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Dream Drop Distance HD Confirmed in X[chi]?

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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
I may sound like a total cynic, but I just don't think that KH 3D HD makes a whole ton of sense right now, for three reasons:

1. The game is designed for the 3DS.
Dream Drop Distance, unlike Birth By Sleep or other titles was made for a current gen system, moreover it was designed specifically for the 3DS. I think that due to this, they couldn't port it to a formal platform unless they ported it over to the Wii U, which to me is the only system that could support dual screen platform play. This was the case with both of the other DS titles, which were passed over due to the fact that they would be very difficult to port to a non dual screen system. If they did this however, it would kind of subvert their plans to have all the games on one system, and would kind of defeat the point of it being remade in the first place, and boil it down to merely a graphical and hardware update.
With a few changes to the button layout, the game could be fully functional with a Dualshock 4. With the touchpad, all the reality shifts become a simple swipe with the thumb. And trust me, it comes naturally. I played Tomb Raider on the PS4 which utilised a thumb swipe to light the torch and that became second nature when it was time.

Also using the touchpad as a button would allow people to bring up the detailed maps. That way, all that work and detail isn't squandered and it's kept in tact.

2. Kingdom Hearts 3D is the shortest game in the series.
Yes, I said it, KH3D was just a short game. Almost every other Kingdom Hearts game features at least 13 unique worlds, whereas DDD only had 7 worlds. If you count the worlds twice because of the dual story lines, I suppose you'd end up with 14 worlds, but there were really only 7 -Levels- per se. Besides, judging by that rule, Birth By Sleep would have 36 levels, since each character featured a total of 12 playable levels. Due to this, I don't think they'd be able to realistically push their efforts from Kingdom Hearts 3 just to churn out another remaster, especially since it'd be stand alone. There are no other games left to package it with, so it'd be kind of underwhelming.
It may not have the most worlds in it, but that doesn't mean it's the shortest. Dream Drop Distance surprised me by how long the game actually is. I was not expecting a 35-40 hour game.

They wouldn't be "pushing their efforts from Kingdom Hearts 3" to make this. There's already a team who made 1.5 and 2.5, right. That team remastered 2 games and made 3 hour cutscenes for another. Take a handful of those people and you have a team who can remaster only one game. The rest can be absorbed into the Kingdom Hearts 3 team.

3. They could just cover it in cutscenes in KH3.
In the previous Kingdom Hearts titles like 3D, for those who had not played preceding games they featured articles, or in 3D's case the chronicles sections. Also there were optional cutscenes which explained the storyline of the game, as well as the backstory of others. Several people theorize that just because it was featured in the credits of 2.5 it must be its own standalone game. I think it more likely that since it was included next to footage of 3, it'll most likely be included in 3 as either a way to catch people up via cutscenes, or chronicles. After all, the game was just a big filler until the end anyway, as basically nothing of substance was revealed until the game's climax, other than perhaps the Nobody's return.
The game features somewhere between 6-7 hours of cutscenes I think. I do not want to have to watch 6-7 hours just to get a story. I'd rather play it and enjoy it. Especially since flowmotion is a fantastic feature that people should probably get use to before they play Kingdom Hearts 3.


Nov 22, 2014
Says the guy with a KH3D screenshot in his signature.

Regardless if KH3D HD is a thing or not, KH3 still won't be coming anytime soon.

Since they announced 1.5HD, and knowing about KH3... I thought they might be building the collections up to release year for KH3... So next year we get DDD for PS3 or PS4 or both with KH3 in late 2016 for PS4. It seems to make sense to me that could be what they are planning, especially with these HD collections.


Apr 12, 2006
Clarksville, TN
KH3 was not coming in 2015 anyway. The game was just announced earlier this year and Nomura was just put on it full-time. I do think 3D will be the KH game in 2015 in some capacity, not sure in what form; and then KH3 will be in 2016. FFXV has an outside shot of being released in 2015 (I would be pleasantly surprised though), but there is no way KH3 is released in 2015.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
I don't think it's impossible for 3D to be remade for PS3 or PS4, I didn't mean to make it sound that way. I just think it'd be a bit superfluous to remake a standalone game that already exists on a current gen platform. I think I'd rather have Dream Drop Distance Final Mix instead, which would be more in line with the spirit of what this title would be, save the HD elements. 3D actually has pretty good graphics, and save for a few things, I don't feel that it needs an HD overhaul. Not that I wouldn't buy it... and then buy it again... And put it on a golden shrine of KH in my house...

