What i mean is He does looks like he cares about her throughout game and the ending scene, and even after the ending scene(when he goes to the secret place), but at the reunioun scene he seems to not like her or miss her at all. Thats why i said this is not a SoraxKairi stuff.
Why are they doing that ? (you know the ones who make the game).
Its confusing
SoraxNamine, SoraxRiku, Sorax....
Why does someone have to get... hurt? If SoraxKairi happens, SoraxRiku fans would not like. If SoraxRiku happened, SoraxKairi fans would not like... Maybe thats the reason they are making new chars.
Blackberi i just dont get what u mean by saying "you don't make Sora seem like he doesn't care for the girl (the reunion scene/Roxas and Namine scene) when you're trying to push the fact that he DOES care for her throughout the entire game(s)." Do you mean me? Im not pushing the fact that he cares... im sayin it seems like he does, but at the reunion, whe he gets to see her for the first time in the game, he doesnt look like that sora anymore. Im sorry if i got what u said wrong.
-I know ppl might think that if i dont speak english well, i shouldnt be here, but i had to ask it here, it was the only way i would get good answers. And I did. Thanks everyone.-
She had a short skirt before, she had boobs, smaller, but boobs, before, her hair colour is that different? I think its more evident how its longer. Zipperz...
Is kinda funny how guys and girls reply to this. xD.
Impart, Davrax
No fair, that scene is he starting to look startled (is that even possible?) x-x
That would make more sense. They should have dubbed it differently .-.
Thanks for all the answers.
Again sorry for my english, still learning
What i mean is He does looks like he cares about her throughout game and the ending scene, and even after the ending scene(when he goes to the secret place), but at the reunioun scene he seems to not like her or miss her at all. Thats why i said this is not a SoraxKairi stuff.
Why are they doing that ? (you know the ones who make the game).
Its confusing
SoraxNamine, SoraxRiku, Sorax....
Why does someone have to get... hurt? If SoraxKairi happens, SoraxRiku fans would not like. If SoraxRiku happened, SoraxKairi fans would not like... Maybe thats the reason they are making new chars.
Blackberi i just dont get what u mean by saying "you don't make Sora seem like he doesn't care for the girl (the reunion scene/Roxas and Namine scene) when you're trying to push the fact that he DOES care for her throughout the entire game(s)." Do you mean me? Im not pushing the fact that he cares... im sayin it seems like he does, but at the reunion, whe he gets to see her for the first time in the game, he doesnt look like that sora anymore. Im sorry if i got what u said wrong.
-I know ppl might think that if i dont speak english well, i shouldnt be here, but i had to ask it here, it was the only way i would get good answers. And I did. Thanks everyone.-
She had a short skirt before, she had boobs, smaller, but boobs, before, her hair colour is that different? I think its more evident how its longer. Zipperz...
Is kinda funny how guys and girls reply to this. xD.
Impart, Davrax
No fair, that scene is he starting to look startled (is that even possible?) x-x
That would make more sense. They should have dubbed it differently .-.
Thanks for all the answers.
Again sorry for my english, still learning
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