Hey everyone,
As you may already know there have been rumors flying around about the band and what has transpired over the past week.
Here is what happened:
After the saints and sinners festival last weekend our singer Jonny quit the band. The situation arose after he failed to show up to the majority of our first song, "and I told them I invented times new roman," in front of 2,000 or so people. He then proceeded to continue his drug and alcohol binge of the previous night, making a fool out of himself in front of our friends and other bands. Later in the night he got in an argument with our merch guy and tour manager as well as a member of the band and decided he would quit the band. We attempted to reason with him, but we only could say that he was done and moved his heavily drugged self to a friends hotel room. This is a typical series of events for our band, and Jonny has quit and rejoined the band in the morning numerous times. Unfortunately after this much abuse we were unable to continue to let Jonny continue with his usual idiotic ways, and we left him in new jersey and drove home.
Now many of you may being saying to yourselves, but I love Jonny's voice or I've met him and he's nice, he can't be that bad. Well he is, and here is why.
Jonny joined the band after quitting a Seattle based band. Will went to pick him up in Seattle and bring him to Sacramento. That night when he went to get him, a former band mate of Jonny's came into a party Jonny was at with brass knuckles and hit Jonny in the head and stated, "You've never done anything for this band" and stormed out. We should have taken the hint from the get go.
Arriving in Sacramento Jonny, proceeded to leech off everyone around him. He lived at Wills house as well as Eric's and Jon's house for the next two years. He never paid rent, refused to get a job, and stole from us. Jonny's cell phone plan that Eric's name was in, racked up a thousand dollars in text messages that Jonny never paid Eric back for. He collectively owes us and other people he used thousands of dollars. Some facts about Jonny that might make you understand more. He ran away from home sometime in his early adolescence, he never graduated from middle school, he has lived off of other people his entire life, he has never been able to hold a job or work hard at anything. His stomach collapsed from drinking and he had to have part of his intestines removed. Jonny is not a pleasant person to be around nor a person you can enjoy talking to about anything or bond with at any level other than drinking and doing drugs. Because of his inability to exist as a normal human being, we would get easily annoyed and frustrated of having this bum whose only ability in life is singing live for free at our homes. He would travel between different band members places as well as other friends, often blaming us for his situation. Our only salvation was his girlfriend who he used for money and transportation, all while cheating on her with multiple underage girls at the same time. At one point we got Jonny to live with some friends for a while which was nice, only for him to end up stealing morphine from a friends disabled mom and becoming highly addicted to it. So addicted that he could barely sing for a period of time. We had an intervention with him and tried to get him in a rehab program, but he failed to attempt any sort of change. Once there was no morphine, he continued with drinking and other pills. There are maybe 2 or 3 times in the past two and a half years that Jonny has not drunken himself into a stupor. At a point, Jonny lived at Will's house where he repeatedly disrespected Will and his parents as well. Stealing their food and talking down to them, all the while thinking they unjust fully disliked him.
In terms of his interaction with the music aspect of the band, he had none. Jonny plays no instrument, didn not aid in writing the music, and is much like an idiot savant. For the ep he recorded his parts completely blackout wasted using made up on the spot incoherent lyrics. The fact that everything came out the way it did makes you think he must be autistic. During the writing of the full length Jonny was kicked out of Eric and Jon's apartment as it was impossible to live with such a disrespectful, dirty, rude, human being who could not even clean up after himself. Jonny flipped out and ran away to Canada where he proceeded to do massive amounts of drugs for the next couple months. He also stole a girl he was cheating on his girlfriend with computer and sold it for drug money. The album was finished and Jonny would not come home, we sent him countless 200+ dollar tickets to come home, which he ended up spending on drugs. After hearing the demos of the new album and pissing off the people he leeched off of and lived with he came back to Sacramento. Jonny lived once again with Jon and Eric sometimes not moving from the couch for days at a time. He wrote nothing for the new album and managed to drink so much hard alcohol that his stomach collapsed on itself putting him in the hospital for many days. He had a large portion of his intestine removed. At the time if we had not gotten him to the hospital any later, he would have died. This reaction to heavy drinking has only happened to 25 known people in the United States. Jonny continued drinking right after he got out of the hospital.
So we finally get to Portland to record the cd and Jonny manages to write nothing for it. In the studio he would drink and drink until random melodies popped into his head and he recorded them. Jon and The engineer/producer Kris acted as a cheerleading squad and producers keeping Jonny recording as long as he could and helping him write parts until he lost interest. Keep in mind recording for four hours or more is the longest Jonny has ever focused on anything. Once Jonny's vocals were done we had to do the task of making up lyrics to the slurred sentences he composed and were almost impossible to decipher. Those which he remembered were filled with awkward grammar and statements that make absolutely no sense ex. In strawberry andre the chorus is "I fear I can't believe its you". What??
When we finally got out on tour we figured things might get better, since Jonny was the center of attention and we were playing shows every night. He might chill out. Touring ended up building up Jonny's ego and making him think even more that we has Gods gift to the earth and the only reason our band has fans. At the same time he was paranoid, angry, and incredibly self conscious. He couldn't balance any money so ended up stealing from us as well as manipulating many people to give him money to buy drugs and other pointless crap. He pocketed merch money and stole out of our cash box nightly. He even went as far as to post bulletins on our myspace telling fans coming to shows to bring him pills. Other times Jonny would get so drunk or high that he would cut songs from the set. The majority of our Rise records and headlining tour we played only four songs cause of Jonny. 95% of all shows we have ever cancelled have been because of Jonny. Those of you in Minnesota, he cancelled our only show ever in Minnesota cause he ran away after the venue to some girls house and took vicodin all day and refused to tell us where he was. Jonny is also very rude and unapreciative to fans. He has refused to give autographs, refuse to talk to them, or even talk down to them. He has multiple times cussed at fans or given them the finger. He also has talked badly about other bands we have toured with and is not well liked among many of those we have been on tour with. The reason our guitar player Sean left earlier this year was because of Jonny. Sean felt he could not coexist with a person as despicable as Jonny nor represent a band with a person such as this in it. Jonny would often persecute Sean for his Christian beliefs, while having absolutely no understanding of religion or spirituality.
So in the end our band was not able to deal with this poor excuse for a human being. And even regardless of that, if we had kept him, the amount of painkillers he began doing again before he left was rendering him unable to sing our songs and affecting his hearing for the worse. Time and time again we gave Jonny a second chance and tried to help him. We opened our homes to him and tried to see the good in him, but never once received a thank you of appreciation or signs of attempts to change. At times we feel we have sacrificed our values for the amazing opportunities given to this band, but the inevitable has finally come and we can no longer be in a band with Jonny. As we explained above, Jonny quit the band, which he has done many times before, only this time we followed through with his threat. Shortly after leaving him in new jersey he begged to be let back in the band.
Plans for the future
We are still with rise records, we are still with our current manager, and we are still with our current booking agent. We will be getting a new singer as soon as we can find one. Everyone else is still in the band. If you want to audition send an email to with a sample of your singing. Right now we are all moving into a house in Sacramento to start writing for our next album. We will not abandon old songs and will still be playing them when we tour again in the near future. We understand what we are doing and we will make our next album better than the last.
We want to apologize to fans who have not been able to see us due to cancelled shows.
We want to thank everyone who has donated and supported us.