3D more or less was made with the same engine as Birth by Sleep, for different platforms yes, but it would be about the same to port over. You're right that it would have to be overhauled a bit, but so? The WiiU thing will never, ever, ever happen so yes what they would have to do would be overhaul the gameplay. Which they could do easily than they could the other handhelds because this HD remaster would be a standalone title and so all the resources and time could go to improving it, besides if they were to take their time with it they could really make it stand out.

I agree with your thoughts, it is totally possible that I'm wrong, and that they wouldn't have *too* much trouble remaking it. (and hey, it's not like I haven't been wrong before! XD) I mean, hey, they are a video game company, this is what they do. :)
I just personally don't think it's necessary that they remake a game that you can already buy today. They could improve it, I just don't think they need to. The only reason I brought up a WiiU port was due to the similar hardware, full video touchscreen, gyro sensor, and camera, there wouldn't need to be much of a rehaul in the gameplay mechanics department.

With a few changes to the button layout, the game could be fully functional with a Dualshock 4. With the touchpad, all the reality shifts become a simple swipe with the thumb. And trust me, it comes naturally. I played Tomb Raider on the PS4 which utilised a thumb swipe to light the torch and that became second nature when it was time.

Also using the touchpad as a button would allow people to bring up the detailed maps. That way, all that work and detail isn't squandered and it's kept in tact.

I hadn't thought about the touchscreen on the PS4 controller, interesting thought.
If they did remaster it, I think you are right, that'd be the way they'd do it.
Although while the Dualshock 4 does have a touchscreen, I'm not sure if it would work as well with 3D's gameplay.
About half the game, including the mini map, reality shifts, mini games, and spirit links take place on the touch screen. If remade for PS4, all but the core gameplay would have to be virtually remade completely to make it work on the Dualshock 4 controller. All touchscreen interface would have to be shifted to the television. The touchscreen on the Dualshock 4 and the 3DS touchscreen are fairly different, since the 3DS touchscreen allows you to see what is happening on-screen, and allows you to interact with it. The Dualshock 4 doesn't have this feature, and you would spend more time attempting to match your touch screen to the on-screen elements since you wouldn't be able to see the interface under your stylus (or finger). Moreover, the touchscreen on the Dualshock 4 isn't nearly as large or interactive as the 3DS touchscreen, and is used mainly for short motion gestures as opposed to long term interface. Even though the PS4 does have a touchscreen in it's controller, short motions aren't all that's needed of the touchscreen in 3D. In worlds like La Cite Des Cloches and TWTNW you had to connect several points with your stylus, which would be very difficult due to the lack of hand-eye coordination and visual interface.

It's not like I think the game would be impossible to make, or that it would suck if it would be made. I love 3D, I'd love to play it in Hd. I just think that the main point of the remasters wasn't just to remaster for remastering's sake, it was to allow players to experience Kingdom Heart's plot and understand it, since they were spread out over so many systems.
They made the remasters to allow the games to be accessible to the casual fan and the modern market again. Kingdom Hearts DDD doesn't have that problem, it's on a modern system that many people already own, with it being one of the more popular games on the platform. At this point, I just think it'd be kind of silly for them to devote time and resources to port a game from one already commercially available game system to another commercially available system.

... *don't hit me with a rock, I just want KH3 so bad yoo guyzzz!!!* >////<


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Another way to remake it is..I think you can use a Vita for a controller in PS3/PS4 games, correct? Via Cross Controller?

And a Vita is basically a touchscreen. (I can hear the groans from here since you'd have to buy one) So they could have the second screen on the Vita.

If they did that, it'd be a reason for me to get a vita too, but I'd proly not pony up for one; don't have that much money in the first place, I'd proly just get the 3DS version unless there's a very compelling reason to get the new version. I'm already hoping that things get better in time for me to get a PS4 around here. ^^ Let alone a Vita...

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Since they announced 1.5HD, and knowing about KH3... I thought they might be building the collections up to release year for KH3... So next year we get DDD for PS3 or PS4 or both with KH3 in late 2016 for PS4. It seems to make sense to me that could be what they are planning, especially with these HD collections.

My thoughts exactly.

