So I've just bought the Japanese version of KHII and plan on making a thorough playthrough of all 3 versions and discover as many differences between the versions as possible.
And I'm not just talking about the obvious Final Mix changes like:
CoM Org member fights;
Roxas fight;
Lingering Sentiment/Will/Thought/Remnant;
I'm more interested in the little differences like in this video.
Of course, this video is a very exaggerated example, but still...
If anyone knows of any differences, I would be very appreciative of info.
I'll try to document my research as much as possible, be it through Youtube or something else, I will do what I can.
I refer to each version with an abreviation:
JP = Japanese PS2 version.
NA = North American PS2 version.
PAL = European and Australian PS2 version.
FM = Final Mix version.
JP 2.5 = Japanese PS3 version.
ENG 2.5 = English PS3 version.
2.5 = Both Japanese and English PS3 version.
What I've learned:
*O is Attack/Confirm in JP, FM & JP 2.5. X is Jump/Cancel.
X is Attack/Confirm in NA, PAL & ENG 2.5. O is Jump/Cancel.
*Some bosses don't attack Sora unless provoked in JP.
*Some unwinnable battles, that is supposed to show Sora and co, being overwhelmed, have special mechanics in JP. For instance, between 6 and 8 successive hits will imediately end the battle in JP, while in INT/FM you need 100 successive hits.
*Photos in Jiminy's Journal have Sora writing small notes on them in JP & FM.
*In NA Ansem's apprentices' names are misspelled. In PAL they are spelled correctly.
*In FM (most?) characters have updated models, to show more details. Since the game has been upscaled to HD, in 2.5 the models have been updated again.
*Both JP and ENG versions of 2.5 experience considerable load times.
*ENG 2.5 has consistent freezes on certain fights, as well as crashes that deal with using Limit Form.
* Some Keyblades have different stats and/or abilities in FM.
* Two new Keyblades have beed added in FM: Two Become One, by defeating Roxas, and Winner's Proof, by completing the Mushroom XIII sidequest.
* Some sound effects do not play properly in 2.5.
World Specific
Twilight Town
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Lexaeus Absent Silhouette in the Sandlot.
*Flames surround Axel as he "dies" in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, PAL and ENG 2.5 all flames have been removed.
Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
*After Sephiroths introduction, in FM there is a bubble scene revealing the 'Cavern of Rememberance'
*'Cavern of Remembrance' bonus dungeon.
*In FM just before the Demyx battle, there are two new cutscenes.
*In JP, NA & PAL When fighting Demyx, you have to beat 10 water clones in 10 seconds. In FM & 2.5 you have 15 seconds.
Beast's Castle
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Marluxia Absent Silhouette in Beast's room.
Olympus Coliseum
*In FM and 2.5 You can fight the Zexion Absent Silhouette.
*When cutting of a head of the Hydra it bleeds green in JP. In NA, Pal, FM and 2.5 black smoke appears.
Disney Castle/Timeless River
*Daisy hits Donald after the events of Timeless River in JP. In NA, Pal, FM and 2.5 she just yells at him.
Port Royal
*Pirates have shotguns in JP, FM and JP 2.5, they are Crossbows in NA, Pal and ENG 2.5.
*When Will Turner says "You can't...(die) But I can." He points a gun to his head in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5 he lowers the gun down.
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Larxene Absent Silhouette, when reaching Isla de Muerta after saving the Interceptor.
*Jack is stabbed by Barbossa's sword in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA ,PAL and ENG 2.5 the sword is missing.
*Pirates run around flailing their arms when set on fire in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5, they cannot be set on fire, instead they are surrounded by smoke, they do still run around.
*In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5, the cannons at Port Royal have been stationed there by Commodore Norrington. In JP, FM and JP 2.5 they've been stationed there by Governor Swan.
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Vexen Absent Silhouette, in the Peddlers shop.
*In JP, NA and PAL, after unlocking the three locks to the tower in 'Sandswept Ruins' you have 30 secs to reach the tower. In FM and 2.5, you have 45 secs.
Halloween Town
*In FM and 2.5 Sora gets a santa outfit when entering Christmas town. Donald gets a snowman outfit, and Goofy gets a reindeer outfit.
*In JP, NA & PAL Christmas Town uses the songs 'This is halloween' and 'Spooks of Halloween Town'. In FM & 2.5 the songs 'What a Surprise' and 'Happy Holidays' are played when in Christmas Town.
The World That Never Was
*A new boss fight with Roxas has been added in FM. The fight is also present in 2.5.
