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Fanfiction ► Cirque du Mort

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R0ad H0g

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Cirque du Mort
Good chapter Herr Crash, intersting use of the keyblade instead of the bow and arrow. Also one question: How is Dirst going to get off of Mechano Coliseum's body?


New member
May 10, 2007
That was a great finish to the battle. I look forward to seeing who the next fight is going to be with.


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
well, Jones, i have finally gotten around to reading your fanfic and i must say...

this is really good! Helios is quite the interesting character (They all are, actually). i must say, i feel sorry for Sora when i read about Kairi dieing. i have also noticed your references (particularly the somewhat vague ones) to famous books/series/movies/etc in your posts. "hobby ho, let's go," for instance. clever.

in any case, bravo, and i eagerly await more.

With all due respect,

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Ah, the great Herr Merlin finally graces my fan fic. Thank you for your comments, and you are the first one to comment on the Hobey-ho thing that is an obvious rip from Pendragon...

To the readers: Chapter hopefully up this weekend. Until then, may the schwartz be with you...

Edit: Also, the whole 10th Dimension concept where the reflections come from is from the game Crash: Twinsanity. Just thought I'd put that out there...
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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Well, another weekend means another chapter. And another chapter means an answer to Herr H0g's plot question, which has been worked out...

And so we go... again.

A Series of Strange Circumstances

Harmony and Nire watched in fascination as the bleak battlefield transformed back into the metallic surface that it had been before the battle. Dirst was still lying atop the Sorcerer Tower's colossal dead body,fast asleep due to his harrowing battle. Suddenly, the Heartless began to evaporate, and Dirst began to sink through the rapidly fading creature as it released an enormous heart into the sky. Dirst plummeted down to the battle field below, but at the last minute his fall stopped, and he gently landed on the floor of the battlefield. Surprisingly, Dirst had slept through the entire fall.

Suddenly, Harmony and Nire were enveloped in ball of darkness. The entire experience lasted no more than a second, and when the orb around them dissipated they saw that everyone of the competitors were together again, seated facing Helios. The albino slowly began applauding, blankly staring at the battleground.

"Well done, Dirst," he absentmindedly said, lost in his own thoughts. Then he snapped out of his reverie. "Now, the next battle shall begin. The competitors are..." Helios nodded to Iod, who pressed a button on his PDA in response. After a second of computations, Iod showed the tiny screen and its even tinier images to Helios, who then repeated and finished his sentence.

"The competitors are Trisn and Helios."

Nire and Harmony slowly watched as a teen with spikey purple hair slowly rose to face the albino. He turned and looked around at all of the competitors, then once again faced Helios. The two were then enveloped in a ball of darkness, and a moment later they appeared on the floor of Mechano Coliseum.

Nire walked over a few rows and then down, where he sat apart from everyone else. Harmony stared down at the youth she now knew to be Trisn for a few moments more, then she followed Nire and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Nire?" She asked, a bit unsure of what she had just seen.

"What?" Nire asked, turning to face her.

"That teen that just went down on to fight Helios-."

"Trisn?" Nire replied, finishing her thought.

"Yeah. Did you notice anything about him?"

"Not really. But then again, I didn't really try to get a good look at him."

Harmony sighed, unsure of whether or not to say what she had found peculiar.

"What is it, Harmony?"

"That Trisn, he-."


"He looks just like Dirst."


Trisn glared at Helios with the same defiance he had shown the other day, but his mind wasn't fully sure of what he was doing. What was it Helios had said?

"In a manner of speaking, I am darkness. And by submitting to the Darkness, you have submitted to me."

The thought of his newfound power somehow making him a slave to Helios chilled Trisn to the bone, but it also gave him the anger that he would need for strength in this battle. Trisn was no fool; he knew that Helios was much more powerful than he was. Suddenly, the strategy he had thought earlier in the week was not going to do him any good at all. So, Trisn decided that the only way to achieve his revenge against Helios was to go all out in this battle. Just when he reached this conclusion, the battle field began to change like it had in the keybearer's Dirst battle.

Dirst. Trisn suddenly began wondering who that keybearer was and why his keyblade was the exact same as his, save white instead of black. And Dirst's looks: Trisn recognized his own features in Dirst, save for hair and eye color. Who was this mysterious keybearer? Could he be the one? Trisn quickly dismissed the question from his mind as he studied his new surroundings.