KH3 was not coming in 2015 anyway. The game was just announced earlier this year and Nomura was just put on it full-time. I do think 3D will be the KH game in 2015 in some capacity, not sure in what form; and then KH3 will be in 2016. FFXV has an outside shot of being released in 2015 (I would be pleasantly surprised though), but there is no way KH3 is released in 2015.

I don't even think 2015 is a reality for FFXV unless Tabata works some kind of magic or SE gives him more staff. xD

I don't think it's impossible for 3D to be remade for PS3 or PS4, I didn't mean to make it sound that way. I just think it'd be a bit superfluous to remake a standalone game that already exists on a current gen platform. I think I'd rather have Dream Drop Distance Final Mix instead, which would be more in line with the spirit of what this title would be, save the HD elements. 3D actually has pretty good graphics, and save for a few things, I don't feel that it needs an HD overhaul. Not that I wouldn't buy it... and then buy it again... And put it on a golden shrine of KH in my house...

"Current gen" or not (because with the New 3DS, I'd say the 3DS is halfway to last gen), that doesn't mean it is any less worth a port with an HD touch. Games get ported frequently and get updates along with those ports.

The graphics are fantastic for a 3DS title, but the size and scope of the worlds within KH3D would probably shine by being on large television screens. If there was one thing I hated about KH3D was that the worlds were larger than they have ever been in any past game, and yet it was hard to enjoy that large scope when viewing it all on a tiny screen.

I agree with your thoughts, it is totally possible that I'm wrong, and that they wouldn't have *too* much trouble remaking it. (and hey, it's not like I haven't been wrong before! XD) I mean, hey, they are a video game company, this is what they do. :)
I just personally don't think it's necessary that they remake a game that you can already buy today. They could improve it, I just don't think they need to. The only reason I brought up a WiiU port was due to the similar hardware, full video touchscreen, gyro sensor, and camera, there wouldn't need to be much of a rehaul in the gameplay mechanics department.

Resident Evil fans could have bought Revelations on the 3DS but that didn't stop Capcom from porting and updating it for the PS3 then making a sequel of the game for home consoles only, ignoring whatever 3DS audience that game had.

And I don't think SE cares about what is on current gen or not. They have ported new mobile games to consoles after they got popular. This is a fairly similar concept, but for a different reason.

The camera really did nothing for the gameplay. It was a gimmick at best to make interacting with the Dream Eaters more interesting. You get a touch pad on the DS4, and a touch screen on the Vita, as well as a gyro in both. Whatever the WiiU could do can easily be accomplished on the PS4 + Vita.

Although while the Dualshock 4 does have a touchscreen, I'm not sure if it would work as well with 3D's gameplay.
About half the game, including the mini map, reality shifts, mini games, and spirit links take place on the touch screen. If remade for PS4, all but the core gameplay would have to be virtually remade completely to make it work on the Dualshock 4 controller. All touchscreen interface would have to be shifted to the television. The touchscreen on the Dualshock 4 and the 3DS touchscreen are fairly different, since the 3DS touchscreen allows you to see what is happening on-screen, and allows you to interact with it. The Dualshock 4 doesn't have this feature, and you would spend more time attempting to match your touch screen to the on-screen elements since you wouldn't be able to see the interface under your stylus (or finger). Moreover, the touchscreen on the Dualshock 4 isn't nearly as large or interactive as the 3DS touchscreen, and is used mainly for short motion gestures as opposed to long term interface. Even though the PS4 does have a touchscreen in it's controller, short motions aren't all that's needed of the touchscreen in 3D. In worlds like La Cite Des Cloches and TWTNW you had to connect several points with your stylus, which would be very difficult due to the lack of hand-eye coordination and visual interface.

Again, this kind of stuff wasn't exactly the "core" of the gameplay. It is all unimportant in comparison to the ACTUAL core gameplay, which consisted of flowmotion, the command deck, and your Dream Eaters. Change the Flick Rush minigame to button + touchpad commands.

The touchpad will sense your touch. Remove the need of exact precision and instead by the context of how you move your fingers and it works exactly the same. Heck, there is also the lightbar sensor that can be added in if they want to play around with the PS4's functions.

They made the remasters to allow the games to be accessible to the casual fan and the modern market again. Kingdom Hearts DDD doesn't have that problem, it's on a modern system that many people already own, with it being one of the more popular games on the platform. At this point, I just think it'd be kind of silly for them to devote time and resources to port a game from one already commercially available game system to another commercially available system.

