I had a tough time deciding between Ven and Aqua but i learned she can float with her keyblade. I moved her to second (going best to last)
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lol. I was going for best for last and I was going to play aqua first, cause she seemed the least fun, but now I'm playing Terra first, then Aqua, then Ven. Ven is last because one of the main parts of the game is Ven's identity. He would be last no matter what. =)I had a tough time deciding between Ven and Aqua but i learned she can float with her keyblade. I moved her to second (going best to last)
Sorry YttrixiumI don't like this thread already, need I explain why?
Anyway, honestly, not at all. I'm fond of her magical abilities akin to Wisdom form.
Knowing some of this new info does not affect the way I feel about her in the least.
That's not what affects mychoice.I personally feel that how a character moves should not affect someones choice.
She'll be the first I play, but i think ven's story will be most important.I think that the story within that character should sway their opinion on who to play first. And i will also like to say that many people are giving aqua a bad rap. Who knows her story might be the most important.
i hope they force us into play scenarios in order!
so we could understand~