Wow... Once again, I am
EXTREMELY sorry for the wait in chapter-age. Once again, complications arose, ensued, and were not overcome. And once again, I beg your forgiveness and your continued patronage of the story. When we last left off, Nire had just been killed by the wicked Darth Requiem (if you didn't catch the Darth Maul allusion to his weapons, its out now). Next, we have funeral, the truth, and...
The Fellowship of the Key
Iod was shocked. As he watched the Reflection assassin walk off of the field, he could only think that he had to be the most powerful person he had ever met.
Well, except for Helios.
This sudden turn in his train of thought raised the question that had been plaguing him all day. Where was Helios? The mechanic held a firm belief that the albino could not be killed by that Trisn brat; in fact, Iod felt that Helios couldn't die at all. So where was he? And where was Treble?
None of it made much sense at all the masterful engineer, but he quickly put the thoughts out of his mind. He gazed up at the darkening sky. Time passed differently here than it did in Willow Castle, but he theorized this was due to size, rotational, and gravitational factors. As the sun set, Iod decided to end the games for the day. It would probably take all night to clear up the boulders that now marked the temporary tomb of the keybearer, Nire.
Iod remembered back to the first meeting at Willow Castle. Helios had said that the keybearers were the only enemies that could stop him. "One down," he thought. He then turned on a microphone that was clipped to his collar and spoke into it.
"Champions, this marks the end of today's battles. Tonight, we shall remember the fallen warriors and feast to the victors. Tomorrow, the matches begin again. Please, move to the shuttles to go back to Willow Castle. Thank you, and good night."
The warrior's slowly filtered out of their various scattered seats. Requiem walked straight into the concourse from the battlefield. He paused for a moment and looked back at the mountain that he had created over his adversary. It was a shame that he had to kill such a fine warrior, but it was unavoidable. He turned back and continued on into the concourse. He reached into his coat, pulled out his mask, and put it on, whilst simultaneously humming his requiem. Once he had securely placed the mask on his face, he felt his mind turn away from the most recent death to one in his past. The memories were scattered as he went further back, but the recollection of deaths were all there, fresh as a field of edelweiss in a mountain hamlet. He remembered vividly her face, her cries, the blood, the killer.
Dirst and Harmony were the last ones to leave the stadium, their eyes fixated on the mass of rock that covered their friend. Dirst suddenly realized that through all they had been through, he and Nire had barely known each other.
"I won't make that mistake with Harmony," he murmured.
Harmony didn't hear his words. Her mind was filled with depression. She silently wept for Nire. Dirst placed his arm around her shoulder to give her support. She put her head on his shoulder and walked with him. Dirst looked into her weeping eyes, hoping to feel the same sadness she felt. But all that he received was hatred. Hatred for Requiem.
His vengeful thoughts were interrupted by the sight of strange creatures moving the boulders. Their black bodies melted in with the shadowed rocks, but their bright yellow eyes were distinctly visible, glowing like a maleficent candle.
"NO!" Dirst shouted. Harmony jumped slightly at the sudden outburst. Dirst let go of her, ran down the stairs, jumped onto the battlefield, and dashed towards the Heartless. He summoned his keyblade, then charged the dark creatures. They all turned to look at him with their beady yellows eyes, wondering what to do. Dirst gave them no choice. He swung at the first one with great raging might, causing it to instantly explode in darkness. The other Heartless soon left their task of picking up the rocks and surrounded the keybearer. Dirst swung at the beasts in a mad whirlwind fury, releasing an immense spray of black vapor as each Heartless died. He swung and swung and yelled until every last one there was gone. Then, he ran to the pile of boulders and scrambled to the top. Upon reaching the summit, he began to push the stones away. Normally, this would have been a difficult task, but in his state of adrenaline rush, any feat was possible.
Boulders began to roll, down the mound, and after a few minutes the mountain had flattened out to a small plateau. In the middle of the boulders was the body of Nire, his once dazzling white body now battered and crushed under the weight of the stones. Dirst looked at the miserable figure for a moment, then he picked the body of his comrade up and carried him towards the concourse. He entered the tunnels and walked into the shuttle bay in a numb state. Once he reached the waiting shuttle, he carried Nire inside and placed him on a few seats in the back that were unoccupied. Dirst sat next to the body and noticed that Harmony was already on the shuttle and was now staring wistfully at her companions, one whose debt was settled and one who still owed.
The shuttle flight lasted only a few minutes. No one else seemed to care about the keybearer's predicament, save for Victor Xylek Winn. The robotics mogul walked to both of them and gave his sincerest apologies. Both nodded, but the condolences did not ease the pain.
When the shuttle arrived, Dirst doggedly carried Nire out of the shuttle, into the castle, and into the main hall. The body of Jors was already their, resting placidly on a bier in the middle of the hall. The members of Helios's entourage filed by the formally armor-clad body with reverence. One woman, whom Dirst remembered from the recognitions before the Cirque du Mort had begun as Tryllya, was trying to hold back tears for the canus warrior. Dirst also noticed another bier in the main hall, this one empty. Dirst walked over and gently placed Nire's body on it. He sighed from exhaustion as he rose back up, and then he held Harmony in an embrace.
