who would've thought cockmouth would revive this club.
Celtis is Grayson, methinks.
I seriously think when the next time any of us get a name-change, it needs to be Batman-esque
You're right. Hadn't thought about Grayson. As long as I'm Grayson as Batman, that's cool with me.
Celtis is Grayson, methinks.
I seriously think when the next time any of us get a name-change, it needs to be Batman-esque
who would've thought cockmouth would revive this club.
And I noticed the the club members in the OP still has my old name on it. Would you mind changing it, Theart?
cockmouth sure didn't. Thanks for pointing that out, now I NEED to join the Club! If you approve of it, of course. And by the way: IT'S CHUMAN, BEOTCH.
I'm nto surprised he did. He has this obsession about getting into my fanclub.
I'm still going to call you Ven. :3
No, it says cockmouth so that is your name.
Oh, I have been informed that Celtis is Grayson. So you have to be Alfred. Or maybe Damian...You get cats and a skirt-thing.
That is my goal. I was thinking about getting a name change, but I'm sorta attached to my name right now.
I'm nto surprised he did. He has this obsession about getting into my fanclub.
I'm still going to call you Ven. :3
No, it says cockmouth so that is your name.
0_0 I didn't choose it. Fine. I won't ask to be part of the Club or the Batfamily until my name is cleared (pun intended), because I refuse to disrespect either!
What pun?
Damian, you aren't bald. You have SOME hair. And that cat is cool. And in another universe a similar you gets married to Mar'i Grayson/Nightstar, the daughter of Kori and Dick. Maybe the Relaunch will give you hair and a wife.
What is going on here?!
Damian, you aren't bald. You have SOME hair. And that cat is cool. And in another universe a similar you gets married to Mar'i Grayson/Nightstar, the daughter of Kori and Dick. Maybe the Relaunch will give you hair and a wife.
Well, yeah, of course the Cat is cool. Wanna know why? BECAUSE IT'S THE CAT OF BATMAN! (and yeah, I am bald as Batman.)
Wow, wtf Damian. I mean, when you train me you have a bit of hair on that head of yours.
And this isn't crack. This is reality.