Alright, I'm going to level with all of you. I don't have Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, nor do I have any intention to get it and indulge in the microtransaction miasma that is KH mobile games. I think the fact that Nomura even proposes the ideas for these kinds of games is just wrong and that he's just trying to milk more cash out of us as possible, but that's just my theory. I remember when the game was first revealed and we saw that once again we'd be fighting heartless, even though this is years before the events of KH 1 when Xehanort first released the heartless. A few people came up with the clever theories like a bootstrap paradox (where the object has no discernible origin and thus is meant to exist regardless) where Xehanort is initially against them, only to subconsciously create them many years later for them to cause trouble in the present day canon. A ton of people (ncluding myself) were mad at this contradiction, so I ask those of you who played it. How do the heartless fit into the story of Dark Road?