"You can try, and fail again" Wozza said cockily towards Rikken, watching him closely. He knew that Rikken always played hard-ball, and he didn't want to take any chances. "Bring it" he said, letting the slight breeze blow over his head. He smiled slghtly, and drew a piece of gum from his pocket and began to chew it. He didn't want to make a first move, as he wanted to see if Rikken had changed an since the last time they faced.
He knew that Rikken's styl was usually quick and painful. Either that or draged out and suprisingly complex. If he knew anything about Rikken was that whatever he was going to do was going to be unexpected, and Wozza felt ready for the unexpected.
((OOC: It's longer, but still a lil short...for what I lke...))