yessss, aeris' voice in kh2 was HORRIBLE. wat ever happened to mandy moore??? she did a great job in kh1. kh2 aeris was horrible, totally monotone, and no emotion whatsoever except for a lil bit when she said "consider it a leon compliment" cuz she like tried 2 laugh but didn't, grrrrrr wanted 2 kill her so badly, i now understand why sephiroth had 2 do it, her voice sucked!!!!!!!! also cloud needed some new words. how do you say shutup like 3 times!!!!!!!!! say something else you idiot!!!!!!! ummmmm cloud, i am the darkness you can never get rid of..... SHUT UP........ the light doesn't suit you........ SHUT UP....... omg, get a new line for crying out loud, it was worse than rai's "y'know" sayin, cause itz just a character who really is stupid whereas cloud has some beef with sephiroth and always had crap 2 say, instead all he comes up with 3 times is shutup, wuss.