The two were suddenly on a square marble platform about six inches off of the ground. A pillar protruded from each corner, and the platform was surrounded by a dirt covered floor. Trisn took a step backwards towards the dirt, and a veil of pink light blanketed the field. Trisn slowly backed up to where wall could have connected the pillars. He placed his palm backwards and found that whenever he touched it, a pink wall presented itself. A magical barrier.

"Tell me, Trisn," Helios stated, a smirk on his face. "Do you fear death?

Trisn glared at him, then smiled in return. "Only as much as you fear me."

Helios nodded, then the voice of Iod echoed throughout the coliseum.


Without need for second thought, Helios drew his rapier and pointed it at Trisn. "Shall we dance?"

Trisn smiled, then summoned his keyblade. Darkside materialized in his hand, and he walked foward to begin the circling ritual of the sword fight. Trisn circled opposite Helios as if in some sort of dance. Then, out of nowhere, Helios jumped foward and tried to slash Trisn. The Reflection, however, was quicker, and he jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the deadly blade of Helios's. Helios was temporarily thrown off guard, and Trisn slashed out wih his keyblade at Helios's exposed back. Helios twisted to the side, then swung again. This strike slashed Trisn's baggy pants, but once again the Reflection's fast reflexes spared a horrible death by cremation. Again, Trisn swung his keyblade at Helios's spine, but this time he found flesh, a great surprise to the youth. But this was only the beginning of the surprises.

Helios crumpled onto the ground, his body sprawled over the faux-marble platform. He stared at Trisn with a weak look, then sheepishly beckoned the teen over to him. Trisn obliged, even though his mind screamed not to. The Reflection kneeled down next to Helios.

"What do you want, you albino scum," Trisn spat.

Helios made a full-bodied laugh, much to Trisn's surprise. "This, foolish boy, is only the beginning. By the time you know anything, I will be in possession of great power. By the time you understand your knowledge, I will be the master of Kingdom Hearts!"

With that, Helios clenched his fists. Trisn was immediately seized by terrible pain from his body as his muscles over contracted and his skeleton was squeezed by an unknown force. The Reflection stared at Helios, who merely smiled.

"Like I said, you have submitted to me by submitting to the Darkness. Have fun, stupid other!" And then Helios's body evaporated in a mist of blackness, leaving Trisn to submit to his pain. His mind was almost consumed with the pain, but the other part of his mind kept asking one question.

What did it all mean?

_()-()-()_-(Author's Comments)-_()-()-()_

Well, another chapter has come and gone. My use of italics for emphasis is reminiscent of James Rollins. (great author, you should check him out)

New chapter up this week, sometime from tomorrow to next Sunday...


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
"Tell me, Trisn," Helios stated, a smirk on his face. "Do you fear death?"

quoteing Davey Jones now, are you... Davey Jones (lol)?

anyways, good chapter. i am quite interested now in what Helios hopes to accomplish. i shall tune in tomorrow and Sunday for your next chapter.

and may the force be with you, too, Captain Lone Starr.

With all due respect,


Mar 27, 2007
Another great display of your writing skills, I'm looking forward into reading the next edition.


New member
May 16, 2007
it isnt a question of where, but WHEN
i would be more than happy to search for yet another quote, but there are just too many chapters to go through (lol). this is what happens when i dont read a fic when it just starts, it multiplies to huge preportions.

actually, i have been placing quotes in myself. i have made a list of every quote i could find from teh Another side Another Story, Deep Dive, Sunset Horizens, and the Birth by Sleep secret endings and have been hiding them in my fic since it started. my ending sentence ("with all due respect...") is itself a play off of a quote. anyone care to guess where?

on a side note: Spaceballs was a good movie, wasnt it?

with all due respect,


New member
May 10, 2007
Another excellent chapter! It just keeps getting mroe interesting.

"This, foolish boy, is only the beginning. By the time you know anything, I will be in possession of great power. By the time you understand your knowledge, I will be the master of Kingdom Hearts!"

By the way, was that the play on "One who knows nothing can understand nothing" you mentioned? I looked in the chapter after you mentioned it was there, and I was just curious.
May 17, 2007
Whoa... Sorry I'm late. Family matters, and such. anyway, this was an interesting chapter. Can't wait till next week.

