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Countdown To KH2

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Lord InuYasha

New member
Jan 20, 2006
After a 4 year wait, only 11 more days until the release of Kingdom Hearts 2. I felt we should have a countdown and share memories of the past 4 years of playing, waiting,and wondering about Kingdom Hearts 2. Everything that happened on the forums, all the training weve done,all the friends we made. 11 days....then everyone will be gone....off to play what they have waited for... I would like to start with an opening, to the road of Kingdom Hearts...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Road To Kingdom Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Heh..I remember when I first saw the cover for this game. I laughed, it was so odd seeing Disney characters looking so serious. At first I thought it was just a teaser, or some stupid game, until I saw the promo. I was dieing for KH1 to come out. All my friends wanted it. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't afford a PS2. When it came out my best friend bought it. I actually bought the strategy guide and went to his house almost every day and played it. lol I practically hogged the game, beat every boss,until we beat the game. Of course we never beat the secret boss's. We were only like 10. About 2 years ago after I had bought a PS2 I decided to buy KH1. To me it was brand new. I began to play...and thats when I began to come here. Iv'e never seen so many people into KH before, and I began to make so many friends....

It all started on Destiny Islands. I stayed there and kept fighting until i gained up to atleast level 10. Sora was alot like me : P i felt like I was actually in the game...I know its weird...maybe thats why it's my favourite game. This is probably the first game I was ever this determined to beat. Ive now probably become a master at this game....and so ive been training...for the day....March 28th...
Destiny Islands

Yep thats it the place that started everything. Sora's home town. What seemed to be an abandened island...where i fought my first boss.

So heres where we can talk about it all, one last rememberence before Kingdom Hearts 2 ,The countdown only 11 more days! Post all your memories,strategies,thoughts,and all your favourite things about kh right here. Have you mastered KH?


New member
Nov 20, 2005
on the twilit path life takes me
Unfortunately at the time I couldn't afford a PS2. When it came out my best friend bought it. I actually bought the strategy guide and went to his house almost every day and played it. lol I practically hogged the game, beat every boss,until we beat the game. Of course we never beat the secret boss's. We were only like 10
lol same here. ohhh man the reminicing goes on forever. I remember playing Destiny Islands at my friends house (I didn't have a PS2 yet) and the picture on his TV was so horrible that when we fought the heartless during the storm everythig was completely black! We couldn''t see anything! and we just kept swimming tryiung to figure out what to do..... ahhh good times.
I also remember trying so hard to beat Riku cuz he kept killing me with his kip attack and after like 20 tries I finally figured out his pattern and then everything else on Destiny Islands was easy, the hardest thing otherwise was finding all the mushrooms and getting the fish. lol good times yup good times. and even now I'm kinda trying to get to at least lvl 50 on destiny islands, but I've only got to lvl 35 cuz it's soo boring
well that's all, the rest of DI was really easy and it went by fast, but I must say it made me think Sora and Riku were gay and Kairi was on crack lol. and it took me forever to realize that they didn't actually LIVE on the island just went there to play, yeah that confused me, but that's really all now nothing else of that world from me.
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New member
Dec 27, 2005
well i was bored on christmas so my father rented a game for me...i was all "whats this it looks boring" but when i started playing the game ...cool...it turned out to be my favorite games i have ever played....that was awesome i bout it the day after my father rented it....haha...
KINGOM HEARTS in just 11DAYS!!!!!!!!!


Banjo kazooie FTW
Feb 14, 2006
the party in my pants
this is a good thread....... as for memories i will never forget the NA KH2 Leaked thread. I would post only to find 7 pages in front of me lol


New member
Nov 25, 2005
Fighting alongside Sora
My brother actually saw a comercial for KH, he started playing it then I tried it and became obsessed. I remember when I beat the game for the first time and to be honest, I cried lol. Because for like the whole game you are trying to save Kairi and what not then finally you get her to a safe place in Traverse Town and then all the sudden she just appears right after you defeat Ansem and then Sora and Kairi get separated after you fight through the entire game trying to save her. I was so frustrated, however, at least she's safe back on Destiny Islands. But still I even beat the game again in hard mode then normal/easy again. I love it so much!

Lord InuYasha

New member
Jan 20, 2006
As for day 11 I remember fighting Marluxia. His first form pissed me off soo much. I must of fought him at least 10 times before I beat him. His second form was so easy either that or I was so determined : P. Also makes me remember I thought it was a girl at first. This is probably my second favourite org member.


