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Why is it when Cloud and Sephiroth fight they go to this other dimension and then when u go to the Hades cup hes in there and why isnt he as equally strong as Sephiroth? It just doesnt make sence.
i think that he is in the tournament cuz the tournament supposed to be like an extra (or would you preffer to not fight him at all). and i think that sephiroth is stronger because he is the darkness inside cloud and that darkness it's making cloud weak....i guess.
Well the tounament had nothing to do with the story but i think that Sephiroth is stronger than Cloud is because Sephiroth represents Clouds dark past and he cant overcome his own darkness thus giving Sephiroth more strength
They should have had you fight Cloud, Leon, Tifa, AND Sephiroth and Match 49...now THAT would be a challenge. I got in english last week and the voices are amazing. Cloud's is perfect.