Valde mox! (very soon in Latin). As in, NOW!!! Also, no one caught how I tried to make the new battlefield look like the one from Olympus Coliseum in the first Kingdom Hearts (maybe my imagery was just bad...)
Dual Death
Dirst awoke to the sound of a human howl of pain that filled the arena with a melancholy fog. He sat bolt upright, then surveyed his surroundings. He was in the upper most level of the seats of the Coliseum. He took a quick look around, wondering how he had gotten up here. Last time he had checked, he was dead tired on top of the Sorcerer Tower’s colossal, furry corpse. Now, he was dead tired on top of the Coliseum.
Another question infiltrated his mind. Where had the scream come from? He stared down at the battlefield, which was no a sandy arena with a granite platform in the middle with four columns rising from each corner of the square platform. In the middle, Dirst saw a spasming figure with purple spiky hair. There was the answer to question two. Before he looked away, Dirst thought he saw a veil of dark mist departing from the battlefield like some sort of umbral ghost. What could that be?
Dirst stood up from his makeshift bed and headed down to the front of the arena. He searched for Nire and Harmony all the way, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nire's glossy white cyborg head or Harmony's fair golden hair. As he walked down the first few rows of stairs, he didn't spot them. However, he did spot another person of interest. Dirst jogged down the stairs to around the middle row, and crossed over six seats until he was face to face with the being.
"Awake at last, I see, o sleepy-headed keybearer," Requiem greeted, his words glazed with the sour sting of sarcasm.
"Well, you've seen me fight," Dirst retorted. "What now?"
Requiem avoided the question. "I must admit, you are not the most clever of fighters. Most of your moves were totally devoid of reason. Your cyborg and little girlfriend must have been scared senseless by your thoughtless moves."
"SHUT UP!" Dirst exclaimed, summoning his keyblade. He placed the blade at the Reflection's throat. "One way or another, I will make you pay for what you did to Riku!"
Reqiuem glanced down at the blade at his throat, then smiled at Dirst, contorting the scar that ran across his face.
"I kill because it's my job. You kill because you feel like it. Now, tell me, who is the real villain here?"
Dirst pressed the blade in to the assassin's throat, then dismissed his keyblade. Dirst turned away from Requiem and began to walk away.<br><br> "Dirst," Requiem called. Dirst turned back around.
"What now?"
"Have fun."
Dirst turned around and stood there for a moment, then turned back around. Suddenly, Dirst lashed out, punching Requiem in chest. However, the Reflection was unphased. Instead of the pain Dirst exspected, Requiem merely smiled.
"Having fun yet?"
Dirst grunted, then walked away.
Five minutes later, a bull horn called everyone to assemble at the front row of seats. After five more minutes of allowing the thirty contestants remaining to congregate, Iod stepped out from the crowd. The red-haired mechanic stroked his goatee, then announced the crowd. His voice was slightly shaken, as Victor Xylek Winn realized.
"The next battle shall be between..." Iod took a moment to let his PDA calculate. "... Alpha Beta and Jors."
The Canus warrior stepped forward from the crowd and stood next to Iod; Alpha Beta, who was in the back of the crowd, had to walk down about ten rows from his lone outpost of a seat. Jors, leaned next to Iod and whispered in his ear.
"How could Helios lose? And to that Trisn twerp no less!?"
"I don't know. We can only hope that he is somewhere, formulating a way to come out on top of all these fools."
By the time their hushed conversation was over, Alpha Beta had reached the bottom level. The robot looked between the two, then jumped down onto the battlefield, which had now reverted to its plain mercurial state. The Canus jumped down after the robot, summoning a battle axe. As he landed on the battlefield, it changed into a jungle scene. Towering trees blotted out the sunlight and the view of those in the stands. However, the sentimental value that Jors attached to jungles reminded him of his home world.
The one Helios had destroyed.
Through the trees, Jors could see the seven foot tall form of Alpha Beta, white skin and red hair in stark contrast to the jungle. Then came the cue.
"FIGHT!" Iod's voice boomed.
In an instant, a tree was down. Jors jumped back in surprise the Energy Scythe cut through the thick trunk like hot knife through equally hot butter. The robot charged forward at Jors, scythe swinging. Jors quickly threw up his axe in defense. The scythe smashed against Jors's axe, but the new metal splintered as it hit the tested steel of the axe.
Undeterred, Alpha Beta ripped open his tuxedo jacket, revealing several grenades. Without skipping a beat, he pulled off one grenade and chunked it at Jors. The Canus warrior sidestepped the projectile, but he didn't expect the explosion. The impact knocked Jors down, but the warrior was quick to get back up. He threw his axe at the robot. Alpha Beta, unsuspecting, took the axe full on. It struck one of his grenades, which cause all of them to explode at the same time.
The shockwave knocked Jors backwards into a tree. His skull impacted the thick trunk with a sickening thud, but he came out with just a headache. He looked around and saw something he wasn't expecting.
Alpha Beta was charging towards him.
Weaponless and injured, Jors decided that a feral approach was necessary. As Alpha Beta charged with a sword at the ready, Jors jumped up, claws out and ready for battle. The robot swung the blade, but Jors dodged to the side. He clawed at Alpha Beta's side and was relieved to hear a crunching of metal. The robot, however, continued on undeterred. The continued swinging at each other for around five minutes, each taking turns landing blows on the other. Finally, a tired and scarred Jors knocked the blade out of his hand.
Without warning, Alpha Beta pulled a shotgun off from his back. He quickly pointed the barrels at Jors and pulled the trigger. The blast echoed throughout the pseudo-forest, then everything was silent. Jors put a paw over his stomach, then pulled it away, noting the large amount of blood on it. He looked then at Alpha Beta, who was wearing a sick smile on his face.
"This is the end, dog-man. Say goodbye, forever." He walked forward until he was about six inches away from Jors. Then, suddenly, Jors's hand shot out, going straight into the robot's main circuitry. Now, Alpha Beta looked down at his chest, noting the sparks that were flying out of the gap in his metal skin.
"Goodbye, false man, forever," Jors spat. Then, he sank to the ground, as did Alpha Beta. Jors gazed up at the sky as the trees melted back into the flawless floor of the battlefield. His vision began to black out, and then a fear crept into his mind.
Not a fear of death, but a fear that he would fade into oblivion.