Dark Fenrir

New member
Nov 18, 2005
beyond the distance of the twilight haven
i had bought an issue of gameinformer and the first page i turned to i saw a youg tidus and donald duck. i thought it was a very stupid idea and square had gone crazy. after reading evey other section in the book i got bored and decided to read that dumb kingdom hearts crap as i read the five page article i got supper excited. i told everyone i knew about this amazing game and read that article everyday i still have the magazine in my room. then i saw the commercial and i was sold. i begged my brother for it and got it for christmas that year. i didnt care about anything else i got i didnt even want to have dinner with my family. the whole day i was with my family all i could think about was kh. when i beat it i must admit it was the only time a game had made me feel anything. i beat it at least twenty times(WOW) then i saw that kh2 trailer on x-play and started watching the show hoping for a repeat of the episode i bought ff7 and 8 just cuz cloud, sephiroth, and squall were in kh and now i'm here only 11 days till the greatest game ever is released sorry if this was a little long


New member
Nov 20, 2005
on the twilit path life takes me
His first form pissed me off soo much. I must of fought him at least 10 times before I beat him
ya I thought that would happen with me tto but during the first fight with him when I was about to die and had NO cures left I got a lucky hit in and won so the REALLY annoying fight for me was Riku #4. I had to fight him like 15 times until I just filled my deck with all high attack cards and went crazy, and oddly enough I won.
I remember when I beat the game for the first time and to be honest, I cried lol
ya same here, the end was so depressing for me, I really hated it cuz they were all seperated. then I found out about KH2 and was like YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Fenrir

New member
Nov 18, 2005
beyond the distance of the twilight haven
i hadnt played com until a few moths ago but i knew i would have to beat it to fully understand kh2 and marluxia was super easy when i fought him maybe cuz i was at level 90 when i got to that point, i didnt know u could use 0 cards to open doors and i was so excited when i got to play as riku sora is still the best


killer card thrower
Sep 21, 2005
in place of broken hearts and shattered dreams...
i love this thread ima give u rep!

ok well when i first saw a commercial for kh i was like wtf? disney and FF mixed together? thats gonna be really stupid. but then my cousin bought the game and i came over to his house and saw him playing it and i was like whao! what is that? then when he told me it was kh i was like !!! whao!!! sweet ass! then i stole his copy played it for a month gave it back and bought my own hehehe. i remember the first day i joined this forum i made a thread right away about whether or not it would be cool to have kh for a movie. then i got CoM when it came out and i was like.. meh its aite b/c i didnt really like the whole card system that much but i still liked the story it was aite. then i found out there would be a kh2! and i was like omg!!! ahh!!!!! fcuk yea! and i read that it was supposed to come out in 2005! and i was like yea! then i joined these forums and started talking about theories and stuff but then its got delayed! and only the jap version would come out in 05!! grrr... i said to myself! but i kept on going tlaking amongst all my fellow forum members. the occasional flame here and there. then posting my pic in the post your picture thread. lol i remember all those comments! "asian boys with nice bods ;)" lol that was the most memorable one for me. now im a premium member. then came all the leaked videos and interviews with nomura! and that was great recieving all this info. and i started to get into drawing some kh stuff and posted it in the fan art section. then came the countdown to the release of kh2 in japan, all that tension starting to release from the lucky few who imported the japanese version. and all the NA's and UK people wondering when our release date would be. then i found the discussoion forum lol. damn i loved the intel discussion! all that arguing was kinda fun. then i joined the kairi fan club. but i gradually slipped away from that D= ... and then that forum wedding! omg hahaha first i was priest but then i got kicked from that position and i was made the organist!!! hehhe that was really great fun. then we finally got wind of when the NA release date was! while the poor europeans still wondering when thiers was... and now here we are! looking back at all those memories was really great.. wow thanks dude...

i think this should be a sticky thread!


New member
Nov 3, 2004
If it wasn't for KH1 me and one of my friends would've gotten in trouble with the police for underage drinking. It was sophmore year of college, and I came home for winter break. Me and my friend went to the mall and while walking around we stepped into EB and I'd heard about KH but nothing more than disney meets FF. So I was like alright I'll tryit and then I bought it. Well on our way back to my house, one our friends decided to have a party at his house. Well if it wasn't for me buying KH1 and me and my friend getting into the game we surely would've gone to the party instead. Well the enxt day I get from one of my friends who was at the party, and he told me it got busted by the police. So I can gladly say thanks to KH I've never been in trouble with the law, speeding tickets aside.


