KrytenKoro said:Yes, in fact I got 100%, and the story clearly says that the Cetra civilization which created the Gardens and Lunatic Pandora (the Cetra excavation site) was destroyed in the last Lunar Cry (when the monsters come down). You know, that big crater that blocks the way to Esthar? That's where the Last Lunar Cry hit. Also, Odin's base-thingy: It's called Cetra Ruins, and the continent is called Cetra. Hmmmm.. An ancient race that built massive magical machines powered by innately earthy forces, and was destroyed by monsters from space...I wonder where we have heard that before?
Yes I played the game--I also listened to the story instead of just going around randomly killing things.
Oh, and about telling them they're wrong: go do that, and tell me how much they laugh at you in their response.
And by the way, FFVII and FFVIII were designed to be similar games, due to the success of FFVII. I never said either was supposed to be a sequel, that they were exactly the same, or even that they are officially the same world. However, it is NOT official that every FF game has a different world (and this is patently false according to FFT, FFTA, FFXII, FFX, FFX-2, etc.), and what I said is that I thought KH was Nomura's way of nodding to the fact that they are designed to be similar (along with ingame errata or jokes like Zell's My Final Heaven, his grandfather was a spiky-haired soldier with a big sword, while his grandmother ran a bar, etc.) Obviously, the timeline in KH doesn't work, that is obvious. But the worlds are similar, which is what I was saying.
WTH?! Ugh!!! Okay, I'm not quoting all that because it's 10:20PM for me nd I'm flippin' going to say you're SO DAMN WRONG. O GOD!!! KILL ME!!! I have to send some letters to Square and CORRECT YOU ON THIS!!! FFVIII was actually FFVII's failure counterpart, dude. It didn't make as much sales as FFVII but the feel of the game felt similar.
Dude, from what you're saying, FFVIII is like Windwaker and FFVII is Link to the Past. I don't think so dude. You're making it seem like Final Fantasy itself is like the Legend of Zelda, each game having similar aspects but the story different. Dammit, and you might as will inquote the stupid gravestone on the SNES for Final Fantasy that said "Here lies Link"! You might as well think Final Fantasy one was the same world as Hyrule -_-
Dude, I don't know how you somehow thought all this up but I am absolutely sure you're not right. Ugh, we're going to keep flaming each other about this and I seriously doubt we'll end this. Whatever. Someone PLEASE back me up here. This is like that stupid argument about whether Sora was 15 or 16. It's as if you were representing those who said 16 and I'm the one who said 16.
I congratulate you on finding all these details. But you don't really expect just because a few details are the same that the games coincide do you? (As you can tell, my tone has weakened). I read and play my FF games over and over again. Once is not enough for me. FFVII, I know the story by heart. And FFVIII I don't know as well but come on...A lot of FF games share similar things. Rikku's Godhand, for example, was used as weapons by Tifa and Zell but I see no resemblence or significance in that similarity. The Ultima Weapon is something passed through the tradition of Final Fantasy but isn't expected to be the same weapon, unlike the Master Sword in LoZ (I'm getting out of hand with the LoZ -_-).
Okay, one similarity in worlds would be between Tactics Advance and XII. It was OFFICIALLY ordained by Square's representative. I already realized this. But, FFVII has an inequality to the world of FFVIII. The Cetra are natureloving people, man. They're capable of speech with the planet and were graceful. The humans were the ones who endangered their lives. I don't see where YOU'RE getting with the whole "space aliens kill you" thing.
I need someone to support me here. I'll be actually happy to continue debating this with you. I don't prefer debates when it comes to matters on opinions but when it comes to fact, I'll debate until the truth is finally revealed. So, my good friend, as much as you say your answer, I'll say nay. FFVII and FFVIII have revelance but doesn't mean their worlds were adopted from each other.
As I am constantly spamming this thread, why don't we thread this? I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong if PROVEN wrong. But, I'll await then.
KWI! KWI! ^-^ I don't want to see Sora on a Chocobo...He looks...kind of ridiculous...even though I LOVE Chocobos. *Hugs his Chocobo plushie* ^-^
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