*When Xigbar starts the battle he combines his Arrowguns Sharpshooters in to a Sniper Rifle, and his sniper scope looks like an authentic scope in JP, FM and JP 2.5.
-In NA and PAL he doesn't combine his guns, he just rests one gun over the other, and the scope is just three purple lights pointing in the general direction his shots will go.
-In ENG 2.5 he combines the two arrowguns into a Sniper Rifle like in the Japanese versions, and the scope is three purple lights like the international versions.
*At 'Proof of Existence' when reading the tombstones in JP & FM, you get both the members title and their number. In NA, PAL and ENG 2.5 you only get their title.
*It is possible to hit Sa�x during his Desperation Move in JP. In NA, PAL, FM and 2.5 he is completely invulnerable during the move.
*Second Armoured Xemnas knocks Sora and Riku away thrice in JP, NA and PAL. In FM and 2.5 he only knocks them away twice.
*The Final Xemnas fight, both regular and Data, has a consistent glitch that tends to prevent Reaction Commands from triggering in 2.5.
JP Cover
NA Cover
PAL Cover
FM Cover
Scans of the the games' manuals (WARNING: Many large images)
Level up ability guides
GameFAQs: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) Ability Guide by TitaniErtan
Kingdom Hearts II/Abilities �€†StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Level up and Bonus Chart! | KH-Vids | Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media
Main menu differences. - YouTube
Station Heights Nobodies - YouTube
Boarding the train to Hydra battle - YouTube
Disney Castle to Twilight Town - YouTube
The Battle for Hollow Bastion - YouTube
The Final Stretch? - Youtube
Videos from others, since I haven't been able to record any 2.5 footage yet.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 - What Needs to be Fixed? by Bizkit047
KH2 and KH2.5 Graphics Comparison (REMADE) by QwertycooleyGames
Update 14-03-17: With the release of 1.5+2.5 on PS4, KH2 is now in 60 fps. I have in other threads mentioned how I get motion sickness from watching 60 fps, so I am not able to give information from first hand experience.
Speedrunner Bizkit047 has a list of changes from all four games in the package, which he sometimes updates:
PS4 1.5 + 2.5 - Changes/etc -
Current status - Sporadic updates when finding new info.
And I'm not just talking about the obvious Final Mix changes like:
CoM Org member fights;
Roxas fight;
Lingering Sentiment/Will/Thought/Remnant;
I'm more interested in the little differences like in this video.
Of course, this video is a very exaggerated example, but still...
If anyone knows of any differences, I would be very appreciative of info.
I'll try to document my research as much as possible, be it through Youtube or something else, I will do what I can.
I refer to each version with an abreviation:
JP = Japanese PS2 version.
NA = North American PS2 version.
PAL = European and Australian PS2 version.
FM = Final Mix version.
JP 2.5 = Japanese PS3 version.
ENG 2.5 = English PS3 version.
2.5 = Both Japanese and English PS3 version.
What I've learned:
*O is Attack/Confirm in JP, FM & JP 2.5. X is Jump/Cancel.
X is Attack/Confirm in NA, PAL & ENG 2.5. O is Jump/Cancel.
*Some bosses don't attack Sora unless provoked in JP.
*Some unwinnable battles, that is supposed to show Sora and co, being overwhelmed, have special mechanics in JP. For instance, between 6 and 8 successive hits will imediately end the battle in JP, while in INT/FM you need 100 successive hits.
*Photos in Jiminy's Journal have Sora writing small notes on them in JP & FM.
*In NA Ansem's apprentices' names are misspelled. In PAL they are spelled correctly.
*In FM (most?) characters have updated models, to show more details. Since the game has been upscaled to HD, in 2.5 the models have been updated again.
*Both JP and ENG versions of 2.5 experience considerable load times.
*ENG 2.5 has consistent freezes on certain fights, as well as crashes that deal with using Limit Form.
* Some Keyblades have different stats and/or abilities in FM.
* Two new Keyblades have beed added in FM: Two Become One, by defeating Roxas, and Winner's Proof, by completing the Mushroom XIII sidequest.
* Some sound effects do not play properly in 2.5.
Spoiler Show
World Specific
Twilight Town
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Lexaeus Absent Silhouette in the Sandlot.
*Flames surround Axel as he "dies" in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, PAL and ENG 2.5 all flames have been removed.
Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
*After Sephiroths introduction, in FM there is a bubble scene revealing the 'Cavern of Rememberance'
*'Cavern of Remembrance' bonus dungeon.
*In FM just before the Demyx battle, there are two new cutscenes.