New member
May 11, 2004
Candy Land!!!
oh wow! when i first heard about KH1 i was looking a a disney mania magazine! haha and i was like woah! disney characters!but i didn`t have a PS2 then. So i made a deal with my dad that i would pay for half of the PS2 and he would pay the other half and any one game of my chocie. So i saved up 100 bucks and got the PS2 and Kingdom Hearts...and wow! sooo many awsome memories of the first game! lol! i didn`t even beat the game the first time! my friend did it for me! and i got the stratagey from him! sooo i think that was about 3 years ago..or something..and wow! i still can`t belive its about umm..like 11 or 10 days away from KH2!!! i just can`t wait! :D


Why did you post this thread again? This thread was already in the SPOILER section.

Anyway I guess when I was 9 I saw a commercial and I was like woah! I saw so much adverstising in gamestop and so I dicided to rent kh1 from BlockBuster. It's really embarrsing at first. You see I was kind of afraid of the begining with the darkside and the heartless, and the words always saying "Rember you will be the one who opens the door." I actually thought the Destiney Island portian was HARD! The scavenger thing got on my nerves. But what really scared me when Sora was in the cave and drawed the stone drawing with him and kiari and the guy in the cloak and the creepy voice saying " The door has been opend!" and Sora whent like "Huh?" "Who ever you are stop freaking me out like this!" That what out chills under my spine. But what I found so hard was I couln't move the rock where the mushroom was, and my parents wanted to watch a dvd and they had to turn off my ps2 too watch there movie. But by that time I didn't have a memory card so I couldn't save. So I began crying and my dad said don't worry you will play this game again. An i said No I WON'T this game is to hard and i will never play this game again. I was stubborn back then and I thoguht all games were hard, but mabe because I was in the 4th Grade? Hmm make's me wonder if none of those event's wold of happend i would perhaps beat DI lv? But anyway 3 year had past and i was in 7th Grade, It was 2004. So one day I was looking through a school magazine and I saw a preveiw on kh2 and went Kewl there making another kh game. But if I told you the truth I really didn't care. I was still amazed that I even remeber what kh waz. So these two kid or friends i guess talk about kh Non-stop. An one day I was in the cafteria and I was sitting with the two obssesd kh Fanatics. The first one was named John the other was named Connor. Anyway they asked me if I ever played kh? An I said yeah. Even though I never did play kh and I was lying through my teeth. An they asked have you beaten The Hades Cup. An I was like yeah man that was so hard. An then we gave kh tips even though mine were fake. An somtimes they would go this world isnt in kh. An I would go like yuh huh you have to beat this boss dude. An they would go he/she isnt in there dumbass! So we dicided to go to Connor house and look st each other stats and use cheat codes and crap. Yeah you could tell we were OBSESSD!!! So the sleepover would be on Saturday and it was Monday so I had to rent kh1 at Blockbuster. An so I rushed to the gameshelf and see if they had kh to rent. An it was checken out! So I asked my dad if they can see when they will get the game back. An the clerk said the person rented the game today just an hour ago, and it isnt due till next week. I was bassicaly SCREWD!!! I beged my dad if I can buy kh since kh was on the GreatistHits thing and it was only $20.00. My dad said we have to ask Mom. So my mom said NO! She said that because I was fluncking school back then. So I had $10.00 dollars that I saved up. But sadly it wasnt enough. So I had to do chores for a week and I would have enough money. So it was friday I did all my chores and I made $40.00 dollars. So I rushed my ass over to Blockbuster and got a copy. At first I was very nuertal about the game it seemed I bought kh just to have friends. But I guess that wasnt the case. I played through Destiny Island the cutscene right after the mushroom thing. I was like YAY! I was actually suprised how short DI was actually. Kinda disapointed at first I was thinking this game will be short and this game will be crap. So I kept playing and I got stuck on the Monstro lv! Man, it was so confusing the mazes the traps! *OMG* I thought my head would exploade and i WILL NEVER EVER BEAT KH so I rememberd they had the stradgey guides at Blockbuster. but it was like really late it was like 12:00 PM and I snuck out of the house and walked to BlockBuster. Luckly they let me in because they were just about to close. So I looked where they selled the guides and i looked through it and thought woah this is ecattley what I neeed! So I paid the cashier and snuck back home and guess what? My parent woke up! I got grounded and missed the sleep over. But that meant I could take my time now and actually feel for the game. 2 days later I was on the final lv. I had to beat the Fianl Form of Ansem. It was like late ar night and my mom was on the computer and I was palying kh. An my mom said let' go too sleep. An my mom was nice enough too keep extending the time. So I knew I have to beat the game I must! So my heart was pounding and my hands was shaking from the excitment knowing this was the last boss. An with a slash there and here Ansem health bar depleted and scremed YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I think I woke up the neighbors! I was so sad because the game was over and that sora and kiari was seperated once more. But wow my mind had ccompletly changed on Disney and Square. I thought Disney only made low budget kiddy games that only 6-8 year olds would enjoy. An I thought all Square was good at was making FF games. But after playing kh my whole mind had changed on these two BIG companies. Kh is somthing you would never excpect out of Disney game. An thanks for square for making this gutsy move. Overall this game was full of magic and adventure! The graphics were awsome, the gamplay was awsome even though it was a hack and slash kind of game. The owrld were fun pact and the bosses were tough allowing you to always use some kind of stradgie. The mini game were SOOOOOOOOO fun I always traveld to the 100 Acre Woods just for the mini games. my favorite was the swing pooh bear as far as you can. I always tried to get a new record. After a few weeks I wanted to play the Collesium. So weirdly I had all the items for the Ultimate Keyblade. I was like woah! That keybalde was the one I constantly used. So one day I beat the Hades cup and my screen began to darken and i went like what the hell!!!??? I thought there was bug or somthing. Then I heard the song da da dum da toda da da . Yeah it;s stuck in my head. An I was like WTF AWSOME!!! Thw kwyblades The two people running up the wall all matrix style and crap. And the keyblads going swoosh! Man, that was awsome! So I played COM I personally thought it was crap. The world were like Mazes and it was really hard and crap. So I beated it with a struggle. So really I had no idea when kh would come out but I did know it was going to come out. So I looked kh up at gamestop and that was my only sit that had info. I dint know any sites that was addicted to kh as i was. So one day I was reading one of the personal reveiws for kh1 or 2 im not sure. An it siad go to kh2.co.uk!!! They have all the kh info your need. that day i found the kh mini socitey! I was A guest forr around two months and I apllied one day, and somthing funny happend. You know how you suppos eto put your E-Mail address? Well I accediently spelt my addres wrong and I had to wait for two weeks! I thought they would never email me. Anwho I tried again and i joined and I got frineds and made theroies an drew fan art and just hanged out here. Yeah imagine 11 day? I rember when it was 4 years. *Sniff*- Kh uis like more than a game in a way. Wow I never thought a game would make me so addicted. I love kh, and one day all of uss fans will be reunited!!!! ^_^


