And that could be the world from my original idea, after the magic is gone.
That might work if the idea about how magic works there is slightly altered.
*makes new magic*
OK, my first idea about the magic was that it is the power of the sun, stored in it's heart. Those with a strong heart and/or soul can connect to it and use it. They use it to much, and at some point there is nothing left.
If you want a post-Apocalyptic world, it could be that the sun wasn't supposed to go out of power because it will generate it on it's own, but to much is used at one time. A nice example I just came up with: A terrible disease that makes people lose consiousness (sp?) and kills them within a few days. It and can't be cured at a normal way. It costs a lot of magic to cure it and it spreads very fast. Every one who has it is cured to stop it from spreading, but there's not enough power. The sun slowly turns red, and the magic gets weaker and weaker. It takes time for the healed people to wake up, and when they finely do so, they find only dead people. The sub can only generate enough power to keep itself burning, and it stays red. Every 'hospital' will be a seperate group, that will try to find out what happened.
I think to much.....
What do you guys think of something like that?