Note: Right now, all of my readers, aka Herrs Para and H0g, are wondering 'why the heck is he double posting?' So the answer is simple. It is starts one line down.
There was a teen sitting on a cliff edge. This world was peaceful, quiet. The Tenth Dimension held many places of beauty. The teen began to meditate. His long black hair flowed in the wind, and his face was protected from the chill wind by a grey mask. He wore a red trench coat with a black dress shirt underneath and black pants. Fastened across his back was a sheathed claymore. He was of normal height, but he cast a long shadow. For he was the greatest assassin of all time, in all worlds.
He tuned out his surroundings and began to think about all of the things that his life was. His half life, really. For he knew that he was cursed; he was one of the few, the rare.
The destined.
Requiem was a Reflection, a being carrying an exact replica of another's heart, but inverted. For instance, light would turn to darkness. Requiem knew that while his heart sang the song of death, his opposite's was singing the song of life. Requiem knew that he would one day find his other.
The wind whistling through the ravine was drowned out by the sudden tread of hundreds of feet. Requiem slowly got up and turned. In his sight was a battalion of Neo-shadow Heartless. At their head was Helios, brandishing his Solar Rapier.
"Well, well,"Requiem said. "Helios, destroyer of worlds, is to scared to meet me alone."
Helios smiled, his white teeth blending in with his skin. "And you have the audacity to taunt me. You surprise me sometimes, how you can kill as an assassin yet feel sorrow for your victims."
Requiem shrugged. "No one wants to die."
"Except for the depressed or deranged." Helios stared into the assassin's eyes. "You can take your mask off; I'm not going to punish you here."
Requiem faltered for a moment, then slowly removed the grey clay mask that was placed on his face. He took it off and dropped it on the ground. His face carried two large scars, one going diagonally across his right eye, the other on his left cheek. Helios smiled.
"The only one ever to survive the Solar Rapier's slice."
Requiem glared at Helios. "You should be shaking right now." The albino simply laughed. Then Requiem unleashed the attack.
He drew a circle on his palm, and it began to glow purple. Requiem then pushed his finger into the center of his palm. Suddenly, the sky clouded. The wind stopped, and rain began to pour down.
"A little drizzle?" Helios taunted. "The rumors say you can flood cities with your little move here."
Then something unthinkable happened. The sky rained flaming boulders. They struck the Heartless horde that had been assembled. The rocks continued to fall until Helios nodded to the assassin.
"So that is the "Tears of Fate," is it not?" Helios asked Requiem, both soaked to the bone.
"Yeah, that's it." Requiem stated. Helios walked up to him. "I have a little job for you to practice that with."
"Who's the target?" Requiem asked, nonchalant as ever.
Helios smiled and his eyes burned with hatred for one person.