i hate nomera cant buy me a 3ds cuz my papr route only 2 dollar a day :|
i hop kil him
i hop kil him
I find that really hard to believe. What do you play besides KH?There's only one game i'm slightly interested in on the 3DS and it's just DDD,there's no way i'm buying one system for one game.
FYI, Super Mario 64 DS, a launch title for the original DS, is pretty much the best 3DS game out now due to the circle pad.
Hey, I added a highly likely scenario as to what lead you to not like it. Tell me how accurate it was. Next time don't skimp on the details.After trying out the 3DS at walmart today...
my eyes started to blur and I stumbled around and tripped into some morbidly obese womans breast and her husband pulled me out and beat the leaving hell out of me and then I wandered back to the video game rack and tried to purchase a copy of sonic free riders for the Kinect and accidentally bought some crappy wii game, so did I like the 3ds?
Yeah, be like me; play KH3 without DDD like I played KH2 without COM. THAT CONFUSION WAS FUN.Hey, I added a highly likely scenario as to what lead you to not like it. Tell me how accurate it was. Next time don't skimp on the details.
Maybe we should all just befriend people who have said system and use them to play our kingdom hearts games. We just need to scope out the rich kids.
I totally agree with everyone who won't buy the system JUST for a KH game, save your parents money and wait for kh3 to be announced and don't play all these side games.
Steal from a rich kid?meh I know I'm gonna acquire a 3DS somehow. I always get the systems I need in some way or another (i don't even remember how I got by DS lite. i sure as hell know I didn't buy the damn thing)
Pokemon (we all know Nintendo is gonna make it)
Which was confirmed fake btw.The Pokemon game will be. Nintendo stated that Pokemon Black/White was the last Pokemon game made for the DS systems, which meant that all the next games are going to the 3DS only. Which will start with the remake of Ruby and Sapphire which ironically was my first Pokemon game (3D Mudkip...YAY!!!)
There is already a Pokemon game in development for the 3DS and it will likely be at E3 but it seems to be not a main title, but more like a sequel or remake of XD: Gale of Darkness as the main character for that game was seen in a snapshot of the game.
Which was confirmed fake btw.