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Fanfiction ► Cirque du Mort

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May 17, 2007
Great, Great job, Davy. this fic continues to engage me. Not that I was expecting that it wouldn't. So, I have to wonder, who fights next?


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
havent thought it out that far, huh? thats okay, some of the best minds in any career worked via ad libbing. groucho marx for example

PS: nice quote in sig. loved that movie. cant wait to see sequal.
EDIT: also like your location. very unimaginitive as Sparrow (excuss me, CAPTAIN Sparrow) put it. lol

with all due respect,

Professor Ven

The Tin Man
Jun 12, 2006
I'm sooo glad I'm done with mine >,<!

Hope yer doin' fine in both yer learnin' an' yer writin' Davy!

Otherwise how could one learn to write without learning, eh?

The Answer is...
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Who indeed knows?

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Note: really, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY sorry about the wait in chapters. I was going to write I just got... WRITER'S BLOCK! *cliche horror film scream*.

But, the wait is over now. Please don't begrudge me, for it will only further scar my soul...

Further Note: There is a small reference to my non-fan-fic writing career with in the words of this chapter...

Beginning of the End

Trisn slowly opened his eyes. Bright light filtered into his view, blinding him and burning his retinas. He took a sharp breath and closed his eyes, then slowly opened them again. The white nothingness soon materialized into several fluorescent bulbs over his head, buzzing monotonously like bored honey bees. The Reflection keybearer slowly twisted his head to the left and took in his surroundings. He was in a sterile white room, and judging by the cold surface at his back he was on a metal examination table. After the chilling sensation on his back, Trisn felt the sudden pain in every cell of his body. He yelled in pain, then remembered what had transpired.

"This, foolish boy, is only the beginning. By the time you know anything, I will be in possession of great power. By the time you understand your knowledge, I will be the master of Kingdom Hearts!"

Helios's words puzzled Trisn, but Helios's last words angered the Reflection to no end.

"Like I said, you have submitted to me by submitting to the Darkness. Have fun, stupid other!"

"That...idiot!" He seethed through clenched teeth, his body still contracted in severe pain. "He'll... pay for... what he's done... to... me!!!" To punctuate his sentence, he slammed his fist on the steel examination table. In strange irony, the excruciating pain began to subside.

Trisn slowly sat up and looked around the room. On the other side of the room from his first sights, cabinets and drawers lined the walls. He moved to get up, but noticed that his right arm was hindered. He looked at it, then noticed an intravenous line running out of a needle in his wrist. He followed the tube to a small rack, upon which hung a half-full bag of clear liquid. Directly behind the thing metal structure in a comfortable leather chair sat a woman with firey red hair. In her hands was a book; Trisn noted that the title on the cover was Erenor: The Trail of Vengeance.

"So it's you then," Trisn said, the words sounding as energetic as the fluorescent light bulbs.

"I must say, you have quite a temper, Trisn," Tryllya stated, not bothering to stop reading the book.

"Why did you save me?" Trisn asked

The question struck Tryllya like a bolt from the blue. She paused, put the book down, and slowly began to choose her words.

"Well, for one, Iod, the new chairman of the Cirque du Mort, needs you to fight. After the destruction of that android AlphaBeta and the death of Jors-." She paused for a moment, her voice somewhat sad. Trisn, from his first impressions of her, had never expected her to be a normal, caring woman. However, it was only a moment. "After the last battle, we need all of the competitors we can get. Also, I couldn't let a fellow being die. That a sufficient answer?"

Trisn nodded, then slowly lay back down on the metal examination table. Now there was something he hadn't felt in a long time...



Dirst made his way down to where Nire and Harmony were sitting. He walked to their row. Nire looked over in his direction, then waved Dirst over. Harmony looked over to, and when she saw Dirst her face became slightly brighter.

"Dirst, you're okay!" Harmony exclaimed excitedly, then came got up and hugged him. Dirst was taken slightly aback by the sudden affectionate gesture, but he nonetheless hugged Harmony in return. Dirst looked at Nire with a quizzical expression. Nire responded with a shrug of his shoulders. Before any further words could be suggested, Iod's voice boomed over the invisible speaker system.

"The next fight will be between-." Once again, the pause was for the PDA calculations."Victor Xylek Winn and War!"

In response, the two competitors headed down to the field. The trio of Keybearers had previously seen Victor Winn, but today he was wearing a suave three piece suit and a grey felt hat. He nonchalantly wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, adjusted his sunglasses, then jumped off of the railing at the front row onto the mercurial battle ground. Instantly, small jets fired off from the heels of his shoes, allowing the robotics mogul to land on the battleground soundlessly. Behind him, a heavily armored, seven and a half foot tall man jumped off of the railing, his short black hair wavering in the wind slightly. He landed with a heavy thud on the battlefield, unphased, and then he drew his massive orange blade.

