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coded Episode 5 "Agrabah" [SPOILERS]

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Ultra-sleek Librarian
Jun 19, 2009
Proud Oregonian!
Episode 5 of coded was out in Japan yesterday! ReBirth Wings has posted a summary/walkthrough of the episode for us, and I have translated it into English:

As we saw last time, Pete has suddenly appeared at the Coliseum. He is not data, but has come from the real world in the same way that the King has, to interfere with whatever is going on. Pete tries to run, and Sora ends up following him into the next world.

Sora arrives in Agrabah, but has lost sight of Pete. So he goes around trying to collect information. In the first area (Palace Gates) there is a save point with a moogle beside it. He gives you the Avatar item “Desert Town Wallpaper”. In the same area is a shopkeeper who will exchange High Potions for the battle item “Magna Ball” (which will pull all enemies in the area towards Sora. It has the same effect as the Support Ability “Enemy Draw”.)

Sora searches around Agrabah, and then goes to the palace where he meets Aladdin out front. At first they just have a normal conversation, but when Sora leaves Aladdin stops him and asks him to look for Jasmin.

If you go in front of the palace and climb on the Ash Bug that went to the left, you can reach the top of the wall. You can then cross the Ash Bug and get a “Kupo Nut” from the Prize Bug.

Jasmin is in the Alley (when you get near the Alley from the Main Street you will hear conversation.) When you go into the Alley you will have to fight Jafar. Afterward Jafar will run to the palace, and Sora and Jasmin meet up with Aladdin.

If you enter Main Street through the upper area of the Alley, you will see an Ash Bug which you can cross to a Prize Bug which has the Support Ability “Second Chance”. Then if you go back to where you entered and drop down overhang, there will a Prize Bug close by which has another “Kupo Nut”.

Though they meet at the Palace Gates, Jafar appears immediately and captures Jasmin, while Iago swipes Aladdin’s lamp. Jafar then uses the power of a fake lamp to control time, which means you have to search out Iago to grab the real one under a time limit. At first you only have 30 seconds, but if you get Debug Balls from enemies and Bugs (which are stopped and won’t attack) you can extend the time limit. It can also be extended by breaking open Prize Bugs or using Reaction Combos.

At first Iago will be on top of the wall in front of the palace, but if you talk to him he’ll run. Jafar can also appear and create a time stealing mirage. If you are captured by the mirage you will lose time. But it is very slow moving and can’t climb up high places. So if you stay as high as you can you will be safe. It will not appear on the Main Street, so you can safely build up as much time as you need.

Iago will then go from the Bazaar to the Palace Gates. He will periodically move between these two areas. If you talk to him at the Palace Gates you will be able to steal the lamp back, and Genie will stop the time limit. Unfortunately time doesn’t return to normal, which means they’ll have to defeat Jafar first. With Genie’s power they teleport to the Cave of Wonders.

When they arrive, they see Jafar in front of the Cave of Wonders. He wishes something on the lamp and the Tiger Head goes crazy, and Sora has to fight it. This battle is in Area Debug Mode (4min.) You have to get rid of the eyes, but since the Ash Bugs that you can climb on are only in the air, you will have to use the Bug Spider instead. If you hit them once they will turn into an Ash Bug, and you can walk on them. So climbing the Ash Bugs, you can smash the Tiger Head’s eyes and defeat it. If you get close to the eyes, the head will send out beams of light, but you can block them with Reflect Guard. After you’ve defeated it, you will receive the Debug Ability “Confuse”. It will make the enemies confused and hit each other. Once the battle is finished, Sora follows Jafar into the cave.

There are a lot of traps inside the Cave of Wonders that you’ll have to get past. In the first area (Entrance) there are large boulders that roll down the path. They can’t be broken. The last boulder will roll opposite the others, so be careful. If you get hit by them you will get pushed to the edge, you will receive damage but you can start again from there. In the second area (Chasm of Challenges) there are seven water spouts that you must get by, which should be easy with good timing. If you get pushed off you will receive damage and fall below, and will have to start again at the beginning of the Chasm of Challenges. After that, there will be Ash Bugs to use as platforms, but if you stand on them for too long they won’t be able to hold you up and you’ll fall (when you fall you’ll receive damage, and have to start again in front of the water spouts.) There are few stable platforms, but Air Soldiers will appear there. When you reach the square Ash Bug near the end, you will be taken to a lower level. However, you will have to fight a battle with Air Soldiers three times. If you fall you will receive damage and reappear. Once you’ve gotten past all that, you will be taken to the Lamp Chamber. Jafar is there, and you will have to fight him. He will create two mirages of himself, and you must attack the real one. (The mirages are slightly transparent.) When the battle is finished, Jafar will run to the other side of the keyhole. Sora must find the keyhole within three minutes. Once the keyhole is found, you will enter the boss stage.

In the boss stage, you will be able to gain lots of bonuses depending on how many Bugs you’ve destroyed and how much time is left. In this area you will not be able to touch Jafar, so you’ll have to attack Iago who is holding the lamp. Jafar will aim beams of light at you, and if you get hit Sora’s movements will become slower. You can use Reflect Guard to bounce the attacks off of you, and if you hit Jafar both him and Iago will be stopped for a short time. The beginning will be a normal battle, but after awhile Ash Bugs will appear and Iago will start moving upwards. So then you’ll have to climb up to attack him. Unfortunately, regular attacks do not work all that well, so you’ll have to perform a Reaction Combo about 20 times. Once you’ve defeated and sealed Jafar, you will receive the Debug Ability “D Blizzard”.

