Woo! Riot time!
"They're campaigning for somebody called Ned to be free, when he's on the run." Said Aeris.
"I think we should join." Said Kairi.
Ned shivered again.
"The thing is," He said, "I am Ned."
Squall put his hand on his head, Cloud looked at his shoes, Yuffie jumped with joy, and Aeris was in shock.
"Well, we'll need some way to disguise you then." Said Squall.
"Geez, not again." Said Ned.
"Something tells me you've done this a lot." Said Aeris.
"Just once." Said Riku, remembering Ned dressing up as Sephiroth. "Anyway, I think we better get some sleep now."
Everybody else left for bed, except Aeris and Ned.
"I've been wondering," Said Aeris, "If you found you're heart again, you'd be a human, right?"
"Yeah, why?" He said.
"Because I know a place where the heartless keep the hearts they've found." She said.
"Where?" He frantically replied.
She handed him a map.
"Go there, you won't need a disguise."
He opened the door and went through it onto the streets. The clock on the accessory shop read 11 PM. Ned followed the map to a back alley. He tapped a panel in the wall, and it opened up. He stepped through quickly to find himself in a secluded part of town. There were heartless walking about everywhere, baby heartless, mother heartless, father heartless, even a grandma and grandad heartless or two. He entered a building to his left. There stood an invisible, next to a defender.
"So, you want to be human again eh?" Said the invisible.
"Yes." Replied Ned.
"Through here." He replied.
Ned stepped past the defender into a grimey back room. He went down the steps, where he found himself in a room with lots of crates, labeled with names. He looked for his name, Ned Lott.
Does he:
A: Find it! Ned is Human again!
B: Find it, but he has to fight for it.
C: He dosent find it and has to stay as a heartless. Poor Ned.