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Demyx on the other hand doesn't look much like Zell at all IMO. Blond gelled up hair but that's about it. Zell's face looks pudgier than his, facial structure looks different and all that.
Although I do think that Hayner being based on Zell is more plausible, but I'd also like to point out that Zell CAN play a guitar, so it does work out. Lol.
I like to think that his physical features were modeled after the guy on the left. Unlikely, but there sure is a resemblance there. However, you have a bit of a point with Zell. I don't know much about the personality, but there is a bit of a resemblance. However, like many have said, Nomura does have a tendency to slack a bit on variances in characters.
they do look alike but theres no relation btween the 2 games sum1 said b4 sum1 from kh look like sum1 from ff but nomura says theres no relation btween da 2 games
So I was the only one who thought Demyx looked just like David Bowie...
I saw this list of video game characters that look like Bowie, and when I saw that Demyx wasn't on it, it made me sad :[
Wow, alot of people who never played FF8... These 2 are the only ones I've seen recycled, and I like the idea of Hayner and Zell, when you think about it. Does anyone else know any other Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts similarities? I'd like to know some others.:lol: