So, I originally just had one drabble here, but I like drabbles, and have written a few and probably will continue to write them, so I decided to put 'em all in one post. I'm hesitant to call them Akuroku, one because most people here don't like it, and two because they can mostly all be read simply as friendship. So yeah, enjoy.
Axel threw his head back and laughed. A long, loud, carefree laugh. Not like Larxene's mocking snickers, or Demyx's amused giggles, or Xigbar's sarcastic chuckles. Those were only fake, imitating emotion but not actually feeling them. This laughter was real, honest, and it felt...wonderful.
The blonde to his left echoed his laughter, real laughter, emotional and full of life. Neither knew why they were laughing so much. What the blonde had said wasn't really that funny, but still they continued to laugh, clutching their stomachs with one hand while the other held a dripping popsicle.
The laughter slowly died away, and Axel turned to the boy, smiling. “You're really something, kid, you know that?” He stated, ruffling the blonde hair with his free hand.
Roxas laughed and shook the older boy's hand off. “Why do you say that?” He asked, his blue eyes twinkling with the light of the setting sun.
“I don't know,” Axel said, turning to face the fiery sunset. “I haven't felt this way since...god knows when.” He continued, gazing thoughtfully at the red and orange and yellow lights that danced down the horizon.
The blonde's amusement was replaced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, a look that was far too familiar to Axel. “Felt what way?” He asked.
Green eyes met blue, and Axel smiled. “Whole.”
This is my newest drabble. I haven't really decided on a title yet, but as of right now it's tentatively titled "Forgotten".
The redhead looked up from his ice cream at the blonde to his left. “Yes, Roxas?” He replied, somewhat amused. The younger boy was never without a question.
Roxas hesitated and looked down at his hands, as if unsure how to word the question. “Why do you always say 'Got it memorized'?”
Axel was taken aback. Roxas never usually asked him about himself. Usually his questions were more along the lines of his missions or the work of the Organization. He found that had to think about the question, and actually wasn't sure of the answer.
“Because it sounds cool.” He answered with a grin.
Roxas laughed. “Oh, believe me, it doesn't. It's actually kind of annoying.” The blonde received a gasp of indignation and a playful slap in response.
“No, really. You have to have a reason.” Roxas pressed, nudging the older boy in the side.
Axel sighed and scratched his head. “I don't really know...” he said, looking out at the horizon. “I guess I'm afraid of being forgotten,” he admitted, somewhat embarrassed.
“I would never forget you.” Roxas said. Axel looked into his blue blue eyes and could tell the boy was being one hundred percent sincere.
Axel smiled and ruffled the blonde's hair. “You'd better not.”
Axel threw his head back and laughed. A long, loud, carefree laugh. Not like Larxene's mocking snickers, or Demyx's amused giggles, or Xigbar's sarcastic chuckles. Those were only fake, imitating emotion but not actually feeling them. This laughter was real, honest, and it felt...wonderful.
The blonde to his left echoed his laughter, real laughter, emotional and full of life. Neither knew why they were laughing so much. What the blonde had said wasn't really that funny, but still they continued to laugh, clutching their stomachs with one hand while the other held a dripping popsicle.
The laughter slowly died away, and Axel turned to the boy, smiling. “You're really something, kid, you know that?” He stated, ruffling the blonde hair with his free hand.
Roxas laughed and shook the older boy's hand off. “Why do you say that?” He asked, his blue eyes twinkling with the light of the setting sun.
“I don't know,” Axel said, turning to face the fiery sunset. “I haven't felt this way since...god knows when.” He continued, gazing thoughtfully at the red and orange and yellow lights that danced down the horizon.
The blonde's amusement was replaced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity, a look that was far too familiar to Axel. “Felt what way?” He asked.
Green eyes met blue, and Axel smiled. “Whole.”
This is my newest drabble. I haven't really decided on a title yet, but as of right now it's tentatively titled "Forgotten".
The redhead looked up from his ice cream at the blonde to his left. “Yes, Roxas?” He replied, somewhat amused. The younger boy was never without a question.
Roxas hesitated and looked down at his hands, as if unsure how to word the question. “Why do you always say 'Got it memorized'?”
Axel was taken aback. Roxas never usually asked him about himself. Usually his questions were more along the lines of his missions or the work of the Organization. He found that had to think about the question, and actually wasn't sure of the answer.
“Because it sounds cool.” He answered with a grin.
Roxas laughed. “Oh, believe me, it doesn't. It's actually kind of annoying.” The blonde received a gasp of indignation and a playful slap in response.
“No, really. You have to have a reason.” Roxas pressed, nudging the older boy in the side.
Axel sighed and scratched his head. “I don't really know...” he said, looking out at the horizon. “I guess I'm afraid of being forgotten,” he admitted, somewhat embarrassed.
“I would never forget you.” Roxas said. Axel looked into his blue blue eyes and could tell the boy was being one hundred percent sincere.
Axel smiled and ruffled the blonde's hair. “You'd better not.”
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