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Diz is not Amsem

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The Reaper

New member
Mar 27, 2005
Rc9000000 said:
The is a Lot of stuff out there saying that Diz the guy in red is Amsem but i don't think he is here is what i am sure is right and if i'm not by the time Kingdom Hearts 2 is out feel free to say so. OK Diz is the glowing eye unknow in deep dive now let me explain for one all you can see is his eye is kind of orange. now i bet you saying that he had a heartless syimble on his chest yes he did for like 3 second he did not walk threw the rock he appared by it the hartless was there maybe becase he use dark power like Riku did to get around. with al that said i belive that Diz is the one who looks like Sora
Shutup! Hes the shell of ANSEM!


Feb 3, 2005
Toronto, Canada
shortythugsta said:
this should be closed down and i agree with sinharvaast angel

OMG. Stop spamming, or Muffin will flame your arse to the next Thanksgiving.

There is no actual proof that DiZ IS or IS NOT the superior of the Org. As I said before, I think he is, but w.e to you guys who think he isn't.

So, we all agree, that DiZ IS the shell of Ansem.


New member
Jul 10, 2005
Come in my Pants
Rc9000000 said:
The is a Lot of stuff out there saying that Diz the guy in red is Amsem but i don't think he is here is what i am sure is right and if i'm not by the time Kingdom Hearts 2 is out feel free to say so. OK Diz is the glowing eye unknow in deep dive now let me explain for one all you can see is his eye is kind of orange. now i bet you saying that he had a heartless syimble on his chest yes he did for like 3 second he did not walk threw the rock he appared by it the hartless was there maybe becase he use dark power like Riku did to get around. with al that said i belive that Diz is the one who looks like Sora

diz cant be the geu. and i have evidence that he is the nobody of ansem. for one thing, he is a special unknown that can only be formed if a a strong heart that was taken. the voice actor for ansem is playing diz. diz told mickey that they have met before. in com, there was a lot of discussions that riku though diz was similar.

finally, the big evidence is right here
"they must not know of our plans, ANSEM"


New member
Aug 5, 2005
How are we sure of DiZ being Ansem? I see none of this 'proof' that everyone is talking about.


New member
Aug 5, 2005
d_fallen_1 said:
ah hmmm...the evidence is right above you
Yes, and how do we know that? Where is it confirmed? I'm just asking for a source.


New member
Jun 20, 2005
twiligh town
Originally posted by kaizer21
Actually, he might be the superior. Since the thing in CO when bad, I guess since if that happens again, he will just destroy the Org. together, because they lost sight of what they were really trying to do. Myself, I think he is the Superior, because there is no solid evidence not to say that.

i kind of agree. some of the unknows are following Diz (the scans show that), even thought i don't think he's an unknown, he seems to be the one giving the orders.


Gee Tee Ecks
Apr 21, 2005
W/ Headphones On.
Rc9000000 said:
The is a Lot of stuff out there saying that Diz the guy in red is Amsem but i don't think he is here is what i am sure is right and if i'm not by the time Kingdom Hearts 2 is out feel free to say so.
Hope this is good. And nothing is POSITIVE until the game comes out.

Rc9000000 said:
OK Diz is the glowing eye unknow in deep dive now let me explain for one all you can see is his eye is kind of orange. now i bet you saying that he had a heartless syimble on his chest yes he did for like 3 second he did not walk threw the rock he appared by it the hartless was there maybe becase he use dark power like Riku did to get around.
DiZ's eyes are orange true. GEU's is a glowing yellow. Not if he used dark powers the symbol would appear. Dark could be good or bad, your using it as bad. If they use the power of heartless then that would be a good reason.

Rc9000000 said:
with al that said i belive that Diz is the one who looks like Sora
Did you ever consider if it is DiZ is GEU than SU could have been refurring too Ansem? Ansem and DiZ did show some resemblance. And it can't be BHK because he is the DWU. So the only possible answer is an EARLY CONCEPT of DiZ. Just like the video Deep Dive was an early concept of KH2. They still kept a few of those ideas they used though so they may have scratched DiZ. I think GEU is an EARLY CONCEPT of DiZ, but not for the reasons you stated. Here to show you some similarities:
DiZ & GEU have 1 eye showing both bright colored eyes.

Thats all I can think of as well as that one "You look just like him" part. They are dissimular by:
Different skin color. One has glowing eyes. In organization.

But if I recall DWU=BHK was in the organization and doesn't seem to be now. So DiZ Ansem thing could have changed. While enough of my guesses.


New member
Jul 10, 2005
Come in my Pants
Keeavin said:
Yes, and how do we know that? Where is it confirmed? I'm just asking for a source.

for one thing the quote has been translated a long time ago and never been changed...almost three years to be exact. it has been confirmed by numorus sites, as well as my friend who actually went to se party, that he sound like ansem. everything else you can find by playing reverse rebirth


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
*sees his animation in GTX's sig and smiles*

And Setaroth, the fact that Diz wanted Riku to rid himself of Ansem doesn't really proove that he's not Snsems shell because just because Diz is Ansems shell, doesn't mean he has to like Ansem...

Still friends with you, I'm just saying...


New member
Jul 10, 2005
Come in my Pants
based on the report. ansem used to be a benevolent sovereign over hollow bastion. it was only when he was introduced to the heartless where he became darker. remember, the heartless have the ability of possession. that maybe the case of ansem. but now that his dark infected heart have been taken away from his body, the only thing that is left is his benevolent soul


New member
Aug 30, 2005
Ok i see alot of you are proable also on the kick that Riku is the true keyblade master too that a side in the DD video everyone's skin was the same the reason i belive that Diz is not Ansem is well Ansem is seald in the kingdom heart he never became a shell he just wrote about the 3rd side he became darkness or have any of you actualy beaten them game and while the BHK does look like sora how was it that he was talking to the Sitting unknow and fighting with Riku at the same time. Like i said i belive that Diz is the leader of The Organization Diz is the one that looks like sora and Diz was the only other person to come back from being a hearless.


New member
Aug 23, 2005
York, UK
Hey... It is comfierd that DIZ is Ansem´s body!
And DIZ is not GEU cuse DIZ is not a Org. member.
He is not GEU cuse you wuld seen his red bandages in DD. + WRONG skin culor.
And DIZ is trying to destroy the Org.
Diz looks like ansem, NOT Sora!...

And now someone is coming here to flame you extra chrispy, beleve me.
And he is going to endjoy it to!

I think Diz was a member of the organisation, and due to the fact that they've lost sight of their origional intentions, they've all got seperate ideas in their heads and Diz wats rid


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Dude, your f***in reatrded >_>

Diz look nothing like Sora!

And who said that the Sitting Unknown and the GEU were talking at the same time that the DWU and the BFU were fighting?

For all we know, that could have happened months afterwards, or possible just hours, or maybe days before... the fact is, you don't know, so stop tlaking like it's fact...

How can Diz look like sora, when he's like 30 years older than him!?

It's practically confirmed that Diz is Ansem's shell!

He has the same skin tone as Ansem, the same eye color, he has the exact same voice as ansem, he is "Ansem, and he is not Ansem" as quoted for KH: COM!

Get your facts straight >_>
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