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Do you think Kingdom hearts \ verum rex should cater twords the T rating



New member
Jul 20, 2021
I Would like to talk. About the Kingdom Hearts series and Verum Rex getting a T rating. I know Verum Rex is most likely for a T for Teen rating however I would like to point out that the Kingdom Heart series in many respects is long overdue for the T rating especially when the actual contents of the series really isn't how should I put it child appropriate at least not without Parental Guidance and I don't want to sound like a massive Karen but that's how I started to find it a lot of the contents found within the Kingdom Hearts franchise really borders on not being appropriate for the E10 rating especially in regards to chain of Memories Kingdom Kingdom Hearts 2 days Birth by Sleep and fragmentary Passage as well as ending half of Kingdom Hearts 3 and its DLC and I guess it would be bad to not point out Union Cross and anything to do with Unchained as well as what's already been shown of dark Road even for what Final Fantasy features Kingdom Hearts can get rather darkmoor been in even brutal especially if you have read the Manga like I have and so that's why I posed the question should Kingdom Hearts 4 through however many other entries that come and a v run Rex spin-off series get the tea rating and please don't leave a comment saying no because Disney wouldn't do this honestly I think if that was the case for a lot of these things Disney would have really stepped in a long time ago be on using Disney World's like Frozen from what I can tell Disney pretty much trust square with most of their assets And in regards to original Kingdom Hearts characters and story it was Square who pretty much pitched the idea so I think they know it's pretty much just right to let Square do what Square does best and Disney are no I think the series has been long overdue for the T rating and Disney has had plenty of assets should we say that don't really apply to the family Friendly Markets such as gargoyles Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron and even more when you consider adaptations like John Carter or even the Hunchback of Notre Dom and now that they own properties like Star Wars and its parent company lucasfilm box and even Marvel granted I would prefer those things stay out of Kingdom Hearts I'd say those things are pretty much evident that Disney is definitely there for a more adult content especially if you consider how MIramax was when Miramax was still a thing so when say Disney is pretty okay with more adult content and older Mickey Mouse Donald and even goofy cartoons tend to be pretty adult in themes if you ever decide to go and watch those it's actually kind of shocking how adult they could get even though this was the standards of the time and most modern Disney stuff extra Tame not really as good as the older stuff . And a lot of the darker stuff is of course because Kingdom Hearts is the marriage of Disney and Square Enix or Disney and Final Fantasy down to Kingdom Hearts In Truth being a little bit more Final Fantasy than a lot of people really think or would like to admit these themes are pretty well buried when and they should be shown off more but when they need to be shown they've always come into place and it's not just to eat you Final Fantasy characters were aspects of the gameplay this is why I personally consider Kingdom Hearts as a final fantasy spin-off if not one of the reasons please rest your pitchforks and with what verum Rex is I think that'll be shown off perhaps more than ever assuming it becomes its own game I actually assumed that if it does it'll do what drakengard did with with near so we could be like that but in all honesty a lot of what kingdom hearts has featured even with Disney included definitely goes above what d e 10 and up rating is and if you compare it to something like the recent Trials of Mana remake which has it he rating it's honestly okay hee in terms of its content I'd say it's definitely in many ways more kid appropriate than Kingdom Hearts which is a bit odd but it's because I think Kingdom Hearts is a little bit too violent for younger children child audiences and from what I can tell square and if Disney really it has much involvement they know that the audience is mostly teenagers and adults especially when they have to at this point realize that that's their main audience at this current Point mostly because the Kingdom Hearts fan base those who were younger when the series started are now adults around the age of 28 work in their early 20s or in many cases if they're a little younger they're just starting High School and a lot of Kingdom Hearts it themes definitely seemed to resonate with older audiences at least in my opinion end I actually once started up a conversation in a comic store with someone who asked why I played it and it's a kids game and I basically had to do the typical Road in down how dark the series could get and lo and behold some guy in his thirties pops up and goes yeah I wouldn't let my kids play in fact I don't not until they're much older so when that came to my mind it does come off that Kingdom Hearts is really more adult and the writing definitely caters more to them at least from what I can tell I may be wrong on this I like to keep an open mind but I'd like to know your opinions should Kingdom Hearts itself keep the attended operating or should it finally upgrade with that tea rating and should verum Rex be a tier 8 of game despite from what I can tell if the tone from what Kingdom Hearts 3 has shown us it most likely has that vibe to it so I would love to just get some thoughts and opinions on it