And yet it is still the core audience buying these remasters, not the casual fans. There are some, but I think just by looking at the sales numbers is a sign of what audience is actually picking these games up.

If this was already planned, they wouldn't be wasting time and resources that have already been allocated.

... *don't hit me with a rock, I just want KH3 so bad yoo guyzzz!!!* >////<

KH3 won't be coming any sooner just by them not making a HD remaster of one more game. The people who worked on 1.5 and 2.5 are a super tiny team that have never had anything do with KH3. It was literally two programmers and a few planners working on 1.5, and a few other people joined on to help wrap things up. The staff for 2.5 was the same (which was 70 people) and they remastered 2 games and made a 3 hour cutscene theater in a year.

As for monetary resources, Square Enix probably spent more on remastering the music for 1.5 and 2.5 than they did on the games themselves. Time resources are nothing when KH3 still won't be coming out any time remotely soon and adding the people who worked on 1.5 and 2.5 onto KH3 isn't going make things move any faster.

People can be hired, work can be outsourced if truly necessary.

So it is either we get something next year or we get nothing. I would prefer something.
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Traitor of KHInsider.com
Mar 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Says the guy with a KH3D screenshot in his signature.

Regardless if KH3D HD is a thing or not, KH3 still won't be coming anytime soon.

Touché. However I'm not saying KH 3DS wasn't a good game; it's just that this will impede the development of KH3 like KH 1.5 and 2.5 (Still excited though for 2.5 (2 is by far my favorite))


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Touché. However I'm not saying KH 3DS wasn't a good game; it's just that this will impede the development of KH3 like KH 1.5 and 2.5 (Still excited though for 2.5 (2 is by far my favorite))

The remasters did not and are not impeding the development of KH3. Square Enix and Nomura were impeding the development of KH3. From day one it was, "well, the KH team is working on Versus so Osaka will be doing this" and then it was "I am considering it, but the KH team is still busy and we have requests on other systems" and it goes on and on and on.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Touché. However I'm not saying KH 3DS wasn't a good game; it's just that this will impede the development of KH3 like KH 1.5 and 2.5 (Still excited though for 2.5 (2 is by far my favorite))

Because a team of planners and like two (+ those who willingly decided to help along the way) programmers is hindering KH3's development.

Keep in mind that not everybody is working on KH3 at one time. Certain work must be finished before others can do anything, and some people may finish up their job and be free to do something else. That is why you see people come and go during a dev cycle.
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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
According to Tai Yasue, over 70 people worked on HD 2.5 ReMIX, which was more than 1.5. Only a handful of those people would really be needed to do a Remaster for one game instead of 2 + 3 hours of cutscenes leaving the rest to be absorbed into the existing Kingdom Hearts 3 team.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
According to Tai Yasue, over 70 people worked on HD 2.5 ReMIX, which was more than 1.5. Only a handful of those people would really be needed to do a Remaster for one game instead of 2 + 3 hours of cutscenes leaving the rest to be absorbed into the existing Kingdom Hearts 3 team.

I always forget about that interview. I was mistaken about 2.5 (and even still those 70 people likely did not work on it all at the same time) but yes, that is also true.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
And yet it is still the core audience buying these remasters, not the casual fans. There are some, but I think just by looking at the sales numbers is a sign of what audience is actually picking these games up.

If this was already planned, they wouldn't be wasting time and resources that have already been allocated.

KH3 won't be coming any sooner just by them not making a HD remaster of one more game. ...

So it is either we get something next year or we get nothing. I would prefer something.

I would like something new too... I am just a bit weary of rehashes and remakes from SE.
I didn't say that the game's dev would take away from KH3, just that I think it's a bit silly to remake the latest installment in the series two years after it's initial release. It may have happened before, but that doesn't mean that it's not a little bit unnecessary.

I mean, if it's that or nothing I'll buy it, I'll play it, I'll love it. I just don't think that we need to beat the horse to death with remasters, I'd just rather have original content. :)


Traitor of KHInsider.com
Mar 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Because a team of planners and like two (+ those who willingly decided to help along the way) programmers is hindering KH3's development.

Keep in mind that not everybody is working on KH3 at one time. Certain work must be finished before others can do anything, and some people may finish up their job and be free to do something else. That is why you see people come and go during a dev cycle.

