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Fanfiction ► Cirque du Vie

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New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
Herr Merlin: From all I can tell, "somnus" means "sleep", and "nemo" means "no one"; due to the multitude of Latin noun and verb endings, I cannot be completely sure as to the second word's meaning. And part one's title is 'Seven Days Earlier'...

hmm, no one sleeps seems to fit, considering the nature of the title (it was the name of the song in the Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer) and the lyrics. thank you Jones, and i hope to see your next update soon.

with all due respect,


New member
May 10, 2007
Great new chapter, as always. The two new ghostly figures are quite interesting. I again look forward to the next chapter.

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
Beautifully done.

My favorite characters thus far would be Morbin and Brillian. They seem like two old English knights who always have at least a ten minute debate over something, which to me, is mildly hilarious.

I like the references to those that will not be mentioned in the story (Noted in Chapter One) but it gives the reader the sense that Darkness is going to cover the World(s). The Necromancer - Sauron, is tightening his grip over Middle-Earth, as Helios is doing the same.

Excellent Devil-archtype villan in Helios. His use of fire in his sword, his main goal of controlling life, were all reasons unsuspectable. Until I read Zion, and then I realized.


I await yet another stunning chapter from thy cranial-logistic and creative mind, Davy Jones.

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Sorry: it seems I have slipped back into time slippage mode. I was filling my iTunes library with songs, album art, album names, etc. But that is no excuse, so again, sorry.

Thank you for your most unwarranted praise of my writing skills. I appreciate your continued patronage of my stories. And now, without further ado, I present to you the next chapter.


Miltuxhi wiped his brow with his black gloved hand. He took off his green glasses and rubbed them clean with a small handkerchief on the table. So far, the only outcome of combining a heart with sulfuric acid was a large amount of smoke;the thermal properties of his lab made it much better for a sauna than a practical experimental facility, but it had the best view of the ever growing heart shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts.

The World That Never Was had been rediscovered five year earlier by the Neo-Organization, sailing through the worlds on the Dusk Serpent. After the defeat of Xemnas, the world was completely lost to the darkness, and the Dusks were overrun by the multitude of Shadows. The city was still standing, deserted as usual, and the castle was still hovering above the Brink of Despair, just as it had in Sora's days. When the Neo-Organization stumbled upon the fortress, they quickly destroyed all of the Heartless that occupied the castle, leaving the rest to slink through the dark city streets to prey on any unsuspecting visitor. No sign of the former Heartless queen and her henchman were ever found. After exploring and remapping the world in the darkness, the nobodies found that the Betwixt and Between nexus was still a functioning passage to Twilight Town. As it had for the original Organization, it would make the perfect base for the Neo-Organization.

After a month or so of living in darkness, they began to notice a pale light in their empty realm. Upon further inquiries into the source of the light, it was discovered that the light was being created by hearts. Miltuxhi remembered one of Sora's journals where Xemnas was quoted: "They [hearts] gather in Darkness, master-less and free, until they weave together to form Kingdom Hearts." It seemed that the solution to their Nobody problem was imminent. But this was not to be, for the hearts were so tightly woven together that they could not be separated by mere touch or force. So, they turned to Miltuxhi, their leader and resident chemist, who turned to science to solve their dilemma. So far, his quest for an answer had gone nowhere.

Tired after a day of being cooped up in his laboratory, furiously working for a cure, Miltuxhi took off his white lab coat and hung it on a wall rack. He turned off the burners, placed the chemicals and tools in their proper places, and placed a congealed mass of corrupted hearts back in a container. These had come from unlucky emblem heartless; hearts lost to darkness were useless, hearts lost in darkness were not. He turned off the lights, walked out of the lab, turned off the fluorescent lights, and shut the door behind them. He turned right and headed down the sterile white hallway. Every few feet, a Nobody crest appeared on the floor, a newly added feature in the castle. He passed by several rooms and offshoot halls, twisting and turning through the labyrinthine halls, until he arrived at the Hall of Empty Melodies. As of now, the hall was just empty. The arena like space was the same as it had been in Xemnas's days.

Miltuxhi headed out into the middle of the space, humming to himself, and crossed to the other side and out into Naught's Skyway. Not desiring to take the long way to the top of the castle, Miltuxhi harnessed his power over metal and summoned a stairway into existence. Small silver spheres appeared and congealed together, forming a spiral staircase to the Altar of Naught. Pleased with his creation, he ascended the staircase. The journey upwards took him a minute or two, but he arrived at the top quicker than he would have if he had continued through the castle. Once he reached the apex of the castle, he dissolved the staircase, allowing the atoms to return to their original hosts.