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
Chain of Memories is the only one I feel tested the line between ratings. Still the most mature and at times morbid entry in the series. Don't think they would have got away with it if it was a full console sequel at the start.

Not complaining. Chain of Memories is still the strongest entry from a thematic and philosophical standpoint. And its focus on memory, identity and trauma is still remarkably deep - both in general and especially for a kids GBA game. Finished it again last night with my little sister and was stunned at how much it made her ponder those themes and question her previous assumptions.

The series in general used to expertly combine the mature sections with the more zany child-friendly ones in a way that was deft, self-aware, and became something greater than the sum of its parts.

It's been really clunky on that front for a long time now. Like they can't decide whether the series grows up with the original players or grows up with the new younger generation discovering it.

Either way, I doubt they'd go for a T rating (don't particularly think they should, either).
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2013
Doubt it. Besides I think they ruled out a T rated Verum Rex game when they gave Yozora a crossbow laser gun instead of an actual fire arm


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Stop & breathe every once in a while, man. Paragraphs are your friends.

Anyway I guess if they lean more towards live action Disney worlds they could bump it up a little.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
I doubt it too. The KH games are mostly Disney content and Disney would want to target children as potential customers, as usual. Most people don't care about the ratings, but raising it to Teens is not a logical move anyway.

And please, use some paragraphs next time, it helps reading long posts.


New member
Jul 20, 2021
Doubt it. Besides I think they ruled out a T rated Verum Rex game when they gave Yozora a crossbow laser gun instead of an actual fire arm
I wouldn't agree with that I don't think they need an actual fire arm plus firearms have been used in past KH games clayton comes to mind especially because that was an annoying boss fight.


New member
Jul 20, 2021
I doubt it too. The KH games are mostly Disney content and Disney would want to target children as potential customers, as usual. Most people don't care about the ratings, but raising it to Teens is not a logical move anyway.

And please, use some paragraphs next time, it helps reading long posts.
Honestly I don't believe that mostly because outside of Disney properties that are more recent they don't seem to care what what Square does .

And upon recently examining KH ive honestly found it to be halfway original stuff especially sense the Disney stuff is just filled content.

Modern Disney especially seems more concerned if something they own or have any inolvement in is if makes money . go check out Clown fish TV if you can they used to work at Disney and actually have some insider info.

If anything Disney currently cares about 3 thing's at the moment . l

1 if whatever property they own or company are collaberating With turns a profit

2 staying with what is hip with youth culture and its various aspects .

However when it comes to kingdom Hearts in particular its a video Game series and manga this a field the Walt Disney company isn't very successful with without a company assisting them like Square or Capcom yes game's like Disney infinity exist and spectrobes but overall there video game exploits are not looked upon fondly.

And because of this and kingdom hearts being a Japanese and amarican collaboration it has some cultural significance . and also where sales of sales of KH games are better in North America the overall fandom and audience are bigger in Japan . and Disney wants to get into everyone's pockets so what fly's there is how they let the standards of the series go . from what I have come to understand .
3 merchandisng which kh makes plenty of

And with Verum Rex From my analysis definitely being more Square enix final fantasy and original KH content focused id say verum rex may likely be T rated especially when factoring in Versus XIII in anyway I believe at least that is likely to be T rated .

As for regular KH i can easily see it staying E10+ .

Now be aware this only do to my own analysis and research and I can be completely incorrect with this and you being spot on .