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Coming Back


WHat do you think about Xion coming back

  • I think she will come back and im happy! she was the best part of Days

    Votes: 20 19.2%
  • Unfortunately, i dont like xion, but i think she's coming back

    Votes: 20 19.2%
  • Xion isn't coming back, and frankly, i couldn't care less

    Votes: 45 43.3%
  • Xion isn't coming back, which is sad because i like her

    Votes: 19 18.3%

  • Total voters
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New member
Jan 11, 2010
Apparantly someone in the xion hate club just linked this thread. how nice, considering the fact im in the xion fanclub. still im honored :) back on topic, having that manny wielders could lead to somesort of new party customization system in the next kh game, where you choose who you play as and which characters to have in your party. that would be fun.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Xion was listed with those connected to Sora and I assume everyone in that list is tied to the whole "free them from their torment" thing. So I think we will be seeing a return of Xion.
May 16, 2007
Axel is on the "list."
Do you expect him to return (Note: We're talking about Axel here, not Lea)? Of course not, he's a Nobody. It would be like reviving half a person, wouldn't make any sense.

Similarly, with Xion, she was, ultimately a clone of Sora and it would make no sense for her to be restored given that she was never anything more than that. She belongs in Sora as does Roxas.
Reviving them nullifies the entire point of Days and KH2, because you're essentially back at square one (ie Sora's body and soul becomes Roxas again, etc). Not to mention it would render their sacrifices devoid of any meaning whatsoever.

Whether you're a fan of Xion or not, you should pray that she doesn't make a return, otherwise KH is just one giant deus ex machina. Not that the series isn't riddled with them already, but this crosses the line.
Freeing them from their torment does not necessarily mean they have to come back. Undoubtedly, they'll all be referenced, but, aside from TAV, I don't think we'll be seeing them in flesh and blood. Or maybe I just hope we don't.


Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
I agree with you, Grass. And I can't vote because there's no option that says, "I like Xion, but I don't want her to come back."

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Axel is on the "list."
Do you expect him to return (Note: We're talking about Axel here, not Lea)? Of course not, he's a Nobody. It would be like reviving half a person, wouldn't make any sense.

Similarly, with Xion, she was, ultimately a clone of Sora and it would make no sense for her to be restored given that she was never anything more than that. She belongs in Sora as does Roxas.
Reviving them nullifies the entire point of Days and KH2, because you're essentially back at square one (ie Sora's body and soul becomes Roxas again, etc). Not to mention it would render their sacrifices devoid of any meaning whatsoever.

Whether you're a fan of Xion or not, you should pray that she doesn't make a return, otherwise KH is just one giant deus ex machina. Not that the series isn't riddled with them already, but this crosses the line.
Freeing them from their torment does not necessarily mean they have to come back. Undoubtedly, they'll all be referenced, but, aside from TAV, I don't think we'll be seeing them in flesh and blood. Or maybe I just hope we don't.

While I agree Xion may not return physicaly, I have to say I believe we will be seeing Lea again in the future. If nothing else Lea and Roxas' memories of Xion will come back. But I do believe Lea is going to come back. Not because i'm an Axel fan but because I believe Axel did indeed become whole after his dissapearance in KH2, due to his connection to Sora's heart which still hasn't been explained very well, I think Axel did become whole.


KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Freeing them from their torment does not necessarily mean they have to come back. Undoubtedly, they'll all be referenced, but, aside from TAV, I don't think we'll be seeing them in flesh and blood. Or maybe I just hope we don't.

Yeah. Lissar said something interesting about the way 'awakening' was worded implying that perhaps they would getting remembered properly, as they deserve, but not actually come back.

The data namine at the end of Coded says: im sorry. i thought if i could i wanted to help on my own. the real me, since it doesn’t exist anymore.

I dunno, but maybe this is meant to state that the real namine doesn't exist anymore? Who knows. I kinda want to see the Japanese line myself :p

In any case, I friggen well hope Xion doesn't come back. And as much as I love Axel and Roxas, I hope they don't really come back either. Axel's death was perfect the way it was, and Roxas' final acceptance of what he was and where he belonged was perfect too. If they came back... maybe it would feel meaningless. I dunno, I'll just wait and see what happens and how it makes me feel...


Apr 17, 2007
I'm glad that Xion is obviously returning, so that it makes it seem like she wasnt just a random unneccasary character to give Days something interesting in its plot.