Sora then sees Pete and chases after him, but Maleficent appears and destroys Sora’s keyblade. “This is our world, you know” she says, and summons Shadows.
They do love their cliffhanger endings don't they?

joeybe HNIC

New member
Sep 18, 2007
She destroys his keyblade? 0_o

At first, I thought Coded was going to be useless. But now I'm think otherwise :]


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Gracias for the translations, Lissar.

November: Episode-VI [all-but-confirmed to be staged within Hollow-Bastion]
December: Episode-VII [????]

A seventh-part is unconfirmed, albeit very likely, but could potentially act as the final-chapter. It certainly seems as though coded is set to conclude just as Birth-by-Sleep is finally released -- and I doubt that's purely-coincidental. =P


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I don't think that it will just be 7 chapters; it's so far going in the same order as the worlds from the first game (with the obvious exception of Deep Jungle). So that means

Chapter 6 - Monstro
Chapter 7 - Atlantica
Chapter 8 - Halloween Town
Chapter 9 - Neverland
Chapter 10 - Hollow Bastion
Chapter 11 - Finale (if the finale isn't in Hollow Bastion).

So, overall, I'm expecting at most maybe 11 chapters. Maybe 12 so that they can make its release go for a full year.


galactic cancer
May 17, 2007
The Land of Sand and Prisms
I predict extra usage of HB because of Maleficent and Pete being included, or at least a return to Traverse Town. Perhaps a mindfuck with data Disney Castle?


Aug 2, 2005
I don't think that it will just be 7 chapters; it's so far going in the same order as the worlds from the first game (with the obvious exception of Deep Jungle). So that means

Chapter 6 - Monstro
Chapter 7 - Atlantica
Chapter 8 - Halloween Town
Chapter 9 - Neverland
Chapter 10 - Hollow Bastion
Chapter 11 - Finale (if the finale isn't in Hollow Bastion).

So, overall, I'm expecting at most maybe 11 chapters. Maybe 12 so that they can make its release go for a full year.

It shows six worlds at the beginning of coded, and so far all of them have been visited except for Hollow Bastion, so I would assume that Hollow Bastion is the only world left.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Holy snap. Bad-ass Maleficent is back.
I suppose this confirms that her and Pete survived TWTNW.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
So Pete and Malifecent did survive. I wonder how they got into the journal though.


The Troll
Feb 9, 2009
Sinking into the light with a heart of pure darkne
Wow, Coded finally has caught my attention. Be interesting to see how this develops.

It shows six worlds at the beginning of coded, and so far all of them have been visited except for Hollow Bastion, so I would assume that Hollow Bastion is the only world left.

But we only have Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum and Agrabah. And the story has not even fully developed yet, we have yet to be given even a shred of the answers Nomura promised. There's has got to be more, especially since there is an image of Riku in Neverland, so at least that will appear.


Aug 2, 2005
There's has got to be more, especially since there is an image of Riku in Neverland, so at least that will appear.

Mickey was supposed to appear in Traverse Town, but that never happened.

Unless of course, Mickey goes back to Traverse Town with Sora in a future episode.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Wow i have told all my friends KH CODED looks epic but they all give me crap since its a cellphone game and its not going to come out in the states but still on youtube you can watch all the cutscenes with english SUBs so i think its fun and heck its all we have thats after kh 2~~~~~~~~!!


New member
Mar 5, 2006
Wasn't someone "hacking the signal" in the previous episode? Could it have been those two?

And what are they after?? I think I do love Coded....


Aug 2, 2005
Wow i have told all my friends KH CODED looks epic but they all give me crap since its a cellphone game and its not going to come out in the states but still on youtube you can watch all the cutscenes with english SUBs so i think its fun and heck its all we have thats after kh 2~~~~~~~~!!

If the real Pete and Maleficent are in this, then it's even more likely that North America will be seeing the game.
May 16, 2007
If Pete and Maleficent are the "real enemies" of coded... if the message "we must return to free them from their torment" is their doing (for whatever reason), I'm going to be severely disappointed.

Though there is an up side to this.
Maleficent has outstayed her welcome, as I see it. This is becoming a generic villain return. Maleficent is the Team Rocket of KH. I wouldn't exactly be thrilled if she were to show up in KH3.

Maybe coded is an opportunity to, you know, get rid of her. Or at least have her piece of the plot settled in some way. Doubt it, but eh.


Apr 17, 2007
If Pete and Maleficent are the "real enemies" of coded... if the message "we must return to free them from their torment" is their doing (for whatever reason), I'm going to be severely disappointed.

Though there is an up side to this.
Maleficent has outstayed her welcome, as I see it. This is becoming a generic villain return. Maleficent is the Team Rocket of KH. I wouldn't exactly be thrilled if she were to show up in KH3.

Maybe coded is an opportunity to, you know, get rid of her. Or at least have her piece of the plot settled in some way. Doubt it, but eh.

I think that it was said long ago that the 'real enemy' of KH in general will be revealed in Coded. Surely they can't be Pete or Maleficent. It just makes curious why they left the message saying saying the stuff about the torment. Who could 'they' be?

Plus I doubt this will be the last we see of Maleficent. She is sure to show up in KHIII but I'm sure her role will be better than her one in KHII seeing as she has now showed up in this and will in BBS. I'm hoping she gets an alliance together again.
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