I know they aren't but I'm saying that having anther game on their plate isn't exactly helping them either in terms of finishing the game. Besides, don't they usually put new content in the remakes? Story-wise and gameplay wise? So I'd assume that their programmers and even Tetsuya will have to work on that.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
I know they aren't but I'm saying that having anther game on their plate isn't exactly helping them either in terms of finishing the game. Besides, don't they usually put new content in the remakes? Story-wise and gameplay wise? So I'd assume that their programmers and even Tetsuya will have to work on that.

Again, not really when the number of people they would need to work on a remaster of one game would be minimal.

No, they don't. Not always. For example, Type-0 HD is purely a visual remaster. No new content has been added besides some new costumes that have yet to be revealed but that is purely cosmetic.

They wouldn't have to add anything new unless they wanted to, and if they do that is something they would have already taken in account in relation to KH3.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
3DHD would probably be the best "side" game they could make. 1.5 had only one title in my opinion that was worth remaking while RE:COM was on its second port and the 358/2 theater offered nearly nothing of substance while 2.5 has arguably two of the best titles in the series and RE:coded in cutscenes (not much there however a large portion of it are new scenes).

3D was one of my favorite games (my favorite 3DS game), the only things that held it back were the lack of buttons and triggers discounting the superfluous circle pad pro, and the small screen being a 3DS title. considering the scope of the worlds, it could be a console title on its own. also considering how integral it is to understanding III while it was only released to the limited audience of the 3DS, it has twice as much reason to be ported. however, certain issues could be fixed including the flatness of the backgrounds due to the limited hardware of the handheld and some glitchy platforming.

let's not forget all of the extra disc space, maybe they could add some extra features, i wonder how they would handle the (very limited) multiplayer if it was given the 2.5 bbs treatment. and above all, with nomura's want to release a kingdom hearts game every year and square enix' want to make money, i can see it as a possibility and i'd love to have this game remade especially if its either this or nothing.

i wouldn't complain if we got X[chi] next year either


Feb 4, 2010
Jump Festa line up got revealed, but keep in mind that Square Enix OFTEN have games at the event that they don't advertise so there's still potential for a Kingdom Hearts!


I think for the last 10 years Kingdom Hearts has always been present at Jump Festa. Would be funny to see them break the tradition tho, especially when they have an announced KH game in the works with last trailer being over a year old.

I do expect DDD HD to be there. Best excuse for not having to talk about KH3.


Nov 22, 2014
I don't think it's impossible for 3D to be remade for PS3 or PS4, I didn't mean to make it sound that way. I just think it'd be a bit superfluous to remake a standalone game that already exists on a current gen platform. I think I'd rather have Dream Drop Distance Final Mix instead, which would be more in line with the spirit of what this title would be, save the HD elements. 3D actually has pretty good graphics, and save for a few things, I don't feel that it needs an HD overhaul. Not that I wouldn't buy it... and then buy it again... And put it on a golden shrine of KH in my house...

Perhaps, if Dream Drop Distance is being ported over to PS3/PS4 then it will be a new HD Final Mix version instead of just the original 3DS game. Instead of just being a Japan exclusive for years on end, it would be released the world over?


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Perhaps, if Dream Drop Distance is being ported over to PS3/PS4 then it will be a new HD Final Mix version instead of just the original 3DS game. Instead of just being a Japan exclusive for years on end, it would be released the world over?

that'd be ideal because then SE would have a better rep with its fan and there really isn't a point in waiting 5 more years for a superior version japan already has and fans don't feel familiar with it from analyzing the screenshots, scenes and gameplay repeatedly.

especially considering, wasn't julius exclusive to NA and EU versions or am i wrong?


Oct 9, 2007
especially considering, wasn't julius exclusive to NA and EU versions or am i wrong?
If this would be the case we also would have a Dream Drop Distance Final Mix by now. The unspoken rules for the release of a Final Mix are:
1. If there is new content in the NA/EU version then there will be a Final Mix.
2. If Nomura says there won't be a Final Mix then there will be one.
3. If it's on a Nintendo console there probably won't be one but a remake/remaster instead.

By the way you can also see the differences on the Country of the Musketeers cards released one year ago and the new ones, they are more subtle but for example the buckles on the boots look a bit sharper now.
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