Yay, Evangeline posted.
Now, I would also post... but it's pretty late, and I'll be busy all tomorrow... I guess I can try and fit one in, but I'll probably only be able to get one up on Saturday.
Akdhgncfoeutxb I'm so glad you like it. <3Thanks to the incredibly awesome Shelby for the sweet Holland pic.
My next post will start the havoc wreaking. Just to make sure, does everybody have a GEAR that wants one currently? It's perfectly fine if you don't have a GEAR, but I'm making sure because you can gain your GEAR along with Taro if you needed to.
Well, I guess I do want Apollo to gain a GEAR, likely at the same time that Taro does... so, should I design it now? I mean, I guessed no because you didn't have one in his template, but whatever.
What ever happened to Darkfyre? I think we need a Darkfyre post! DARKFYRE! *epic theme song*