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Did Riku like Kairi?

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Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2010
near the Moon
"Riku is willing to go to any length to save Kairi--even join forces with Maleficent"
"I get to share the paopu with Kairi. Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Kairi."
"Thanks to you. If you hadn't come here, I probably wouldn't have thought of any of this. Kairi, Thanks."
"Oh well, I guess Kairi can always count on him."
"If you don't share a paopu with Kairi soon, Riku will."
"I'll help you find what you are searching for."
"You don't have what it takes to save her. It's up to me."
"Soon, Kairi. Soon."
"Take care of her."
"You know I do. Of course."

The fact he wanted to sacifice a puppet=boy for her, that's extreme.
And how he got pissed at Saix for preparing to capture her again.
And he let her take off his hood in his Ansem form.


I know this is a pointless thread to make, but I've just always wondered this. It's not really clarified, and not as obvious as with Sora. It's not really strongly hinted, so I guess it can be taken either way.


New member
Aug 17, 2007
The thing is that's how Riku is. He goes to great lengths to save his friends. The lengths he went through to help Sora wake up was just as extreme. Did he like Kairi more than a friend? Probably. Same as Sora likes Kairi more than a friend. Will this subject ever arise in a future installment, we may never know.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
It really is up for debate. I have to wonder what happened between Riku and Kairi to get TSW to say what they did, and until we see a bit of that, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
The Paopu sharing bit can be nothing more than Riku teasing Sora, and is used to further paint Sora and Kairi as a couple (though in that case, why should TSW praise RiKai so much? Oh well). Riku doesn't seem too fazed with the whole ordeal and is more bothered with naming the raft.
Then of course come most of anything else which to me doesn't add up with Riku liking Kairi at all seeing how, in DI and TT, she was barely an after thought to him. "Kairi's coming with us!" in DI when the girl was nowhere in sight, and in TT where he didn't seem fazed in the least bit by her not being with Sora, and was instead more troubled by how Sora didn't seem to be all over Riku himself. It's only after this that all the juicy comments you brought about were shown on-screen, which tie in nicely enough with Riku's jealousy that Sora set aflame - if Sora cares for Kairi but not for Riku, Riku'll rub Kairi in Sora's face to get back at him. Does it mean he doesn't care? Not necessarily, but it does give him a strong alternate motive.

He got pissed at Saix? When? I fail to recall any particular emotional reaction during that scene mostly until we saw Kairi remove his hood, and even the whole rescue operation can be chunked up to him not wanting the Org to get Kairi and Namine because it spelled trouble for two girls he knew, and of course - for Sora.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think this shipping has quite a bit of potential. But with the zero interaction time the two get, it's sickeningly easy to think that not only Kairi is obsessed with Sora in this trio - even though Riku does show concern for people other than the peppy brunette.

destiny seeker

Seeker of the Future
Nov 27, 2009
I think maybe at one point he have some feeling for her. It is indeed hinted though.
I believe he also knew about Sora's feelings for her so he could have just been making Sora jealous.


The prince of Tides
Dec 26, 2009
he didi but now he matured and is comfortalbe with there just freinds relationship
but he will always protect her
kind of liek the relationship of ryu hayabusa and kasumi


New member
May 16, 2011
I agree that Riku uses Kairi to get Sora's attention.
He's obsessed about Sora and does many things to satisfy his needs. Very selfish yes, but also, i think Sora needed this "healthy competition" to grow.
it's complicated, there's many ways to think about the SKR relationship.


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Riku probably did. It was subtly implied, at least. Whatever it was, he got over it by the end of KH1.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
The Paopu sharing bit can be nothing more than Riku teasing Sora, and is used to further paint Sora and Kairi as a couple (though in that case, why should TSW praise RiKai so much? Oh well)

How about, in the introduction, the game was trying to establish that their trio was beginning to break down as they grew up (eg the raft scene, Riku being creepy), lost their innocence (Riku in particular) and began to be interested in romance (Sora drawing the paopu), and that there was a subtly growing rivalry between Riku and Sora over Kairi. I thought the TSW lines helped make it pretty obvious


