Xion is cute. Thanks for the picture. The link wasnt working for me.
Aqua's ugly.
Oh yes, i went there.
Tell me something I don't know?And you go for men.
Oh yes I went there.
I think Aqua is cute. Xion has a kind of little kid cuteness to her instead of a omg she hot cute.
Sort of like Toph?
Yeah. But without the wierd eyes.
Yeah, that would have ruined it...
I posted the picture because you posted the wrong link.
Anyway, Xion is such a cutie-face.
She sort of reminds me of the blind earth-bender-girl from Avatar.
Everyones face looks the same in KH.
Not doubting she is connected to Kairi, but still.
I think she kinda looks like Aqua.
they also said she would have black hair.
But. she has blue (as was reported at DKS3713).
Something just tells me that maybe some people thought it was black.
Oh and the dark skin thing was only said by one blogger. So who knows, we'll just have to wait until some actually screenshots release to know for sure.