Elements Attack
Xermoch and Nuxsod took their seats. Tryllya was left standing alone in the center of the room. Miltuxhi called down from his throne.
"Would you care to sit down?"
With that, he used his powers of metal to create a solid steel chair out of thin air. Tryllya was stunned, but only for a moment; she calmly sat down in the newly made chair.
Nuxsod spoke next in his odd poetic way.
"Superior Miltuxhi, leader of our band.
The princess can summon fire from the palm of her hand."
"Can she now." Vaxyd said, his pirate accent thick.
"I believe we should show her that she is not the only one with special powers here," suggested Rasceax.
"Good idea," Miltuxhi said. "I've shown my element, so lets go on down the line. Niox, your next."
The Static Lord nodded to the Steeled Scientist, then turned to face Tryllya. He pointed his weapon, a mace, at the princess, and a bolt of lightning flew forth towards the girl. Tryllya was scared, but only for a moment, for the bolt arched outward and surrounded her in one ring. Niox looked at the next one to show off and nodded.
Xynox, the Stone Samurai, lept down from his throne and summoned his giant stone zanbato. He stabbed it into the ground, and all around Tryllya huge columns of crystal erupted out of the floor. Tryllya stayed nonchalant, and Xynox withdrew, allowing the Ulmox to do her thing. The Duchess of Light waved her hand and an explosion of light occured. Tryllya shielded her eyes. Then Rasceax came. The Imperator of Shadows with drew the light that Ulmox had created and engulfed the room in darkness. Tryllya looked ahead and saw two beady yellow eyes staring back at her. She let out a small shriek. Rasceax laughed at this, then ended the black night.
Next came the Chromatic Knight. Xermoch drew one of his circular saws and pointed it at Tryllya. Instantly, all of the colors drained away until she was nothing more than white. He replaced the colors then handed the reigns over to Xie. The Dune Vassal used his crossbow to shoot arrows into the ground all around the princess. Tryllya stared up at him, and from the corner of her eye she noticed that the arrows were turning into sand dunes. The sand filled up the entire chamber until it was level with her neck; at this time Xie ended the spell.
Tryllya was still unphased. "You guys are pathetic."
Vaxyd sneered at her. "We're only showing you a tiny sampling of our power." With that, he pulled out his cutlass and threw it into the ground at Tryllya's feet. It stuck and quivered for a moment, then it began to change. Tryllya gazed in wonder as the cutlass changed shape into her father. But he was long dead. How could this be?
"Memory. A powerful thing." Vaxyd said, reading her thoughts.
Everyone in the Neo-Organization could tell that she was unnerved by the apparition of her father. But the continued their elemental show nonetheless. Jexson stared down and using his panpipe played a song that sounded like one that might be played at a time of great sorrow, a requiem of sorts. Tryllya, lost in the hypnotic tones, did not realize that the floor was now flooding with water. Jexson soon stopped playing and the water receded. Next came Honcrox. He calmly pointed his palm at Tryllya and then pressed forward. She was immediately frozen in time. After a few minutes of watching the totally immobile Tryllya, Honcrox released the spell. Nuxsod stood up, clicked his castanets together, and pointed at the princess. A loud screeching filled the room, and a shock wave of sound hit Tryllya square on.
Nuxsod smiled. Payback.
Now came Edox, the Floral Maiden. She calmly wat on her chair, and with a tap of her tanto a huge shrub engulfed the princess. It quickly subsided, leaving room for the last member of the Neo-Organization.
Sidrix, the Moonlit Orphan.
The teen nobody leered at Tryllya with cold eyes. He then rose to from his chair and began to hover above the floor. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists. Slowly, a small moon began to appear in the room. Tryllya stared at it and watched it grow until it covered the ceiling. Then Sidrix slowly opened his eyes. The moon cast light upon the nobody and he began to glow with a sort of spectral essence. Tryllya could only watch as the strange ritual went on. Then, suddenly, Sidrix thrust his hand for ward and a blast of energy hit the unsuspecting Tryllya. She was knocked out of her steel chair, unconcious.