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
I do think that Riku liked Kairi in the same manner that Sora does - during the events of KH1 and beforehand. There's enough evidence that he did. However, I think it all flew out of the window in Reverse/Rebirth, because Riku had his darkness to deal with. While I have far too many issues to count with Days, he does say to Xion that Kairi is someone that's very important to Sora - there's no mention that he's even friends with her. So going by that evidence, I'd say he got over his thing for her by the time the events of Days came around.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
How about, in the introduction, the game was trying to establish that their trio was beginning to break down as they grew up (eg the raft scene, Riku being creepy), lost their innocence (Riku in particular) and began to be interested in romance (Sora drawing the paopu), and that there was a subtly growing rivalry between Riku and Sora over Kairi. I thought the TSW lines helped make it pretty obvious

Sora's too great of a RiKai shipper for me to actually buy that x> The rivalry between Sora and Riku was always there, they didn't need Kairi for it - thank you, BBS.
I do agree DI showed their trio was beginning to fall apart if it wasn't already in quite the awkward state - one of many bones I've to pick with this trio, but if anything, I'd blame it on Kairi's PoHness reacting to Riku's Darkness and they're both tiptoeing around Sora who remained quite oblivious to both changes in his friends. Well, less so with Kairi actually, since she's the one Sora called out over changing.


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Maybe it was a small crush he had but got over by the end of KH1. Hell maybe it was even that jealousy he was talking about concerning Sora. He saw that Sora was getting attention from Kairi, so he might of wanted to get said attention too. Not because he truly liked Kairi but because he thought Sora did. doubt it though.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Sora's too great of a RiKai shipper for me to actually buy that x>

Everyone grows up at different stages, and the beginning of Kh1 shows how Sora is still more a child than his other two friends. The feelings of rivalry were mainly coming from Riku, who was obviously a lot more mature, but if the raft thing hadn't gone the way it had, it's not hard to imagine Sora's budding interest in romance with Kairi causing more direct conflict.

The rivalry between Sora and Riku was always there, they didn't need Kairi for it - thank you, BBS.

You can spout dismissive things like that if you want to. The fact is, though, a romantic rivalry wasn't anything like their innocent trying to outdo the other at sports; this was very personal, and it was actually beginning to change Sora and Riku's relationship.

I do agree DI showed their trio was beginning to fall apart if it wasn't already in quite the awkward state - one of many bones I've to pick with this trio, but if anything, I'd blame it on Kairi's PoHness reacting to Riku's Darkness and they're both tiptoeing around Sora who remained quite oblivious to both changes in his friends. Well, less so with Kairi actually, since she's the one Sora called out over changing.

That was the point of the whole introduction - they set a lot of threads up for later tasty relationship-based conflict. The strengths and weaknesses of this trio is basically what drives the whole series, so if you didn't have 'bones to pick' then you'd have a pretty boring series, too.

I don't think Riku felt the same way about Kairi after the whole Ansem thing, though. I think he felt too awful and guilty about what kind of person he thought he was to put energy into something so hopeless as a one-sided crush.


Codename: D
Jan 31, 2008
Going to deliver Binks his sake
Everyone grows up at different stages, and the beginning of Kh1 shows how Sora is still more a child than his other two friends. The feelings of rivalry were mainly coming from Riku, who was obviously a lot more mature, but if the raft thing hadn't gone the way it had, it's not hard to imagine Sora's budding interest in romance with Kairi causing more direct conflict.

Only my belief in Sora being a RiKai shipper stems mostfly from post KH installments.

this was very personal, and it was actually beginning to change Sora and Riku's relationship.

Too bad they didn't do too well in portraying it on screen. But that's a well known issue with most things Kairi-related -
Would've been my reply if I thought the "romance" was what changed Sora and Riku's relationship, instead of the Darkness and Riku's jealousy.

That was the point of the whole introduction - they set a lot of threads up for later tasty relationship-based conflict. The strengths and weaknesses of this trio is basically what drives the whole series, so if you didn't have 'bones to pick' then you'd have a pretty boring series, too.

Bones to pick about quality are never a good thing.
I think you should know by now that I'm a firm believer that had Selphie been in Kairi's plot role in KH, we'd have gotten quite the similar game - because most of the series not to mention KH1 specifically can be explained without any specific interest from the boys in Kairi.

