Since it seems that 3D alternates between Sora and Riku, I would want them to be alone. Party characters are useless.
Those.I want more Final Fantasy cameos. Something similar to Mirage Arena. An interesting plot that will get me excited for KH3.
Agreed.Nothing made me more angry then watch donal and goofy just walk into attacks, one after the other. Riku was the only useful party member in the series
-New Worlds
-More side quests
-Sora character development (hnnnngh)
-New Weapons
-Sora Riku friend development
...... 8D .....
Ability to use darkness as riku and im Basicly happy.
This. The series always has weird camera problems.Better camera angles would be pretty cool too.
Nothing made me more angry then watch donal and goofy just walk into attacks, one after the other. Riku was the only useful party member in the series
I felt sad, Donald & Goofy were weaker compared to their KH1 counterparts. I could barely see them useful (except for distracting other heartless).
And the SMT series. In fact. There's no such thing as a bad SMT game or a Chrono game. Nomura can fuck both of those up with KH-retarded decision and it still be better than Kingdom Hearts.
-Keep BBS command system in mind but polish it up a bit. It looked that way in the DDD trailer
-Plot to be surprising, interesting, have its share of plot twists, and maybe not let Riku or Sora forget about this or something stupid like that...
-I want my FF cameos. Laguna, Rinoa, Lightning lol jk but seriously. Give me my FF characters damn it.
-be more interactive with the surrounding area and have some people to actually talk to besides the worlds cast.
-maybe some side quests that have relevance to the story to an extent instead of being outright filler.
I'd like some genuine comedic relief to, the previous games' attempts at comedy were sad..
-New Worlds
-More side quests
-Sora character development (hnnnngh)
-New Weapons
-Sora Riku friend development
...... 8D .....
1. This is highly unlikely but... for them to not get rid of any specific plot-points in Notre Dame (to be more specific, the ones involving christianity)
2. No Sora clones (looks at the raining Soras)... um, too late. Atleast, no Riku clones.
3. Add some Pixar worlds.
We already have Repliku. He was awesome enough to eliminate the need for another clone.
And I really don't want the religious part of Notre Dame to be taken away, but I'm sure they will tone it down a lot considering how many people get offended by religion. But I don't want it to go because it was what drove the plot forward. Sin, the corruption of the church, true belief in god. Maybe this game will be dark enough for all of that to stay and not offend anybody.
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I felt sad, Donald & Goofy were weaker compared to their KH1 counterparts. I could barely see them useful (except for distracting other heartless).
I meant no Riku clone for THIS game, not the series in general.
Dark enough to make this the final boss for Notre Dame?
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drop the cross
i dont mind it (though im christian)
but it might cause some trouble
Re:coded made Donald and Goofy god-like. If they can incorperate that system into future titles then that would solve every problem that they had in KH1/KH2.
Disney has yet to pull the dick out of their asses so you can expect no Christianity plot.