Kingdom Key:You start out with it, Three Wishes:Find in treasure spots in Agrabah, Crabclaw:Find in treasure spots in Atlantica, Pumkinhead:Find in treasure spots in Halloween Town, Fairy Harp:Find in treasure spots in Neverland, Wishing Star:Find in treasure spots in Monstro, Spellbound:Owl gives it to you in the Hundred Acre Wood, Metal Chocobo:Find in Key to Rewards room in Olympus Coliseum, Olympia:Find in treasure spots in Olympus Coliseum, Lionheart:Find in Key to Rewards room in Traverse Town, Lady Luck:Find in treasure spots in Wonderland, Divine Rose: Find in treasure spots in Hollow Bastion, Oathkeeper:Get after you defeat Darkside in Destiny Islands, Oblivion: Get after you defeat Larxene between the twelfth and thirteenth floors, Diamond Dust: Find in treasure chest inside a Calm Bounty room in Castle Oblivion after defeating Marluxia, One-Winged Angel: Find in a treasure chest inside a Calm Bounty room in Twilight Town after defeating Marluxia, Ultima Weapon:Find in a treasure chest in a calm bounty room in Castle Oblivion after you've cleared both Sora and Riku modes.