"Taking a break for fresh air?"

Miltuxhi looked at Xermoch for a moment, then responded. "Aye. The lab is like a cage sometimes. I just need to stretch my legs and breathe."

Xermoch nodded. "How goes the experiments, Miltuxhi?"

The Steeled Scientist sighed. "Not well. So far, I've managed to singe, burn, freeze, shatter, and vaporize a mass of hearts. But no successful separation has occurred."

"Do you think we can gain access to the hearts without violating the sanctity of Kingdom Hearts?"

"There are still many more options I have at my disposal. We may even be able to encode Kingdom Hearts, using its data to create a single heart."

The Chromatic Knight was unsure. "Last time any recorded encoding of hearts occurred was Ansem's attempt at this very castle. And we all know how that ended."

"True," Miltuxhi replied, "his encoding did not work. But that does not mean the concept is impossible."

Xermoch nodded. "So it would seem. Why don't you call a meeting? A quorum of the twelve members should help redirect the efforts at harnessing hearts."

"Agreed. We shall meet in five minutes."

Miltuxhi summoned a dark portal to the throne room and entered it. Xermoch stayed behind to send out the message. He quickly snapped his fingers, and just like that, all of the light in the world vanished from sight.

(^`^~~~^`^) (^`^~~~^`^) (^`^~~~^`^)

In less than a minute, all twelve members of the Neo-Organization were seated at their thrones, all of which were now at the same level to make a statement of equality. Next to the door into the throne room on the left was an empty that would have been Sidrix's, then Xynox, Honcrox Jexson, Vaxyd, Xermoch, Miltuxhi, Niox, Nuxsod, Xie, Ulmox, Rasceax, and Edox. They all knew that Xermoch's monochromatic summons meant. Each one was seated, waiting impatiently for their superior's report. As usual, he was playing his cello, a prized possession that made him feel more normal. After a brief run through of one of his favorite's, he summoned a dark portal and placed the stringed instrument in. Once the music ended, he began his report.

"As you all know, I have been working to solve the puzzle that is causing us so much problems: why can we not unweave hearts? Unfortunately, we do not possess a cosmic needle that undo the work that Kingdom Hearts has done. So, I have experimented with a plethora of ways by which we could possibly separate one heart from another after they have formed into one large heart. After countless trials, complications have arisen, ensued, and have not been overcome: there has been no successful separation of one heart from another.

"Now, there are still many options available, but the most likely success should come from encoding the data of Kingdom Hearts." At this, there were murmurs through the small group assembled. He glared at them with his icy blue eyes behind his green glasses, and the whispers were quickly silenced. "If we can encode Kingdom Hearts, we should be able to create an algorithm or formula that will allow us to produce a clone of just one heart out of the whole of Kingdom Hearts. Yes, the endeavor is risky; encoding life is no easy feat. But I believe that this is our greatest hope."

He sat down, opening the floor to questions. Vaxyd stood up immediately.

"So, there is no possible way other than encoding?"

Miltuxhi shook his head, his long silver hair waving behind him. "No, this is not true. There are other methods, but most cannot achieve success without-."

"The violation of Kingdom Hearts?" Vaxyd finished.

"Yes. If we try to contact Kingdom Hearts directly, then this world will be overrun by darkness again and we will be destroyed by the profusion of Heartless."

"What about Helios?"

Miltuxhi paled some at the mention of the albino. " What about Helios?"

"He has control of Darkness. He-"

"No one can control Darkness anymore than they can control hearts. The two go hand in hand."

Vaxyd was unfazed. "If we were to manipulate Kingdom Hearts to regain hearts, then he could stave off the 'profusion of Heartless', as you call it. Helios is the answer to our problems."

Miltuxhi arose," Helios cannot be trusted. His wiles will end up destroying us all if we allow him to control our security."

Jexson stood up next to his former captain. "Vaxyd brings up a good point. Helios can control the Heartless for his own purposes, we get hearts for ours, and both sides are happy."

"Helios cannot be trusted!" he fired back. "Now, are there any other suggestions for how to get our hearts?"

No one moved. Silence fell over the room for a moment, but Miltuxhi quickly ended it. "Well then, his meeting is adjourned." With that, everyone quickly disappeared into dark portals, save for Miltuxhi and Xermoch.

"Well, that was unexpected," Xermoch stated flatly.

"Yes. It seems that just like our predecessor, our organization has a tear." Miltuxhi replied. "It is only a matter of time before it falls apart."


New member
May 10, 2007
Another great and interestig chapter. The Neo-Organization's objectives here sure adds a whole new dimension to the story. I look forward to reading what happens next.