I don't think Riku felt the same way about Kairi after the whole Ansem thing, though. I think he felt too awful and guilty about what kind of person he thought he was to put energy into something so hopeless as a one-sided crush.

It can go both ways, though - say he realized what a crappy person he was so that's why he started actually bothering with her (can be from after he snapped out of the Darkness, mind, doesn't even have to be that much before), seeing how Kairi was a victim.
That's the fun part about underdeveloped things - it's not biased or dismissive since there's little in the game to really say otherwise on either side X>
May 16, 2007
Well, I guess it's time to continue something from almost a year ago.


He fully anticipated that Kairi and Sora would be there with him. He clearly shows regret.
But after he sees that Sora got new friends and no longer "cares" about him, he became bitter.

Not to mention:

Maleficent: We had a deal, yes? You helped us, and we grant you your wish...

The image of Kairi laying down unconscious appeared at the table.

Riku: Kairi!
Riku: So, Kairi’s like a lifeless puppet now?

Maleficent: Precisely.

Riku: And her heart was...

Maleficent: Taken by the Heartless, no doubt.

Riku: Tell me! What can I do?

Maleficent: There are seven maidens of the purest heart. We call them the
princesses of heart. Gather them together, and a door will open to the heart of
all worlds. Within lies untold wisdom. There you will surely find a way to
recover Kairi’s heart. Now, I’ll grant you a marvelous gift. The power to
control the Heartless.

Maleficent gave the power to control the Heartless to Riku.

Riku: Soon, Kairi. Soon.

Captain Hook: After the trouble of capturing her? And why those seven? What is
Maleficent planning, anyway?

Riku: Who knows? As long as it means getting Kairi’s heart back, I couldn’t
care less.

Captain Hook: Hmph. You’re wasting your time! The Heartless have devoured that
girl’s heart. I’ll stake me other hand it’s lost forever.

Riku: I will find it no matter what.

Riku: Take care of her.

There are plenty of examples showing that he genuinely cared about her.

I specifically picked those out because Sora was not there in those scenes. He's expressing his true sentiment about Kairi.

That first scene in particular (from KH1FM) takes place after he leaves the island and proves that he really DID think that "Kairi is coming with [them]."

If anything, it's the other way around: Riku's competitiveness didn't cause him to pine over Kairi as if it was some sort of game to see who could win her over. Rather, his caring for her caused that competitiveness. It's a pretty common theme- two guys competing over a girl. Doesn't necessarily mean they perceive her as an object to be won. It's questionable whether or not Riku ever liked her in the same way as Sora, and there's no denying that he would use the fact that Sora liked her to his advantage (on the Island, anyway), but there's no questioning either that he genuinely cared for her.

Later, he believes otherwise. That Sora doesn't actually care about her, or him for that matter. He was manipulated into thinking this by Maleficent. And his resolve to save Kairi remains.

And as for why I chose that last line, "Take care of her," where he's directly saying it to Sora, that really hits the nail on the head. It shows that taking care of Kairi takes precedence over competing with Sora.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Personally, I think the love relationship between Riku and Kairi has turned into a brotherly-love, where Kairi's the younger one, and Riku's the older brother.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Only my belief in Sora being a RiKai shipper stems mostfly from post KH installments.

Then you should have no problem 'buying' the subtly growing rivalry from Riku's part in the introduction, which is what were talking about.

Too bad they didn't do too well in portraying it on screen. But that's a well known issue with most things Kairi-related -
Would've been my reply if I thought the "romance" was what changed Sora and Riku's relationship, instead of the Darkness and Riku's jealousy.

I was going to ask what on earth you thought Riku's jealousy stemmed from, and then I remembered I'm talking to you, and you probably believe his jealousy in the KH1 opening was directed at Kairi for stealing Sora away from him...

Bones to pick about quality are never a good thing.

You said that your bone to pick was that their trio was beginning to fall apart:

I do agree DI showed their trio was beginning to fall apart if it wasn't already in quite the awkward state - one of many bones I've to pick with this trio

Since you didn't mention anything about writing, and now you're talking about quality, I'm assuming you think their buddy-buddy status somehow relates to writing quality. Which is bs. If they were a perfect trio of happy friends, there would have been no basis for Riku being an antagonist.