Upon doing this, the doors of the castle flew open, and Qell-Hadr walked into the room, brandishing his staff. He wore a ceremonial robe, no doubt for his princely duties back on Yornzo. He proceeded to the biers and stood between them. Then, he began chanting in an inaudible tone and unintelligible language. As he did so, he maneuvered his staff in a series of spins and tricks as if in a trance. Suddenly, he slammed his staff into the ground. After he had done so, logs appeared around the biers. Qell-Hadr then stepped back and pointed his staff at the biers and whispered, "
Duae Flammae." Instantly, two jets of flame flew forth, igniting the biers and their occupants.
Everyone watched as the flames danced wildly over the bodies, almost as if they were savoring a meal. The entire room was bathed in solemnity and the orange glow of the fire. Harmony hugged Dirst tighter, and Dirst returned the embrace. He began to think of something to say to Nire's spirit, but the only thing that came to mind was a song. Dirst felt the source of the tune ironic, but he nevertheless began to hum Requiem's requiem.
The magic flames soon burned away even the ash of the bodies. Qell-Hadr then raised his hands and shouted,"
Exstinguo Flamma!" Every flame in the castle went out. After a minute of memorial in the darkness, Qell-Hadr shouted,"
Lux!" The lights returned, and the funeral attendees began to disperse into the dining hall, where the feast would begin. However, three people remained in the room.
Harmony, Dirst, and Requiem.
The Reflection descended the staircase and stood across from the two Keybearers on the other side of Nire's pyre, or where it used to be.
"I am truly sorry," he said, with uncharacteristc lack of sarcasm or energy. The words seemed to ring true.
"You killed him," Dirst said, letting go of Harmony. "And I will kill you right now!" He summoned his keyblade, but Harmony grabbed him and stopped him. Dirst was shocked, but he said nothing as he saw the tiredness in Harmony's eyes. He sent away the keyblade and then turned back to talk to Requiem.
"Tell me," Dirst said. "What made you become an assassin?"
"It started out as one kill for vengeance," Requiem answered. "Soon, I was in murder up to my neck. I was good at not leaving a trace, so people began to hire me for hits. I couldn't get a regular job; I couldn't live with the deaths without a reason to kill."
"And who was the first kill?"
Requiem paused for a moment to think, then he continued. "A man named Wilkes. He was a thief, and during one of his robberies, he murdered an innocent shopper: my only love, Akine."
Dirst was going to say something, but he was at a loss for words. However, Harmony continued the interrogation.
"Why are you on Helios's side?"
"He offered me revenge against Fury, or Riku, as I now know him to be." Requiem then changed to another subject. "Helios is going after the Nexus Stone."
Dirst remembered his discussion with Riku about the Nexus Stone. The thought of the powerful gem in Helios's hands was a terrible image. "How do you know?"
"I don't trust Helios. So I spied on him. Somehow, he didn't know. He is probably heading towards Lotus Tower as we speak."
Harmony cut in. "Lotus Tower?"
"It is the place where the Nexus Stone resides," explained Dirst. "But he has to have a keyblade to get to it."
Requiem nodded. "He has to first go to the Impenetrable World to get the Genesis Key, which unlocks both the Nexus Stone and the Ragnarok Key."
Dirst was stunned. "So, Helios could already be in possession of it."
Requiem nodded. Dirst looked to Harmony, then at Requiem. "Why are you helping us?"
"To try and repent for all the evil seeds I have sewn in the universe."
"We have to stop him!" Harmony said forcefully, changing the subject.
"We'll leave right now," said Dirst.
"No," Requiem asserted. "Leave in the morning, after you've rested."
"I won't listen to you. You killed Riku and Nire!"
"I had to! It was a life or death struggle."
Dirst was about to attack when Harmony stopped him again. "He's right," she said begrudgingly. "We're in no condition to go as of now. We'll rest up tonight, or at least try to, and in the morning we'll leave. Who knows? We may even get the other keybearer, Trisn, to help us."
Requiem nodded. "Also, Sidrix may help you. He's got a keyblade and a grudge against Helios. But be as wary of him as you are of me."
Harmony nodded, then looked into Dirst's face. Dirst saw now not tiredness and sadness, but a renewed hope and resolve to persevere through and defeat Helios. Dirst capitulated.
"Alright. We'll leave tomorrow and try to get the others to help us."
Without further words, the keybearers and the Reflection parted ways. The two keybearers skipped the feast and went up to their rooms. The bade each other good night, then entered their rooms. Despite their emotional stress, they both fell asleep and slept well.
The next morning, the two keybearers met each other downstairs. Surprisingly, Trisn and Sidrix were already there, expecting them. Dirst and Harmony exchanged introductions with the other keybearers.
"So, we're after Helios right now?" Trisn inquired.
"Yes. We'll leave as soon as we can, which is right now," Dirst answered.
"No, we have another member to our party," Sidrix added, his voice eerily emotionless.
"Who is that?" Harmony asked.
"Requiem," Trisn answered.
Dirst and Harmony exchanged glances. The same thought ran through the minds.
"This can't be good..."