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haha i never really liked the magus sisters.. but it'd be fun to fight seymore.. and tidus could join in like the battle with parisite cage in monstro w/ riku ^^
Yuna would be a good choice to add to KH2, but she wouldn't have to be with Tidus and Wakka on Destiny Island. I mean Selphie wasn't in the same world as Squall, was she? I would also like to see Vincent, Seifer, Seymour, or Locke from FF6
Maybe if we met Seymour when he was a child, then we could see what he was like... after all, it was his childhood that influenced his evil deeds... but i think that any final fantasy X characters would be their normal age seing that Auron is his normal age... even though he is dead...
Any generally evil Final Fantasy character would be good. Like Reno. He would be a good addition to KH2. Barret would be cool, even though he's a good guy.