*In JP, NA & PAL When fighting Demyx, you have to beat 10 water clones in 10 seconds. In FM & 2.5 you have 15 seconds.
Beast's Castle
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Marluxia Absent Silhouette in Beast's room.
Olympus Coliseum
*In FM and 2.5 You can fight the Zexion Absent Silhouette.
*When cutting of a head of the Hydra it bleeds green in JP. In NA, Pal, FM and 2.5 black smoke appears.
Disney Castle/Timeless River
*Daisy hits Donald after the events of Timeless River in JP. In NA, Pal, FM and 2.5 she just yells at him.
Port Royal
*Pirates have shotguns in JP, FM and JP 2.5, they are Crossbows in NA, Pal and ENG 2.5.
*When Will Turner says "You can't...(die) But I can." He points a gun to his head in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5 he lowers the gun down.
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Larxene Absent Silhouette, when reaching Isla de Muerta after saving the Interceptor.
*Jack is stabbed by Barbossa's sword in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA ,PAL and ENG 2.5 the sword is missing.
*Pirates run around flailing their arms when set on fire in JP, FM and JP 2.5. In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5, they cannot be set on fire, instead they are surrounded by smoke, they do still run around.
*In NA, Pal and ENG 2.5, the cannons at Port Royal have been stationed there by Commodore Norrington. In JP, FM and JP 2.5 they've been stationed there by Governor Swan.
Spoiler Show
*In FM and 2.5 you can fight the Vexen Absent Silhouette, in the Peddlers shop.
*In JP, NA and PAL, after unlocking the three locks to the tower in 'Sandswept Ruins' you have 30 secs to reach the tower. In FM and 2.5, you have 45 secs.
Halloween Town
*In FM and 2.5 Sora gets a santa outfit when entering Christmas town. Donald gets a snowman outfit, and Goofy gets a reindeer outfit.
*In JP, NA & PAL Christmas Town uses the songs 'This is halloween' and 'Spooks of Halloween Town'. In FM & 2.5 the songs 'What a Surprise' and 'Happy Holidays' are played when in Christmas Town.
The World That Never Was
*A new boss fight with Roxas has been added in FM. The fight is also present in 2.5.
*When Xigbar starts the battle he combines his Arrowguns Sharpshooters in to a Sniper Rifle, and his sniper scope looks like an authentic scope in JP, FM and JP 2.5.
-In NA and PAL he doesn't combine his guns, he just rests one gun over the other, and the scope is just three purple lights pointing in the general direction his shots will go.
-In ENG 2.5 he combines the two arrowguns into a Sniper Rifle like in the Japanese versions, and the scope is three purple lights like the international versions.
*At 'Proof of Existence' when reading the tombstones in JP & FM, you get both the members title and their number. In NA, PAL and ENG 2.5 you only get their title.
*It is possible to hit Sa�x during his Desperation Move in JP. In NA, PAL, FM and 2.5 he is completely invulnerable during the move.
*Second Armoured Xemnas knocks Sora and Riku away thrice in JP, NA and PAL. In FM and 2.5 he only knocks them away twice.
*The Final Xemnas fight, both regular and Data, has a consistent glitch that tends to prevent Reaction Commands from triggering in 2.5.