New member
Nov 20, 2005
on the twilit path life takes me
^whoa dude. but I understand the whole 4th grade this is hard and scary thing because my two younger cousins started playion it at my house while i was babysitting (they were in 2nd and 4th grade) and no offence to them but they REALLY REALLY SUCKED! that was an interesting story though
EDIT: oh wait scrath that question I went back and looked


New member
Mar 5, 2006
rainyville washington
when i first saw that ad for kh1 i thought it was a girl game and i wasn't even gonna think about getting it....then EVERYONE started talking about it i felt like an idiot.....so i rented it....beat it.....rented it again......beat it again....borrowed it....beat it again...then i finally bought it by then i was obsessed i preordered kh2 3 and a half years ago time passed and i started to not care anymore it was just taking way toooo long there was a time where i had completely forgotten about it.....then i found this site on accident watched a few previews and tohought OMG that game is SEXY i was obsessed again......then i moved and had to preorder it again.... after the 29th and after i beat it i'll finally be able to die peacefully ....j/k....i feel weird saying it but kingdom hearts is one of the defining moments of my childhood i was 12 when i first played kh1 i'm 16 now if kh3 comes out i'll probably be 18 my entire teenage life will have passed and kingdom hearts will be with me the entire way......haha that sounds really sappy 11 more f-ing days


I'm back!
May 13, 2005
I was in the 6th grade now I'm in high school!
it's so cool my new englsih teacher plays all these RPGs and she's all excited for KH2!
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