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
Quite interesting. a new organization XIII, updated for the modern timeline of the story. good chapter once again.

by the way, i seem to remember you making a reference to a Neo Organization in Cirque de morte (sp?). is this coincidence, or is there a conspiracy going on? lol

with all due respect,

Ban Mido

Kissing the skies.
Aug 24, 2007
the Honkey Tonk.
Pretty good so far. Still, I think you can do better. And It still bothers me that you haven't worked your initial postt around the game's actual story elements and their relation to the original movies. But I guess it's because I think it best not to short the original story to suite my needs.

Best of luck with your new venture.

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Thank you for your advice, ASG. I'll take it into consideration. And that quote in your signature is up there in my top 5

Sadly, there won't be a chapter until next week. I got my wisdom teeth extracted on friday, so the weekend was shot, and this week I have Drum Camp, and then this weekend I have a wedding to go to, and then next week starts summer school in the morning. But, it will be here, and it will zoom onto our dark duo. Title: felix esse femina...


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
Thank you for your advice, ASG. I'll take it into consideration. And that quote in your signature is up there in my top 5

Sadly, there won't be a chapter until next week. I got my wisdom teeth extracted on friday, so the weekend was shot, and this week I have Drum Camp, and then this weekend I have a wedding to go to, and then next week starts summer school in the morning. But, it will be here, and it will zoom onto our dark duo. Title: felix esse femina...

*cringes* i know what that feels like, Jones. i had my wisdom teeth pulled back in February. not fun.

"felix esse femina", hmm... Felix is feminine? if i translated that right, this should be interesting...

with all due respect,

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Sorry for the unnaturally long delay (again), but this is the first time in a while that I've a) had time to write b) felt well enough to write, and c) had the impetus to write. So, we continue our tale with...

Luck Be A Lady

Helios smoothed out the wrinkles in his white suit and dusted off his white loafers. Unfortunately for the slightly obsessive compulsive albino, the fog column that flowed up to the only entrance in the lotus tower did not reverse the flow for the way down; therefore, he had been forced to use a dark portal. The vast amount of energy involved in the gateways always generated a cyclonic action, which Helios cursed as he combed his long white hair. Anaximander stood a few feet away, calmly gazing around at the colossal pink flower that they were standing in. Among all of his redeeming features, the dark keybearer had the vice of no style, Helios realized. But for such a willing and powerful slave and bargaining chip, he could let such a transgression slide away. Sidrix was standing away from the group, minding his own as usual.

"When do we leave, Lord Helios?" Anaximander said, pushing his black hair out of his eyes.

"Patience," Helios replied. "We must wait again for the Ironclad of Lore."

"But what if the keybearers' should follow us, master?" Anaximander pressed.

"Well, then we shall test out the abilities of the Nexus Stone. And besides, those two are most likely in a heated argument or fight as we speak. "

Anaximander nodded in satisfaction. There was a brief pause, then the dark keybearer asked again. "Lord, where do we begin the second phase of your operation?"

Helios sighed with a smile, "Curiosity: a gift and a curse," the albino thought to himself. "My hopes were to be able to make it to the Nexus Core within the day, but unfortunately in all of my time in the library at Willow Castle I was unable to ascertain a means by which to access the center of this galaxy. The closest point to Kingdom Hearts that is known, but the Kingdom cannot be reached through there."

"Then what value does this world hold, Lord Helios?"

"The value of the Nexus Core is that it is home to two things, both diabolical instruments. The first is a book of unknown size and origin, and the second is an old... acquaintance of mine."

An astute deductive reasoner, Anaximander noted the objectification of Helios's "old acquaintance". "So, there is a powerful Heartless guarding the aforementioned book?"

"Yes, indeed. Not just a Heartless... the Heartless..."

"Are you referring to Monsieur...er, Marat, was it?"

Helios nodded. "The one and the same."

As he spoke this, the three villains caught sight of a speck far in the distance. Gradually, it grew larger and nearer until the rusty smokestacks, iron doors, and grotesque hull were clearly visible. After about thirty seconds after they laid eyes on the ship, it touched down onto the edge of the gargantuan lotus with a heavy thud. The entire world shook, but none of the three budged. The heavy iron door folded out from the ship, creating a ramp by which Helios, Sidrix, and Anaximander boarded the ship. The floor still contained several deep ridges in the sand, which Helios smiled at noting were most likely paths that an anxious Dirst had created only minutes before. After the two boarded the ship, the door shut with a loud clang, and then a jolting signalled that the ship had left off.

Anaximander continued the conversation. "Since we cannot access the Nexus Core at this time, how shall we proceed in the interim?"