JP Cover
NA Cover
PAL Cover
FM Cover
Scans of the the games' manuals (WARNING: Many large images)
Level up ability guides
Spoiler Show
LV | Picked Sword | Picked Shield | Picked Staff
4 |
KHII | Scan | Scan | Scan
KHIIFM | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
7 |
KHII | Combo Boost | Item Boost | EXP Boost
KHIIFM | Combo Boost | Item Boost | EXP Boost
9 |
KHII | EXP Boost | Combo Boost | Item Boost
KHIIFM | EXP Boost | Combo Boost | Item Boost
12 |
KHII | Magic Lock.On | Magic Lock.On | Magic Lock.On
KHIIFM | Magic Lock.On | Magic Lock.On | Magic Lock.On
15 |
KHII | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive | Fire Boost
KHIIFM | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive | Fire Boost
17 |
KHII | Item Boost | EXP Boost | Combo Boost
KHIIFM | Item Boost | EXP Boost | Combo Boost
20 |
KHII | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer
KHIIFM | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer
23 |
KHII | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive
KHIIFM | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive
25 |
KHII | Drive Boost | Once More | Draw
KHIIFM | Drive Boost | Once More | Draw
28 |
KHII | Draw | Drive Boost | Once More
KHIIFM | Draw | Drive Boost | Once More
31 |
KHII | Combination Boost | Defender | Blizzard Boost
KHIIFM | Combination Boost | Defender | Blizzard Boost
33 |
KHII | Damage Drive | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost
KHIIFM | Damage Drive | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost
36 |
KHII | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot | Negative Combo
KHIIFM | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot | Negative Combo
39 |
KHII | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost | Defender
KHIIFM | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost | Defender
41 |
KHII | Lucky Lucky | MP Rage | Thunder Boost
KHIIFM | Drive Converter | Damage Control | Thunder Boost
44 |
KHII | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot
KHIIFM | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot
47 |
KHII | Once More | Draw | Drive Boost
KHIIFM | Once More | Draw | Drive Boost
49 |
KHII | Finishing Plus | Second Chance | Berserk Charge
KHIIFM | Finishing Plus | Second Chance | Berserk Charge
53 |
KHII | Thunder Boost | Lucky Lucky | MP Rage
KHIIFM | Thunder Boost | Drive Converter | Damage Control
59 |
KHII | Defender | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost
KHIIFM | Defender | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost
65 |
KHII | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus | Second Chance
KHIIFM | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus | Second Chance
73 |
KHII | Jackpot | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost
KHIIFM | Jackpot | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost
85 |
KHII | Second Chance | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus
KHIIFM | Second Chance | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus
99 |
KHII | MP Rage | Thunder Boost | Lucky Lucky
KHIIFM | Damage Control | Thunder Boost | Drive Convertor
Spoiler Show
1Defeat all enemies at Station of Serenity
KHII Aerial Recovery
KHIIFM Aerial Recovery
2 Defeat Twilight Thorn
KHII HP +5, Guard
KHIIFM HP +5*, Guard
3 < Defeat Axel on Day 4 >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Scan >
4 Defeat Axel on Day 6
5 Defeat all the enemies at the Bailley in Hollow Bastion
KHII Fire Element
KHIIFM Fire Element
6 Defeat all enemies at the Village Cave
KHII Slide Dash
KHIIFM Slide Dash
7 Defeat Shan-Yu
KHII HP +5, Aerial Sweep
KHIIFM HP +5*, Aerial Sweep
8 Defeat Thresholder and Possessor
KHII Upper Slash
KHIIFM Upper Slash
9 Return Beast to normal
KHII Armour Slot +1
KHIIFM Armour Slot +1
10 Defeat Dark Thorn
KHII HP +5, Retaliating Slash
KHIIFM HP +5*, Retaliating Slash
11 Defeat Cerberus
KHII Dodge Slash
KHIIFM < Counterguard >
12 Complete Phil’s Training
KHII Aerial Spiral
KHIIFM < Aerial Dive >
13 Defeat Demyx (1st time)
14 Defeat Pete
KHII Trinity Limit
KHIIFM Trinity Limit
15 Defeat the Hydra
KHII HP +5, Thunder Element
KHIIFM HP +5*, Thunder Element
16 Get Minnie to the Audience Chamber
KHII Accessory Slot +1, Auto Summon
KHIIFM Accessory Slot +1, Auto Summon
17 Defeat Pete on the Steamboat
KHII Slapshot
KHIIFM < Dodge Slash >
18 Defeat Pete
KHII HP +5, Reflect Element
KHIIFM HP +5*, Reflect Element
19 Defeat the Pirates, stealing the Medallion, on the Interceptor
KHIIFM < Aerial Spiral >
20 Get rid of the exploding barrels on the Interceptor
