw them. Click Here for a Comparison.[size=+1]-GRAPHICS-[/size]
One of the main problems with the graphics of the 358/2 Days was that the polygon count of the characters had dropped, and they are currently working hard so that the graphics during gameplay look as smooth as possible.
In the latest Shonen Jump, there is a screenshot of gameplay with Roxas and Xaldin (See Here), and it seems that the graphics have gone through yet another change, offering up a new icon for Roxas.
[size=+1]-VOICE ACTING-[/size]
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is set to include Voice Acting during it's cutscenes like the other Kingdom Hearts titles. Though they have commented that due to capacity issues with the game, there may not be voice acting throughout the game, but they are trying to work around that and find a way of compressing it within the game.[size=+1]-CUTSCENES-[/size]
The cutscenes in 358/2 Days look very close to their PS2 counterparts, supporting stunning detail and clips. During event scenes, there may be a cutscene or two. During the attempts to compress and fix the Voice Acting capacity issues, they are also re-doing the cutscenes that appear in 358/2 days because every time there is a hardware update, they try and push the game to its limits. Nomura says he plans on keeping the cutscenes as close as possible to the feel of the KH series and has commented that there may even be an opening cinematic to start the game.[size=+2]-TRAILER IMPRESSIONS-[/size]
[size=+1]-TOKYO GAME SHOW-[/size]
The trailer starts from the scene where re:COM ended, afterwards the words "The other side attached to Sora still sleeps" and "The mind comes back whenever they touch." The scene then moves to Twilight Town, where Roxas, and Axel are sitting on the edge, as seen in KH2FM+.[size=+1]-TOKYO GAME SHOW-[/size]
Soon the trailer switches to Roxas being invited to the Organization XIII, and introduced to them, which soon cuts out to another scene of Roxas joining the Organization for the first time. Soon the scene then switches to the King talking about Axel, and Saix with Roxas pulling out his keyblade, moving into gameplay.
The gameplay features Roxas fighting with other Organization Members in a multiplayer game. This one confirms the allowance of being able to play as Roxas, Axel, Saix and Xigbar.
The scene then switches to Xemnas talking towards other Organization members. Xemnas explains that a 14th member has joined the Organization, and the 14th member appears to be a female, wearing a black hood. Soon the title comes up as "Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days"
You can then hear Roxas in the background saying "I will disappear from this world in 151 days"
[size=+1]-JUMP FESTA-[/size]
Several Organization XIII members walk in front of RoxasXigbar: "Whoops."
Saix stands before Roxas.
In front, you can see a corridor of darkness.
Saix: "Be careful."
Stepping into the corridor, Roxas seemingly warps to Twilight Town.
The mission "Defeat Clock Tower's Darkside!" starts.
A mission is given to defeat 4 bodies of Heartless on the way.
Roxas & Co. defeat the Dark Side
Axel: "Roxas, go on."
Roxas: "Axel..."
Suddenly Heartless attack Roxas from behind.
The 14th member of the Organization attacks the Heartless and wipes them out. The 14th member smiles.
Axel and Roxas both look perplexed.
The 14th member begins to take off their hood..
[size=+1]-DK∑7313 PARTY-[/size]
[size=+2]-DEMO IMPRESSIONS-[/size]
[size=+1]-JUMP FESTA-[/size]
Multiplayer Demo[TO BE ADDED]
[size=+2]-DEMO IMPRESSIONS-[/size]
[size=+1]-JUMP FESTA-[/size]
· Choose Roxas, Axel, Xigbar or Saix.
· Character Selection screen shows Organization members sitting in their chairs.
· Roxas - 3 hit combo.
· Axel has a different feel then Roxas, and the demo player was relieved when he/she was able to use his fire attacks.
· Demo takes place in Twilight Town
· 4x small wizards, 1x Fat Body and 4x Shadows, a boss (Dark Side)
· Once mission is cleared, you get the record screen.
· 358/2 Days is set for a Summer 2008 release.
Single Player Demo
Roxas walking towards the Organization chair. Xigbar: “Woops!”
Roxas ignores Xigbar, and moves to Saix.
Saix: “We suggest you take Axel for this mission.”
Roxas then moves to the corridor and is teleported to Twilight Town.
Two missions: defeat Dark Side, defeat four heartless.
(after Axel and Roxas defeat Dark Side)
Axel: “Roxas, what are you doing here?”
Roxas: “Axel…”
the heartless then come in, but the pair is saved by the 14th member
The 14th member smiles at both Axel and Roxas. The pair show mixed feelings towards this new member. Her face is not revealed.
[size=+1]-DK∑7313 PARTY-[/size]
Scan Collection
Image Collection
Naminé: Surely she can't endure it
Axel: How many times must I accompany them?
Roxas: The former me, I have seen...
Xemnas: The Keyblade's chosen one---
Roxas: You're just trying to show off, Axel!
Xemnas: A new member has joined us...
Xemnas: It is the 14th.
Saïx: There is a traitor among the members in Castle Oblivion
Axel: Is that really from Xemnas?
