Zophar said:That would be awesome to be able to ride around on a chocobo. And have the chocobo theme playing while you are running around and running over heartless, lol.
Hehe.. chocobo summons..
Zophar said:That would be awesome to be able to ride around on a chocobo. And have the chocobo theme playing while you are running around and running over heartless, lol.
Gaiash said:well Hallowbastian is th FF world right?
KrytenKoro said:Hollow Bastion IS NOT FROM SLEEPING BEAUTY! It has nothing to do with that movie, it even says in KH that Malificent moved in!
Also, this may be a bit off topic but although they must live at different times, both FF7 and FF8 talk about being descended form the Centra race, though FF8 is much more closer to that time, with less nuclear technology. In fact, so is FF6. The storyline FF8>FF7 actually works very well, so it could be that Nomura wanted to finally stop with all the subtle hints in the storyline and just throw it out there (though I do think that the timeline has been screwed with in KH, since Squall and Cloud cannot have ever met, still, the worlds being the same works).
Heartless1990 said:WTF are you talking about dude? FFVIII has nothing to do about the Cetra. The story of the Ancients exist in FFVII! *punches his pillow in anger* Ugh. KH has nothing to do with any events from FF. Only thing that they have in common are the characters. Hallow Bastion is the sleeping Beauty world if you want to watch the flippin' movie again! FFVIII and FFVII are not alike at all. FFVIII is a different realm from FFVII. Don't make up stuff, KrytenKoro.
"In Fact, so is FF6"...UGH! Don't make up stuff!
It's not a freakin' fact.
KrytenKoro said:Heartless1990: Actually, the last Lunar Cry destroyed the Cetra civilization in FFVIII, and the Gardens are remnants of they're floating bases. You can look it up on ffcompendium.com
And I didn't say that it was a fact that they were in the same storyline, I said it was a fact that the storylines fit. Cause they do. I never tried to say it was official, I said that you could put the two plots together into a timeline(with a few hundred years, yes, since in FF8 Cetra civilization died 80 years ago, and in FF7 it was a few centuries back) and there would be no inherent contradictions.