May 8, 2007
Xion coming back has all the signs of retcon, deus ex machina bs written all over it. Nomura is just cheerfully swinging his fan-service stick around like crazy. No matter if it goes against the logic of three other games. Making them pointless. Or more in Days case. I'm just going to love the excuse his going to come up with on how Xion, Roxas,and a omnipresent Namine can come back without Sora and Kairi , for lack of a better word,dying. Or going into a sleep their never wake up from.

Their stories were done with. It's absolutely no reason for them to be brought back. This is such blatant fan-service that it's almost sickening. So by some deus ex machina way we are going to have three girls( four really with Aqua) with the exact same face walking around. Two of which will have the same voice. Not to mention Roxas and Ven.facepalm Also about Ven unless Vanitas is alive somewhere I don't see how Ven can wake up.

Death? Fading into your real self? Biggest jokes in the series. Let's bring the Riku Replica back while were at it to.
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New member
Dec 17, 2009
At Vongola's HQ
..... I think Xion is better to not coming back D 8
she has finished his role in Days, and that makes me like her, she sacrifice herself for roxas 8 D


I'm the darkness within the shadows
Apr 20, 2009
i hope she doesnt. i dont really see a point in bringing her back =/

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Xion coming back has all the signs of retcon, deus ex machina bs written all over it. Nomura is just cheerfully swinging his fan-service stick around like crazy. No matter if it goes against the logic of three other games. Making them pointless. Or more in Days case. I'm just going to love the excuse his going to come up with on how Xion, Roxas,and a omnipresent Namine can come back without Sora and Kairi , for lack of a better word,dying. Or going into a sleep their never wake up from.

Their stories were done with. It's absolutely no reason for them to be brought back. This is such blatant fan-service that it's almost sickening. So by some deus ex machina way we are going to have three girls( four really with Aqua) with the exact same face walking around. Two of which will have the same voice. Not to mention Roxas and Ven.facepalm Also about Ven unless Vanitas is alive somewhere I don't see how Ven can wake up.

Death? Fading into your real self? Biggest jokes in the series. Let's bring the Riku Replica back while were at it to.

Lea actualy has a chance of returning though simply because it was confirmed he became whole after KH2.

Xion should atleast be mentioned or Sora should atleast learn who she was. Roxas and Namine can obviously come back, they still exist inside of Sora and Kairi. Honestly it's not bad if Roxas, Namine, and Lea return if they are there to help Sora with his next journey.

If you ask me I think all their main characters and characters that were listed to be connected to Sora will all come to together in a future KH game to defeat MX for good, an all out war between the main characters and MX with the heartless/nobodies/unversed/whatever.


She shouldn't, and will not be coming back. She should be remembered though, not just permanently forgotten.


May 8, 2007
Lea actualy has a chance of returning though simply because it was confirmed he became whole after KH2.

Axel/Lea is a character that doesn't know how to stay dead because the power of fan-service keeps him alive. So in that regard I knew he was coming back. Officially though it was never stated that he would. Plus you just know that convenient Directors Report about nobodies possibly returning to their real selves if certain conditions are met was made just so Nomura can keep whoring Axel out. Or rather Lea now.

Xion should atleast be mentioned or Sora should atleast learn who she was. Roxas and Namine can obviously come back, they still exist inside of Sora and Kairi. Honestly it's not bad if Roxas, Namine, and Lea return if they are there to help Sora with his next journey.

Remembering is one thing, but actually deus ex machinaing a way to pop out of Sora all of a sudden to be her own person when she is nothing but a bag of memories that are in their rightful place is something else entirely. Namine and Roxas can not obviously come back as you put it. That was the whole point of them merging for good after the Xenmas's( fake) last battle. They are one with their human-selves. They are Kairi and Sora now. Smiling at each other on Destiny Islands through them only meant, just like they themselves said, that they will see each other as how they looked as nobodies. Not that it was hinting at some retcon way for them to walk around now since they are completely whole. Also I could have sworn data Namine herself says that her real self is gone.

I mean not only will Nomura have to come up with a big asspull to even begin to explain why Namine, Roxas, and Xion( who all went peacefully back where they belonged in the first place) are now out out of their host, it will retcon the past three games like crazy. Is that the kind of stuff you'll tolerate just because it's Kingdom hearts?

Also Nomura himself said it would be difficult to bring her back. Implying that it was never his intent to do so in the first place,and thus if he brings her back anyway it will have to be vie some bs fan-service. Remembering(retcon but let's at least give her oh so tragic self that) is okay. Actually physically bringing her back, and completely negating what we had to go through with her in Days is not okay at all.
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