The silvery surface of the battleground then changed. Soon, stalactites rose up around them, and then walls formed around them, creating a massive cavern. A small hole in the cave roof allowed in minimal light.

Victor Xylek Winn extended his gloved hand to War. "May the best man win this fight."

War merely shrugged. “Conflict fuels me. By simply acknowledging to fight me, you have already lost."

Unshaken, Victor Xylek Winn merely withdrew his hand. "Among mortals, nothing is certain."

War shook his head. "Death is certain. And today, it is certain you will meet the ultimate certainty!"

Suddenly, Iod's voice shouted,"Fight!" The booming call echoed throughout the cave, but before the sound died War had already charged at Victor Winn.

"Today, you shall meet Misery!" With that, he swung the colossal orange blade at the robotics magnate's head. However, Victor Winn quickly slid to the right, with the help of his jet propelled, easily missing War's blade, Misery. Then, Victor pulled a shotgun out of his coat and aimed it at War. He pulled the trigger, releasing a flurry of buck shot at close range. Every single pellet flew into War's chest plate.

But that was all they did.

After that, all of the pellets merely fell to the ground. War smirked, then threw his blade at Victor with surprising speed. Due to sheer instinctual reflexes, Victor ducked down, but not before the blade cleaved his hat in twain. He stayed down as the blade boomeranged back to War's enormous hand. He looked at the hat with a strange sense of loss. Then he got up off the ground, reached into his coat, and drew a small metallic cylinder with a small switch on it. He flicked the switch, and a red beam came out of the cylinder. Victor Xylek Winn readied his laser sword and glared at War with psychotic rage.

"You'll pay for what you did to my hat..."

War smiled, then charged once more with his blade out stretched, looking like some sort of hellish train. Victor quickly jumped to the left and stabbed the laser sword into the massive figure. The laser blade went in up to the handle, but all War did was grunt. Victor Winn jumped back, his mind slowly succumbing to panic. War turned around, his face beaming with the thought of victory.

"As I said, your death today is a certainty!" With that, he swung Misery with a mighty force. Victor, however, would not succumb to death today. Without thinking, he quickly reached into his left pants pocket, retrieving a small cubical package. He slid to the left to dodge the blade, and then threw the cube at the hulking violent entity.

"If this doesn't work, nothing will," Victor thought. But he didn't need to worry.

The cube burst open, and several billion nanite robots swarmed around War's head. He was taken completely by surprise, but after regaining composure, he swung his blade through the cloud around his head. However, the microscopic robots were not harmed. The infiltrated War's ears, nose, and mouth, flying inside his body and attacking his internal organs. War cried out in pain, crumpling to the ground. He tried to get up , but the nanites inside of him ravaged every inch of his body. War let out one finally curse, and then collapsed to the cave floor. Victor Xylek Winn sighed with relief, then sat down on the floor of the faux-cavern, a giddy smile on his face.

In response, the cave dematerialized, reverting back to the silvery battlefield. Upon seeing the full light of the sun, Victor squinted, but then he walked over to the railing, turned on his boots, and hovered up and over the railing, landing noiselessly on the other side next to Iod. The mechanic raised up Victor's hand and shouted, "The winner is Victor Xylek Winn."

Iod then turned and looked at the battle field, noting that War's heavily armored chest was barely rising and falling. Iod then turned back to the robotics mogul.

"No sense in a rematch," Iod thought. "What good will War do again? Besides, we need another competitor since the unfortunate dual death of the last battle. War, weak as he is now, will advance to the next round."


Treble and Helios looked out of the top parapet of Willow Castle as the sun set. Helios turned to his partner in crime.

"Well, it's time we're on our way. We have to go to the Impenetrable World now, to find the Genesis key so as to unlock the Nexus Stone."

Treble nodded. "There is nothing that can stop us now."

Helios looked into the sunset, his face uncharacteristically pensive. "No, I suppose not."

"I'll go get the gummi ship, sir," Treble offered.

Helios shook his head. "No, that won't be necessary. We'll get there much quicker."

Treble thought for a moment, then sighed. "And how is this?"

"We're going to use the dark portals."

"How fast are those?" Treble pressed.

Helios smiled. "How fast is... instantaneous?"

Treble laughed. "Lead the way, sir. "

Helios nodded, then pointed his palm out. A black portal opened before him, making a slight whirring noise. They advanced toward it, but before they entered Helios stopped Treble.

"You've started calling me sir voluntarily."

"It's the least I can do for what you're going to give me."

Helios nodded, then entered the portal, with Treble following right behind him.
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