Helios made his way to the rocking chair and sat down, placing his umbrella up against its side. "In the interim, we shall torment our pestilent trio -."

"Trio?" Sidrix asked, inputting for the first time.

"Aye," Helios responded. "As we speak, Dirst and Trisn are ending their feud and being transformed into one being."

"How could you know?" Sidrix continued.

"Have you forgotten, mate?" Helios answered, his speech more informal than usual. "I"m Helios... savvy?"
Sidrix shook his head but said no more.

"Now, as I was saying before," Helios continued," we will torment the trio into finding the Nexus Core; with the transformation process, the new Charlatan will have the innate knowledge of our cause and the nature of the Nexus Core, including its entrance points. So, we'll just have to hope that luck is on our side in this matter."

"Luck be a lady," Sidrix added.

Helios nodded in consent. "So it would seem."

A few minutes passed by in silence. Helios placed his umbrella in his lap and napped in the chair, Anaximander look out the portholes of the ship at the passing space, and Sidrix stood in the corner looking at the dirt that coated the floor. Soon enough, the ironclad touched down on the fiery world of Mystic Port. Helios awoke right at impact, quickly stretched, and rose from the rocking chair. Anaximander turned his attention towards the door that would open in a moment; Sidrix paid no heed whatsoever. There was a slight screech as the door ground against the hull of the ship, then fell outward onto the ground. The three moved outward onto the edge of the ramp, watching the fire and flames dance like ballerinas on cocaine.

Sidrix tried to summon a dark portal so as to escape the world, but his efforts were fruitless. Helios noticed the Nobody's frustration.

"Alas, the only access point out of here is that pillar." The albino pointed towards the stone pedestal, no more than twenty yards away. Sidrix nodded, waiting for Helios to perform some sort of move that would render the flames little more than scenery. Whatever the Nobody had expected, it definitely wasn't this.

Helios snapped his fingers.

Instantly, every single flame disappeared. Anaximander, bewildered at the power of the move, looked around and noticed that the Nexus Stone was glowing brightly through Helios's suit pocket.

"Now, we may proceed." Helios stated nonchalantly. The three walked out over the scorched rocky plain until they reached the pillar. Helios pulled the Nexus Stone out of his pocket and held it aloft, murmuring under his breath. Anaximander watched as his master floated off and rose the fifteen feet to the top of the pillar in about two seconds. Sidrix, unimpressed by the display, knelt down and jumped upward, achieving the same speed and height as Helios had. Anaximander was forced to climb up a small set of ridges in the rock that made for a makeshift ladder. Being in good shape, he managed to make it to the top relatively quickly, and upon reaching it he found a dark portal waiting for him. He walked across the pillar and entered. He took a quick glance back and saw the pillar sink into the ground with a crumbling rumble. As the portal closed, he saw a Heartless emblem appear over the spot where the pillar sunk in.


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
ah, so the phrase refered to lady luck, hmm? and yet another jack sparrow quote.

overall, not bad, my friend. things are getting pretty interesting pretty quickly. the next instalment, as always, is eagerly awaited. until then...

with all due respect,



New member
May 10, 2007
"Aye," Helios responded. "As we speak, Dirst and Trisn are ending their feud and being transformed into one being."

"How could you know?" Sidrix continued.

"Have you forgotten, mate?" Helios answered, his speech more informal than usual. "I"m Helios... savvy?"

Helios always seems to get more interesting every time he appears, then again, the entire story just seems to get more interesting with each installment. As always, great chapter!

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
After another long wait (sorry guys), the next installment of ein Cirque du Vie (using Gerench) is finally here. Hobey-ho...

Memories of Everything

One instant her heart was there, the next it was shattered to pieces.

Harmony stood stock still in shock, the first stage of the grieving response setting in: denial. She refused to believe that anything bad had happened to her beloved. She gradually fell out of her mental freeze and pressed Zion further.

"You didn't see anyone else in that little...," she paused to search for a word to describe whatever it was that Dirst and Trisn had fallen into and Zion had appeared out of. "Not exactly the assertiveness I need," she joked with her self, but the effects were only superficial; a deep sense of worry still nagged her mind. "You didn't see anyone where you just... appeared from?"

Zion sighed. Whoever this girl was, she was slowly taxing his nerves. However, he indulged her frantic curiosity. "No, I'm afraid I didn't see anyone else, save for the two spirits of Kingdom Hearts."

Harmony sighed, dejected and worried. Requiem scratched his head after hearing the mention of the two spirits.

"So, Zion, was it?" He asked. The newcomer nodded his assent, so Requiem continued. "You mind explaining who the hell you are exactly?"