R0ad H0g

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Cirque du Mort
Das un good chapter, Herr Crash. Also, I just noticed that if you replace the "D" in Dirst's name with a "N" and rearrange the letters it spells Trisn. Coincedince?

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Herr Merlin: Frauline Aqua found the quote I was talking about.

Herr H0g: No, it's not a COINCIDENCE! (learn to spell, foolish mortal), there is a method to my MaDnEsS!

Note that Herr Trisn est un Reflection. Herr Helios (I like the alliteration in that) says 'Have fun, stupid other.'

Herr Trisn is someone's other. Now, who could that be... hmm... hmm...

Side note: My definition for a Reflection for fan fic purposes is as follows: a being born of a heart that is the mirror image of another being's. Most Reflections are born in the plane of existence known as the 10th Dimenstion.


Oct 9, 2007
Court House
oh, Davy. it's lovely, though i've not read it all.
more for me to savor.
it is midnight, and i must be off, though i say,
AWESOME FANFIC!!!! hehehe.....


Oct 9, 2007
Court House
Davy, call me Marian. or Mar... one of those two...
Demise of the Ritual? Sorceress Tower? Dirst was in the shadow of the colossal Heartless tower?

I can tell you've played Shadow of the Colossus. Awesome game. Loved how you put the last Colossus into the fanfic like that. Yeah, that one was a killer. Hilarious in a funny way, that one, but you had to be extremely careful with it.

It's awesome, Davy. Awesome, for lack of better word. ^^
May 17, 2007
Davy, call me Marian. or Mar... one of those two...
Demise of the Ritual? Sorceress Tower? Dirst was in the shadow of the colossal Heartless tower?

I can tell you've played Shadow of the Colossus. Awesome game. Loved how you put the last Colossus into the fanfic like that. Yeah, that one was a killer. Hilarious in a funny way, that one, but you had to be extremely careful with it.

It's awesome, Davy. Awesome, for lack of better word. ^^

I still haven't played that game.... Well, I'll pick it up after Christmas. Along with Ico. Congratulations on joining the group that occasionally posts after a new chapter is up! Anyway, new chap soon, Davy?

Also, I just updated After Sora: Age of Darkness. Read. /shameless advertisement.
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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Valde mox! (very soon in Latin). As in, NOW!!! Also, no one caught how I tried to make the new battlefield look like the one from Olympus Coliseum in the first Kingdom Hearts (maybe my imagery was just bad...)

Dual Death

Dirst awoke to the sound of a human howl of pain that filled the arena with a melancholy fog. He sat bolt upright, then surveyed his surroundings. He was in the upper most level of the seats of the Coliseum. He took a quick look around, wondering how he had gotten up here. Last time he had checked, he was dead tired on top of the Sorcerer Tower’s colossal, furry corpse. Now, he was dead tired on top of the Coliseum.

Another question infiltrated his mind. Where had the scream come from? He stared down at the battlefield, which was no a sandy arena with a granite platform in the middle with four columns rising from each corner of the square platform. In the middle, Dirst saw a spasming figure with purple spiky hair. There was the answer to question two. Before he looked away, Dirst thought he saw a veil of dark mist departing from the battlefield like some sort of umbral ghost. What could that be?

Dirst stood up from his makeshift bed and headed down to the front of the arena. He searched for Nire and Harmony all the way, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nire's glossy white cyborg head or Harmony's fair golden hair. As he walked down the first few rows of stairs, he didn't spot them. However, he did spot another person of interest. Dirst jogged down the stairs to around the middle row, and crossed over six seats until he was face to face with the being.
"Awake at last, I see, o sleepy-headed keybearer," Requiem greeted, his words glazed with the sour sting of sarcasm.

"Well, you've seen me fight," Dirst retorted. "What now?"

Requiem avoided the question. "I must admit, you are not the most clever of fighters. Most of your moves were totally devoid of reason. Your cyborg and little girlfriend must have been scared senseless by your thoughtless moves."

"SHUT UP!" Dirst exclaimed, summoning his keyblade. He placed the blade at the Reflection's throat. "One way or another, I will make you pay for what you did to Riku!"

Reqiuem glanced down at the blade at his throat, then smiled at Dirst, contorting the scar that ran across his face.

"I kill because it's my job. You kill because you feel like it. Now, tell me, who is the real villain here?"

