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Dark Road ► Discussing the heartless



Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
Alright, I'm going to level with all of you. I don't have Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, nor do I have any intention to get it and indulge in the microtransaction miasma that is KH mobile games. I think the fact that Nomura even proposes the ideas for these kinds of games is just wrong and that he's just trying to milk more cash out of us as possible, but that's just my theory. I remember when the game was first revealed and we saw that once again we'd be fighting heartless, even though this is years before the events of KH 1 when Xehanort first released the heartless. A few people came up with the clever theories like a bootstrap paradox (where the object has no discernible origin and thus is meant to exist regardless) where Xehanort is initially against them, only to subconsciously create them many years later for them to cause trouble in the present day canon. A ton of people (ncluding myself) were mad at this contradiction, so I ask those of you who played it. How do the heartless fit into the story of Dark Road?


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
You can just watch the cutscenes and find out? That's the only part of the game that Nomura actually, like, makes. He doesn't benefit from Square Enix being richer.


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Alright, I'm going to level with all of you. I don't have Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, nor do I have any intention to get it and indulge in the microtransaction miasma that is KH mobile games. I think the fact that Nomura even proposes the ideas for these kinds of games is just wrong and that he's just trying to milk more cash out of us as possible, but that's just my theory.
My guy they stopped accepting payments four months ago
I remember when the game was first revealed and we saw that once again we'd be fighting heartless, even though this is years before the events of KH 1 when Xehanort first released the heartless. A few people came up with the clever theories like a bootstrap paradox (where the object has no discernible origin and thus is meant to exist regardless) where Xehanort is initially against them, only to subconsciously create them many years later for them to cause trouble in the present day canon. A ton of people (ncluding myself) were mad at this contradiction, so I ask those of you who played it. How do the heartless fit into the story of Dark Road?
It's already become a point of note in the story, what little of it we currently have. The characters recognize the Heartless appearing is strange, and shouldn't happen. We don't really know much more than that, but it is brought up that the Book of Prophecies projected Heartless in the ancient past, and that this could be a similar situation.

The Master's dialogue in the finale mentions how Darkness became the Heartless, which suggests to me that Purebloods, at least, have a much longer history than we thought.


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
The Master's dialogue in the finale mentions how Darkness became the Heartless, which suggests to me that Purebloods, at least, have a much longer history than we thought.
Yep, as we've come to learn that perhaps much of what we thought was originally Xehanort/Ansem SoD's creation/doing, was probably just based on things that already existed in the past (The Ark for example).

Either we're somehow in another Data world in Dark Road, or Xehanort/someone else was able to send future Heartless back through time (book of prophecies involved probably), or the method of making Emblem heartless was originally designed by someone before Xehanort. There's pretty much no question in my mind that as long as the "whole" darkness has been infecting hearts, there has been some kind of Pureblood heartless about.