"I would answer your question, but as far as I know I was just born five minutes ago in another dimension by omnipotent spirits."

"No memory, eh?"

Zion nodded. He turned back to face Harmony. "I am sorry I can't help you find your friend Dirst."

Harmony looked up into his face, too busy worrying about Dirst to really comprehend what he had said. She was about to speak, when she noticed something about Zion. She had noticed the same thing in Trisn only a day or two ago. Her already open mouth dropped open as she recognized the uncanny resemblance between her beloved and this mysterious black-haired person. She blinked a few times, wondering whether or not this was just some cruel trick on her mind, but she soon realized that her realization had been indeed real.

"Dirst! It's me!" She burst out. "It's me, Harmony! Can't you remember me?!"

Requiem was taken off guard. What was she doing. He looked at Zion and was about to apologize for his colleagues rash behavior, when suddenly he too recognized Dirst and Trisn's face in Zion's.

"Well I'll be," he mumbled.

Needless to say, Zion was shocked by Harmony's exclamations. All he could do was deny any knowledge of this Dirst, whoever he was, because he indeed didn't know of him. He slowly walked backwards, away from the two others whom he assumed now to be mentally deranged. Harmony ran after him and grabbed his hand. He tried to pull it away, but she held on tightly.

"Don't you remember, Dirst? We've known each other for years! We left the Convent to find Helios to avenge Elder Sora's death. We fought that Heartless on the Open Ocean. We lost Riku there. We went to Velo-City, survived the Heartless Armada twice. We made it to the Cirque du Mort. Nire...," She paused for a moment, he thought of her friend still very painful; not to mention, his killer was standing right behind her. "Nire was killed there. We followed after Helios, but we didn't catch him in time. You and Trisn tumbled into that inter-dimensional-whatever-thing, and now your here... without memory."

She looked into Zion's eyes and saw only confusion tinged with sympathy; his eyes had no recognition of anything she was telling him. She sank to the ground, dejected, and let go of his hand. Her hands went up to her face as she started to cry.

"No... no..."

Requiem stepped forward towards Zion, who was looking down on the girl with compassion. The Reflection approached the other.

"So, a Charlatan, are we?"

Frustrated, Zion sighed. "I don't know. I don't remember anything! How long does it take for you people to process this fact. I...DON"T... REMEMBER!!!"

Requiem, wiseacre as always, smiled. "Temper, temper. That's no way to act around a lady.

Zion growled, then thrust his fist at the Reflection. The blow hit him square on the shoulder, but Requiem didn't move. Zion shook his hand in pain.

"Having fun yet?" Requiem jeered.

Zion stopped everything. A small slip of memory entered. He had done this before, except not here. Could it be that the girl Harmony was right. Was he really someone else.

"Remembering? Most Charlatan's don't regain that aspect."

Zion stared at the Reflection, disturbed by his almost uncanny ability to read people's minds.

"I remember you, R... Re.. Re..." He paused, racking his brain for the answer. "Re... Requiem! Yes, I remember you. You're the one that killed... Riku and Nire."

"Yes. You are an interesting case yourself. Fusion of two hearts and two souls into one body. Most Charlatans are merely one soul in another's body."

Zion wasn't really listening. It was as if by that one punch the fog that clouded his memory was suddenly blown away. He could see everything now: Sora, Riku, Nire, Requiem, Harmony... and Helios. The sudden flood of thoughts was overwhelming. He walked over to where Harmony sat and sat down next to her. She lifted her head up and looked at Zion with tear filled eyes.

"Yes?" She managed to say between sniffles and tears.

"I remember. I remember how we lost you at the Impenetrable World."

Harmony's face brightened. She hadn't mentioned her capture to him. She smiled and threw her arms around him. He was taken by surprise by the sudden hug, but he quickly embraced her in return.

Requiem couldn't help but smile as he watched to two, but the pain it caused him to watch was too great. He turned around, contemplating how Zion would be able to function now that he would have to deal with two pasts within him. He also wondered if there would be any consequences from these unknown spirits of Kingdom Hearts. They had taken away his memory for a reason, and now it was back, there was probably going to be repercussions.


New member
May 10, 2007
Poor Harmony, she has really been through an emotional rollercoaster. She loses Elder Sora, Riku, and Nire. She fiinds out Helios is her father, sees Dirst and Trisn merged into Zion, thinking he/they lost his memories, and then he/they starts to remember. Well, maybe that isn't as much of a rollercoaster, which goes up and down, but a steep drop followed by a little bump upward (thanks to Zion recovering his/their memories). Either way, it is really nice that the characters and plot are so detailed and involved.

As always, great chapter!
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