[size=+1]-RELEASE DATE-[/size]
There is currently no set release date for 358/2 Days, although, at Jump Festa a tentative release of Summer 2008 for Japan was announced. As of July, there has been no more information on the release date and it has been believed to have been pushed back. However, in Dragon Quest V, there was apparently a small slip that had an advertisement for 358/2 Days with the tagline 'Coming 2008' so it seems as if S-E is still set on releasing 358/2 Days this year in Japan.[TO BE ADDED]
Scan Collection
Image Collection
Naminé: Surely she can't endure it
Axel: How many times must I accompany them?
Roxas: The former me, I have seen...
Xemnas: The Keyblade's chosen one---
Roxas: You're just trying to show off, Axel!
Xemnas: A new member has joined us...
Xemnas: It is the 14th.
Saïx: There is a traitor among the members in Castle Oblivion
Axel: Is that really from Xemnas?
[size=+1]-RELEASE DATE-[/size]
[size=+1]-DEVELOPMENT STATUS-[/size]
As of July 2008, Nomura has claimed that the content of 358/2 Days was finished, and that they would be releasing a demo at the DK∑7313 Party in August, where they hope to get some feedback on the battle system. After that, it would be just a matter of fine tuning before 358/2 Days was finished.[size=+2]-SOURCES-[/size]
Developer Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - InformationTitle Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Developer Interview
Title Info - Nomura Talks More Kingdom Hearts
Title Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
TGS Press Release - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Information
KH:358/2 Days Logo - Provided by GTX
Story Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Nomura Interview
Story Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Developer Interview
Story Info - KH-Vids - New 358/2 Days Info
Story Info - KHInsider - New Scan Features BBS, Days, Coded
Story Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
XIVth Member Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Nomura Interview
XIVth Member Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Developer Interview
XIVth Member Info - KH-Vids - Even More New 358/2 Days Info
XIVth Member Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
World Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
World Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
World Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
World Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
World Info - KHInsider - Nomura Talks More Kingdom Hearts!
World Info - KHInsider - New Scan Features BBS, Days, Coded
World Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
Gameplay Info - YouTube Video - 358/2 Days Gameplay
Gameplay Info - KH-Vids - Even More 358/2 Days Info
Gameplay Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Developer Interview
Gameplay Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
Gameplay Info - KHInsider - New Scan Features BBS, Days, Coded
Gameplay Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
Multiplayer Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Nomura Interview
Multiplayer Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - KH 358/2 Days - Developer Interview
Multiplayer Info - KH-Vids - Even More 358/2 Days Info
Multiplayer Info - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - Image Viewer
Multiplayer Info - KHInsider - Nomura Talks More Kingdom Hearts!
Multiplayer Info - KHInsider - New Scan Features BBS, Days, Coded
Multiplayer Info - KHInsider Special - Pre DKΣ3713 Update
Graphics Info - Graphic Comparison
Graphics Info - KH-Vids - Even More 358/2 Days Info
Graphics Info - KHInsider - New Scan Features BBS, Days, Coded
Voice Acting Info - KH-Vids - Even More 358/2 Days Info
Cutscene Info - KH-Vids - Even More 358/2 Days Info
Trailer Impressions - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - TGS Trailer Summary
Trailer Impressions - Kingdom Hearts Ultimania - JF Trailer Summary
Demo Impressions - GoNintendo - JF Demo Impressions
Scans - Additional Scans courtesy of KHI
Images - Images courtesy of KHI
Translations - All Translations courtesy of bittermeat.
Release Date - GoNintendo Demo/Trailer Impressions + Release Date
Development Status - KH-Vids - New DK∑7313 + Nomura Interview
Well there you go. I know most of this is probably just recap for a lot of people, but the point of this was to catch up the members that may not be up to date on 358/2 Days info and I would love it if no one would make posts such as "tl;dr" or anything like that. This is to be used as a reference and I don't want to hear how you guys know it already.
But I hope you guys can see how much work I put into this and what not, and any rep is appreciated for the effort I took ^___^
Also, I would like to have this thread be on the first page of the forum a lot so that people will be able to continue to use it for information and what not and I plan on updating it every time we get new info such as the S-E Party in a couple of weeks. So, I hope you guys find this useful and if you have any comments/concerns/things you think I should add in or what not, please, feel free to post! Thanks.
UPDATE (07-31-08) [NOTE: All Updates are in BOLD]:
-Updated Scans Section
-Updated World Section
-Updated Gameplay Section
-Updated Multiplayer Section
-Updated Story Section
-Updated Title Section
-Updated XIVth Member Section
-Updated Sources
So guys, I'm getting reports of some people stealing the content I have written for these threads, and using it elsewhere without permission. If you guys hear about anything like this, or see this thread on any site other than KHInsider can you please let me know? It's very important, thanks.
Just a note though, due to the fact that the threads are going to make up the BBS/358/Coded/XIV/Unbirth pages on the main site, these threads are not allowed to be posted anywhere else, even if they do say "credit to R-K". So keep that in mind =]
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