Yea...pwn3d to the max said:yeah
there no need to be another ffVII character in the game
pwn3d to the max said:yeah there need to be a balance and there need to be rinoa or soemthing in the game
New2Ya said:I would more think of Seifer kidnapping Rinoa somewhere in the game. Squall of course get's mad and wants to attack Seifer. But Fujin and Raijin want to battle first.
So we (Sora) get to fight together with Squall!!!! <= wouldnt that rock! XD
And then we first need to defeat F and R and then Seifer will battle after that.
After you saved Rinoa, the story just goes on where it left...
Oh and then during the credits, like in KH1 we get to see more scenes you know? Maybe we could see Squall dance with Rinoa in the ballroom of Beast and Beauty, muwahahhahaa!!!!
New2Ya said:Oh and then during the credits, like in KH1 we get to see more scenes you know? Maybe we could see Squall dance with Rinoa in the ballroom of Beast and Beauty, muwahahhahaa!!!!
pwn3d to the max said:lol that would be crazy
i would like to see squall die again it was way funny lol