Dirst pressed the blade in to the assassin's throat, then dismissed his keyblade. Dirst turned away from Requiem and began to walk away.<br><br> "Dirst," Requiem called. Dirst turned back around.

"What now?"

"Have fun."

Dirst turned around and stood there for a moment, then turned back around. Suddenly, Dirst lashed out, punching Requiem in chest. However, the Reflection was unphased. Instead of the pain Dirst exspected, Requiem merely smiled.

"Having fun yet?"

Dirst grunted, then walked away.


Five minutes later, a bull horn called everyone to assemble at the front row of seats. After five more minutes of allowing the thirty contestants remaining to congregate, Iod stepped out from the crowd. The red-haired mechanic stroked his goatee, then announced the crowd. His voice was slightly shaken, as Victor Xylek Winn realized.

"The next battle shall be between..." Iod took a moment to let his PDA calculate. "... Alpha Beta and Jors."

The Canus warrior stepped forward from the crowd and stood next to Iod; Alpha Beta, who was in the back of the crowd, had to walk down about ten rows from his lone outpost of a seat. Jors, leaned next to Iod and whispered in his ear.

"How could Helios lose? And to that Trisn twerp no less!?"

"I don't know. We can only hope that he is somewhere, formulating a way to come out on top of all these fools."

By the time their hushed conversation was over, Alpha Beta had reached the bottom level. The robot looked between the two, then jumped down onto the battlefield, which had now reverted to its plain mercurial state. The Canus jumped down after the robot, summoning a battle axe. As he landed on the battlefield, it changed into a jungle scene. Towering trees blotted out the sunlight and the view of those in the stands. However, the sentimental value that Jors attached to jungles reminded him of his home world.

The one Helios had destroyed.

Through the trees, Jors could see the seven foot tall form of Alpha Beta, white skin and red hair in stark contrast to the jungle. Then came the cue.

"FIGHT!" Iod's voice boomed.

In an instant, a tree was down. Jors jumped back in surprise the Energy Scythe cut through the thick trunk like hot knife through equally hot butter. The robot charged forward at Jors, scythe swinging. Jors quickly threw up his axe in defense. The scythe smashed against Jors's axe, but the new metal splintered as it hit the tested steel of the axe.

Undeterred, Alpha Beta ripped open his tuxedo jacket, revealing several grenades. Without skipping a beat, he pulled off one grenade and chunked it at Jors. The Canus warrior sidestepped the projectile, but he didn't expect the explosion. The impact knocked Jors down, but the warrior was quick to get back up. He threw his axe at the robot. Alpha Beta, unsuspecting, took the axe full on. It struck one of his grenades, which cause all of them to explode at the same time.

The shockwave knocked Jors backwards into a tree. His skull impacted the thick trunk with a sickening thud, but he came out with just a headache. He looked around and saw something he wasn't expecting.

Alpha Beta was charging towards him.

Weaponless and injured, Jors decided that a feral approach was necessary. As Alpha Beta charged with a sword at the ready, Jors jumped up, claws out and ready for battle. The robot swung the blade, but Jors dodged to the side. He clawed at Alpha Beta's side and was relieved to hear a crunching of metal. The robot, however, continued on undeterred. The continued swinging at each other for around five minutes, each taking turns landing blows on the other. Finally, a tired and scarred Jors knocked the blade out of his hand.

Without warning, Alpha Beta pulled a shotgun off from his back. He quickly pointed the barrels at Jors and pulled the trigger. The blast echoed throughout the pseudo-forest, then everything was silent. Jors put a paw over his stomach, then pulled it away, noting the large amount of blood on it. He looked then at Alpha Beta, who was wearing a sick smile on his face.

"This is the end, dog-man. Say goodbye, forever." He walked forward until he was about six inches away from Jors. Then, suddenly, Jors's hand shot out, going straight into the robot's main circuitry. Now, Alpha Beta looked down at his chest, noting the sparks that were flying out of the gap in his metal skin.

"Goodbye, false man, forever," Jors spat. Then, he sank to the ground, as did Alpha Beta. Jors gazed up at the sky as the trees melted back into the flawless floor of the battlefield. His vision began to black out, and then a fear crept into his mind.

Not a fear of death, but a fear that he would fade into oblivion.
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