Now I'm thinking about it, I think that's one of the biggest differences SRK has from TAV or Akuroku+Xion.

In BbS, TAV have falling outs, but I don't remember them actively attacking each other. The closest I can think of is Terranort attacking Aqua, and that's not even him.

In Days, Xion was a boss battle at the end, but she hardly wanted to kill him; she wanted him to kill her. And Axel was a boss for Roxas in KH2, but he wasn't fighting out of hatred either; he was really fighting to get Roxas back, not kill him out of spite, not to mention he was under strict orders to do it.

In Kh1, Riku is actually quite cruel to Sora, and you fight him multiple times. You could argue over how much choice he thought he had, but it doesn't change the fact that he really was bitter and mean to Sora in a way that Xion and Axel never were to Roxas when they were forced to fight him.

To get to that point, there has to be something fundamentally different about what the writers wanted to do with SRK. They didn't want them to be perfect; they wanted conflict, and they wanted it to drive things. So they made them shaky in the beginning, so they could have Riku a believable enemy later. You could say SRK is different because of a bad writing thing, with Kairi being a weak link with not much past her simple role and hardly any screen time or development or interaction. Or, you could say it's an in-verse thing, with their weaknesses leading to Riku turning into an antagonist and the trio having to overcome that. I think it's a mixture of both.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2010
near the Moon

It's fact that Riku cares for Kairi *cool thread to read btw*
My question is if he cared for her in a romantic way, like Sora, or had romantic feelings for her.

I was going to ask what on earth you thought Riku's jealousy stemmed from, and then I remembered I'm talking to you, and you probably believe his jealousy in the KH1 opening was directed at Kairi for stealing Sora away from him...

If I remember right, his jealousy came from him having the keyblade and getting new friends. I've heard of theories of him also not wanting to be a third wheel with Kairi and Sora, which sort of makes sense....*but not really*

I understood he was mad at Sora for, in his mind, not caring about what happend to him or Kairi, and going around playing hero instead.
But didn't he say "We've been to places and worlds, looking for you" ?
And why does he say back "Really? I never would've guessed" ?

And he obviously knows Sora cares for Kairi, with the teasing in Monstro.

I never really understood why he wanted the keyblade either....he wanted a hero status and power like Sora?

It's pretty obvious I didn't get the drama in the game at all, especially with Riku. He just acts odd *to me*.


New member
Apr 12, 2007
Bonnie Scotland
I think that Riku possible did have feelings for Kairi during KH1, but not in the sequels.

However this attraction could be considered as another part of their friendly rivalry. Riku could have seen Kairi as another 'thing' to fight over with Sora, although he did not necessarily have actual feelings (except friendly ones) for her. This friendly rivalry changed through the course of KH1 and he almost became obsessive with helping her. I think this is because he wanted, in some ways, to be like Sora (the keyblade, power) and so wanted to have what Sora saw as someone close to him. In effect it was a hightened version of the rivalry between them at the start of the game.

It looks like he cares for her, but as the series went on he began to see Kairi as just a friend and not someone to rival over with Sora romantically (or even at all).


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
I never really understood why he wanted the keyblade either....he wanted a hero status and power like Sora?

I recently started considering this, but it is possible at this current point in time that Maleficent sensed that Riku had the power to wield the keyblade, and used it as a tool to psychologically string him along and bend him to her will. I got a sense at Riku's worst in the middle of the game that he felt it was unfair that Sora was actively wielding one, and that he deserved to have it at one point or another. Currently with the appearance of BBS, that can be moulded into Maleficent telling him that he has the power to have one.

Riku could have also just craved the keyblade because he thought it would save Kairi.


A traveler
Jul 3, 2008
Personally, I think the love relationship between Riku and Kairi has turned into a brotherly-love, where Kairi's the younger one, and Riku's the older brother.

...you could have just called it a sibling love with Kairi being the younger sister and Riku being the older brother...instead of making it sound as if Kairi was a dude xD
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