KHII Item Slot +1
KHIIFM Item Slot +1
21 Defeat Barbossa
KHII Drive Gauge +1, Aerial Finish
KHIIFM Drive Gauge +1, Aerial Finish
22 Lead Abu past the Stone Guardians
KHIIFM < Summon Boost >
23 Defeat all enemies in the Treasure room
24 Defeat Volcanic and Blizzard Lords
KHII Explosion
KHIIFM < Finishing Leap >
25 Defeat the Prison Keeper
KHIIFM < Flash Step >
26 Defeat Oogie Boogie
KHII Item Slot +1
KHIIFM Item Slot +1
27 Defeat the hyenas chasing Timon & Pumbaa
28 Defeat Scar
KHIIFM < MP +5 >
29 Stop the three monitors
30 Defeat the Hostile Program
KHII Drive Gauge +1, Horizontal Slash
KHIIFM < Drive Gauge +1, Round Break >
31 Defeat Demyx
KHII Armour Slot +1, Blizzard Element
KHIIFM Armour Slot +1, Blizzard Element
32 Defeat the 1000 Heartless
KHII Guard Break
KHIIFM Guard Break
33 Defeat Storm Rider
KHII Thunder Element
KHIIFM Thunder element
34 Defeat Xaldin
KHII HP +5, Reflect Element
KHIIFM HP +5*, Reflect Element
35 Defeat Hades
KHII MP +10, Counterguard
KHIIFM < HP +5*, Magnet Splash >
36 Defeat Grim Reaper (1)
KHII Summon Boost
KHIIFM < Horizontal Slash >
37 Defeat Grim Reaper (2)
KHII Magnet Element
KHIIFM Magnet Element
38 Defeat Jafar
KHII Fire Element
KHIIFM Fire Element
39 Capture Lock, Shock & Barrel
KHII Item Slot +1
KHIIFM Item Slot +1
40 Defeat the Experiment
KHII HP +5, Finishing Leap
KHIIFM < HP +5* >
41 Defeat the hyenas
KHII Accessory Slot +1
KHIIFM Accessory Slot +1
42 Defeat Groundshaker
KHII HP +5, Thunder Element
KHIIFM HP +5*, Thunder Element
43 Defeat all enemies on the Solar Sailer
KHIIFM < Explosion >
44 Defeat Sark & the MCP
KHII HP +5, Reflect Element
KHIIFM HP +5*, Reflect Element
45 Defeat all enemies in front of the Old Mansion
46 Defeat all Nobodies with Axel
KHIIFM < Slapshot >
47 < Defeat Roxas >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < HP +5*, Combo Master >
48 Defeat Xigbar
KHII Magnet Element
KHIIFM < MP +10 >
49 Defeat Luxord
KHIIFM < HP +5*, Magnet Element >
50 Defeat Sa�x
KHII Drive Gauge +1
KHIIFM < HP +5* >
51 Defeat Xemnas at Memory’s Contornation
KHIIFM < HP +5*, MP +10 >
52 < Defeat Xemnas in the World of Nothing >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Drive Gauge +1 >
53 < Defeat Zexion’s Absent Silhouette >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Item Slot +1 >
54 < Defeat Larxene’s Absent Silhouette >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < MP +10 >
55 < Defeat Lexaeus’ Absent Silhouette >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Accessory Slot +1 >
56 < Defeat Vexen’s Absent Silhouette >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Armour Slot +1 >
57 < Defeat Marluxia’s Absent Silhouette >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Drive Gauge +1 >
58 Defeat Sephiroth
KHII Drive Gauge +1
KHIIFM Drive Gauge +1
59 < Defeat all enemies at Transport to Remembrance >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Item Slot +1 >
60 < Defeat ç•™ã¾ã‚Šã—æ€å¿µ >
KHII < N/A >
KHIIFM < Drive Gauge +1 >
Spoiler Show
Kingdom Key: Defender 3 Strength 1 Magic -> Damage Control 3 Strength 1 Magic
Gull Wing: Experince Boost 3 Strength 0 Magic -> Experience Boost 2 Strength 3 Magic
Sweet Memories: Lucky Lucky 0 Strength 0 Magic -> Drive Converter 0 Strength 4 Magic
Fenrir: Negative Combo 7 Strength 0 Magic -> Negative Combo 7 Strength 1 Magic
Two Become One: N/A -> Light & Darkness 5 Strength 4 Magic
Winner's Proof: N/A -> No Experience
GameFAQs: Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) Ability Guide by TitaniErtan
Kingdom Hearts II/Abilities �€†StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Level up and Bonus Chart! | KH-Vids | Your ultimate source for Kingdom Hearts media
Main menu differences. - YouTube
Station Heights Nobodies - YouTube
Boarding the train to Hydra battle - YouTube
Disney Castle to Twilight Town - YouTube
The Battle for Hollow Bastion - YouTube
The Final Stretch? - Youtube
Videos from others, since I haven't been able to record any 2.5 footage yet.
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 - What Needs to be Fixed? by Bizkit047
KH2 and KH2.5 Graphics Comparison (REMADE) by QwertycooleyGames
Update 14-03-17: With the release of 1.5+2.5 on PS4, KH2 is now in 60 fps. I have in other threads mentioned how I get motion sickness from watching 60 fps, so I am not able to give information from first hand experience.
Speedrunner Bizkit047 has a list of changes from all four games in the package, which he sometimes updates:
PS4 1.5 + 2.5 - Changes/etc -
Current status - Sporadic updates when finding new info.
Last edited: